diario de Knight Cat


-spinning 50 min meta chorrear agua por todos lados XD

-piernas ( fuerza)

2x4(40k)2x6(40k) sentadillas
3x6(40) PMR
3x12x14k zancadas estaticas con mancuernas
1x8x40k,2x12x40 makina de gluteos
1x12x30,2x12x35k tricep polea
3x10x8k spoons
1x12x40k,1x12x45k,1x12x50k abdcutores

3x12x10k twist piso piernas elevadas
3x12x14k oblicuos parada

20 min bicy estatica en intervalos
Si es que el no contar la barra es lo que tiene, hace parecer que eres una debilucha cuando en realidad podrias darle una paliza a catwoman con una mano atada a la espalda.

Me gusta más tu entreno de hoy, no porque hayas hecho solo pesas y ningún wod, sino porque te CENTRAS. No puedes continuar con esas matadas de entrenamiento que no te llevan a ningún sitio, y lo sabes.

seba no encontre el post q decias,ese link q pusiste me deriva a cualquier cosa nada qver.

[h=1]This URL has been removed!t to do when you do not lose weight on little food and a lot of practice[/URL][/h] 14, February, 2011 · This URL has been removed! · This URL has been removed! · This URL has been removed!ents"]42 Comments[/URL]

I probably have 2-3 new cases of this every week that writes to me and want help, and in all cases, only the procedure I will share with you here that works.
[h=1]The story is, with some minor differences, the same:[/h] I am usually a girl, who has had or has a greater or lesser extent by an eating disorder, or only slightly more than interested in diet and exercise. I am between 15 and 30 years, and have read many confusing articles or blogs on the web of people who are even more confused than I am. I eat very little food - typ 800-1500 calories - and exercise too much - typ 2-3 hours training every day with strength, intervals, and different types of cardio. In fact I train more than elite athletes at Olympic level do but eat only a fraction of what they do. I have no energy and does very poorly in everyday life, yet I continue to do this because I am afraid that if I quit it I will put on me a lot of fat and automatically become an untrained couch potato at 150 pounds. Certainly overnight.
Hey, what you are doing now does not, and to cut even more leads, at least nowhere ... so what have you got to lose? Do as I say. Although it is hard mentally, so trust me now, okay?

  • cuts down on the amount of cardio, max 20-30min quiet-moderate intensity 3-4 days a week. Walking and cycling to and from work counts too, so if you have a lot of this type of activity is only a matter of 2 days cardio a week in which the upper heart rate limit will be 140, or talk pace if you do not use heart rate monitors.
  • 3-4 short but effective strength training sessions per week, may recommend This URL has been removed!/URL] or This URL has been removed! . Yes, that's exactly right - I want you to train with heavier weights instead of mass høyrepspumpetrening with the lightest weights you can find.
  • gradually increasing calories, primarily from carbohydrates, 200kcal/dag each week until weight has stabilized. Paradoxically NOK is this food topic is usually underspises, when the food topic that will help most in these cases.
This represents an increase of 50g of carbohydrate per day during the first week, preferably eat this meal after training, but you may want to distribute it evenly in every meal. Rice, sweet potato, potato, oatmeal and lots of fruit are my recommendations, teams like This URL has been removed! too ...
Week 2 increases to 200 calories a day again, like the carbohydrates, but you can also distribute it on eg. 10g fat (90kcal) and 30g carbohydrate.
Most often, you should up the LEAST 33-35kcal/kg body weight per day, and so do you stay there for at least 2 weeks, preferably 3-4 weeks before you begin to consider a diet again. Ways you currently 60kg, this means at least 2000-2100kcal, you weigh 70kg, this means at least 2300-2500kcal - note the use of the word LEAST when I, in many cases have been right up on 40kcal/kg without any further weight gain if it done right, and if the person concerned has a high activity level (as they very often).
It is important in this process to not weigh themselves and keep out even if you feel vannete and puffed and just want to cut your food again. Completing the process the body will be allowed to normalize, and all the water will disappear - and bring extra water because you have stress levels and cortisol under control (we are talking chronically elevated levels due to prolonged under eating and over-training). Do not think of it as taking a step back, but to take tilfart to be able to run forward again.
Those who follow the program even if you must know a little bit of anxiety and panic in between, will always end up with a firmer body with fuller muscles - even if the weight can be higher, it is actually important to think about what the weight is made up of, right? If you want to see the "thin-fat" and malnourished, or have a physique that looks resilient, energetic, strong and athletic like? Unless you have ambitions to compete in the scales with the first so I recommend that you forget to use the number it refers to something other than one of many indications of progress - including fat measurements, increases in strength, energy level, hunger, motivation and training desire is important to take into account when deciding whether progress is good.
When you then start to reduce the calories, it is important that it be done very gradually and gently. I know that the need to get it to go fast makes you go right back on a hard diet and cardio tenfold, but then just end back where you started - trust me Wed this one ... If you've done before has never worked, what do you then to believe that it will work this time? Impatience is the biggest and worst saboteur for the progress of humanity has had - and especially for stressed young girls who want to look like their fitness role models.
A small digression here is that it is not particularly productive to use the images found on the network of fitness models that aim, very often we are dealing with images taken after a prolonged diet, where they manipulate water, salt and food to achieve a very short formtopp that maximum holding a day. Proper lighting and a little photoshop magic, magic substances, as appears to physics as a slightly more exaggerated version of reality. Looking at the blog of Christine Weber, and especially this post: This URL has been removed! find a girl who both know how to eat NOK food and keeps a very good shape all year, but also a form that looks more normal than the physics that is portrayed on a stage once a year. Instead, use sources of inspiration that are achievable and realistic is my advice.
This URL has been removed!MEPUtF1oJN0m_yn7Vg"]
[/URL] Great Kristine Weber - competitive terms compared with the normal day's form

[h=1]I did it and now I feel just great - what do I do now?[/h] Next step now is to adjust the calories with something like 100-150kcal in the first place, or 100kcal less on strength training days (3-4 days a week) and 200kcal less on cardio / rest days (4 or 3). Maintain carbohydrate intake as far as possible, and especially the meal after each strength training. At the same time, I would recommend that you keep your protein intake of at least 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight (150g per day if you weigh 60kg) and fat intake of at least 20-30g per day.
Very often this is NOK that one drop at a suitable pace for 2-3 weeks or more, before we then adjust the 100-150kcal again. During this period, do not hang up on the daily fluctuations in weight, but look rather on the average weight from week to week. Have you weighed up 5 days a week, then add all the numbers and divide by 5 to get the average weight. An appropriate weight reduction should be only 200-300 grams per week, and several pounds overnight. When you guarantee that you retain muscle mass, mood and energy. So resist the temptation to adjust down on calories when you have good success, in the belief that it will go faster. It does not and ends ALWAYS with you pannebrasken slams into the wall again, and you're back where you started.
I would strongly recommend you to use This URL has been removed! , because if you exercise and eat right, it is not unusual that you drop in body fat percentage but increases in muscle mass for a while, it's something most of my PT clients do, you're Smart will also allow you to do it. Then you should not adjust despite the fact that the weight is stationary, to drop to an average of 1mm at each measurement point (recommend at least 3-5 different measurement points) as you drop the fat and build muscle simultaneously.
In this way, girls who have not previously received the results of 1000-1500kcal and 1-3h exercise every day, seen to increase in strength and dropping steadily in the fat percentage in the 1800-2200kcal per day and max 1h training (strength or cardio) 5 - 6 days a week.
This URL has been removed!]This image has been removed![/URL] Even more Kristine Weber - a wonderful example of what can be achieved by eating and exercising SMART instead of just simply eating little and exercising A LOT!

[h=1]Why this works[/h] The body is a very sensitive survival machine and will never respond to a theoretical calculation of deficit / surplus would suggest. It is more correct to compare it with a thermostat. Adjust it up (by giving the body more food) and to close windows and doors (by reducing the amount of exercise) will gradually become warmer and warmer in the room, until it stabilizes at the temperature you want. Those who have had an eating disorder with either negative or positive sign, has also made changes to the control mechanisms so that the body becomes more sensitive to the deficit / surplus. The penalty is that they must have more patience than others and rely on much longer time. The battle is unfortunately even harder by the fact that there will always be emotional and override the logical and reasonable, and exaggerate calorie deficit and exercise quantity. In such cases, I recommend a competent coach who you trust and which you are willing to do 110% what he says without making your own adjustments on their own needs and whims ...
This URL has been removed! (prices in the shop)
And if you still have underlying emotional turbidity that takes control and makes you unable to follow the plan from a professional coach on diet and nutrition, recommended a coach in the state therapy BEFORE you contact a coach in training and diet. The two brightest in Norway in this field right now is James Løvstad (http://www.muene.no/) and Jørgen Rasmussen (http://www.tilstandsterapi.com/).
The first thing to do is no matter to take responsibility for their actions, there is no one else can help you control your thoughts, feelings and actions than you. Then you can begin to use the steps in this article. It will do wonders for both your body and your mind!
Børge A. Fagerli
Coach MyRevolution Team
Si es que el no contar la barra es lo que tiene, hace parecer que eres una debilucha cuando en realidad podrias darle una paliza a catwoman con una mano atada a la espalda.

Me gusta más tu entreno de hoy, no porque hayas hecho solo pesas y ningún wod, sino porque te CENTRAS. No puedes continuar con esas matadas de entrenamiento que no te llevan a ningún sitio, y lo sabes.


♥ hahah todo un diario mal porke ella jamas contaba el peso de las barras ni distinguia la de 10 conla de 20 XD

[h=1]This URL has been removed!t to do when you do not lose weight on little food and a lot of practice[/URL][/h] 14, February, 2011 · This URL has been removed! · This URL has been removed! · This URL has been removed!ents"]42 Comments[/URL]

I probably have 2-3 new cases of this every week that writes to me and want help, and in all cases, only the procedure I will share with you here that works.
[h=1]The story is, with some minor differences, the same:[/h] I am usually a girl, who has had or has a greater or lesser extent by an eating disorder, or only slightly more than interested in diet and exercise. I am between 15 and 30 years, and have read many confusing articles or blogs on the web of people who are even more confused than I am. I eat very little food - typ 800-1500 calories - and exercise too much - typ 2-3 hours training every day with strength, intervals, and different types of cardio. In fact I train more than elite athletes at Olympic level do but eat only a fraction of what they do. I have no energy and does very poorly in everyday life, yet I continue to do this because I am afraid that if I quit it I will put on me a lot of fat and automatically become an untrained couch potato at 150 pounds. Certainly overnight.
Hey, what you are doing now does not, and to cut even more leads, at least nowhere ... so what have you got to lose? Do as I say. Although it is hard mentally, so trust me now, okay?

  • cuts down on the amount of cardio, max 20-30min quiet-moderate intensity 3-4 days a week. Walking and cycling to and from work counts too, so if you have a lot of this type of activity is only a matter of 2 days cardio a week in which the upper heart rate limit will be 140, or talk pace if you do not use heart rate monitors.
  • 3-4 short but effective strength training sessions per week, may recommend This URL has been removed!/URL] or This URL has been removed! . Yes, that's exactly right - I want you to train with heavier weights instead of mass høyrepspumpetrening with the lightest weights you can find.
  • gradually increasing calories, primarily from carbohydrates, 200kcal/dag each week until weight has stabilized. Paradoxically NOK is this food topic is usually underspises, when the food topic that will help most in these cases.
This represents an increase of 50g of carbohydrate per day during the first week, preferably eat this meal after training, but you may want to distribute it evenly in every meal. Rice, sweet potato, potato, oatmeal and lots of fruit are my recommendations, teams like This URL has been removed! too ...
Week 2 increases to 200 calories a day again, like the carbohydrates, but you can also distribute it on eg. 10g fat (90kcal) and 30g carbohydrate.
Most often, you should up the LEAST 33-35kcal/kg body weight per day, and so do you stay there for at least 2 weeks, preferably 3-4 weeks before you begin to consider a diet again. Ways you currently 60kg, this means at least 2000-2100kcal, you weigh 70kg, this means at least 2300-2500kcal - note the use of the word LEAST when I, in many cases have been right up on 40kcal/kg without any further weight gain if it done right, and if the person concerned has a high activity level (as they very often).
It is important in this process to not weigh themselves and keep out even if you feel vannete and puffed and just want to cut your food again. Completing the process the body will be allowed to normalize, and all the water will disappear - and bring extra water because you have stress levels and cortisol under control (we are talking chronically elevated levels due to prolonged under eating and over-training). Do not think of it as taking a step back, but to take tilfart to be able to run forward again.
Those who follow the program even if you must know a little bit of anxiety and panic in between, will always end up with a firmer body with fuller muscles - even if the weight can be higher, it is actually important to think about what the weight is made up of, right? If you want to see the "thin-fat" and malnourished, or have a physique that looks resilient, energetic, strong and athletic like? Unless you have ambitions to compete in the scales with the first so I recommend that you forget to use the number it refers to something other than one of many indications of progress - including fat measurements, increases in strength, energy level, hunger, motivation and training desire is important to take into account when deciding whether progress is good.
When you then start to reduce the calories, it is important that it be done very gradually and gently. I know that the need to get it to go fast makes you go right back on a hard diet and cardio tenfold, but then just end back where you started - trust me Wed this one ... If you've done before has never worked, what do you then to believe that it will work this time? Impatience is the biggest and worst saboteur for the progress of humanity has had - and especially for stressed young girls who want to look like their fitness role models.
A small digression here is that it is not particularly productive to use the images found on the network of fitness models that aim, very often we are dealing with images taken after a prolonged diet, where they manipulate water, salt and food to achieve a very short formtopp that maximum holding a day. Proper lighting and a little photoshop magic, magic substances, as appears to physics as a slightly more exaggerated version of reality. Looking at the blog of Christine Weber, and especially this post: This URL has been removed! find a girl who both know how to eat NOK food and keeps a very good shape all year, but also a form that looks more normal than the physics that is portrayed on a stage once a year. Instead, use sources of inspiration that are achievable and realistic is my advice.
This URL has been removed!MEPUtF1oJN0m_yn7Vg"]
[/URL] Great Kristine Weber - competitive terms compared with the normal day's form

[h=1]I did it and now I feel just great - what do I do now?[/h] Next step now is to adjust the calories with something like 100-150kcal in the first place, or 100kcal less on strength training days (3-4 days a week) and 200kcal less on cardio / rest days (4 or 3). Maintain carbohydrate intake as far as possible, and especially the meal after each strength training. At the same time, I would recommend that you keep your protein intake of at least 2.5 grams per kilogram of body weight (150g per day if you weigh 60kg) and fat intake of at least 20-30g per day.
Very often this is NOK that one drop at a suitable pace for 2-3 weeks or more, before we then adjust the 100-150kcal again. During this period, do not hang up on the daily fluctuations in weight, but look rather on the average weight from week to week. Have you weighed up 5 days a week, then add all the numbers and divide by 5 to get the average weight. An appropriate weight reduction should be only 200-300 grams per week, and several pounds overnight. When you guarantee that you retain muscle mass, mood and energy. So resist the temptation to adjust down on calories when you have good success, in the belief that it will go faster. It does not and ends ALWAYS with you pannebrasken slams into the wall again, and you're back where you started.
I would strongly recommend you to use This URL has been removed! , because if you exercise and eat right, it is not unusual that you drop in body fat percentage but increases in muscle mass for a while, it's something most of my PT clients do, you're Smart will also allow you to do it. Then you should not adjust despite the fact that the weight is stationary, to drop to an average of 1mm at each measurement point (recommend at least 3-5 different measurement points) as you drop the fat and build muscle simultaneously.
In this way, girls who have not previously received the results of 1000-1500kcal and 1-3h exercise every day, seen to increase in strength and dropping steadily in the fat percentage in the 1800-2200kcal per day and max 1h training (strength or cardio) 5 - 6 days a week.
This URL has been removed!]This image has been removed![/URL] Even more Kristine Weber - a wonderful example of what can be achieved by eating and exercising SMART instead of just simply eating little and exercising A LOT!

[h=1]Why this works[/h] The body is a very sensitive survival machine and will never respond to a theoretical calculation of deficit / surplus would suggest. It is more correct to compare it with a thermostat. Adjust it up (by giving the body more food) and to close windows and doors (by reducing the amount of exercise) will gradually become warmer and warmer in the room, until it stabilizes at the temperature you want. Those who have had an eating disorder with either negative or positive sign, has also made changes to the control mechanisms so that the body becomes more sensitive to the deficit / surplus. The penalty is that they must have more patience than others and rely on much longer time. The battle is unfortunately even harder by the fact that there will always be emotional and override the logical and reasonable, and exaggerate calorie deficit and exercise quantity. In such cases, I recommend a competent coach who you trust and which you are willing to do 110% what he says without making your own adjustments on their own needs and whims ...
This URL has been removed! (prices in the shop)
And if you still have underlying emotional turbidity that takes control and makes you unable to follow the plan from a professional coach on diet and nutrition, recommended a coach in the state therapy BEFORE you contact a coach in training and diet. The two brightest in Norway in this field right now is James Løvstad (http://www.muene.no/) and Jørgen Rasmussen (http://www.tilstandsterapi.com/).
The first thing to do is no matter to take responsibility for their actions, there is no one else can help you control your thoughts, feelings and actions than you. Then you can begin to use the steps in this article. It will do wonders for both your body and your mind!
Børge A. Fagerli
Coach MyRevolution Team

gracias Seba,traduje algo pero no entiendo un pomelo loq debohacer eso de rutina myro o algo asi no entiendonada ya me cuesta en español eningles XD,ahi dice q teneruna rutina de pesas 3-4 veces por semana,cardio reducir 100kcal eld ia d pesas y 200kcal el dia d cardio suponiendo q son 1500kcal las q ingiero no? La verdad nose q estoy haciendo mal...poco cardio?
Ayer me ponia mis jeans y me quedan mas apretados de muslos y culo,y hablo del mas holgado q me quedaba..no entiendo un pomo q hago mal...nose me rayo la cabeza y me da bronca.
Tengo los triceps blandengues,no me gustan,no defino bien mis hombros,no endurezco abductores ni a palos.Creo que la parte dnd mas se me puede llegar anotar que baje grasa y tonifico es el tronco,pero cuadriceps no noto q baje grasa ni tonifique la vdd.
Nose si me tendras q hacer ajustes en la rutina q hago de repets o series o nose que o es q debo seguir con lo mismo.Ya me diras.

Gata tu objetivo es "endurecerte" no?

Y bajar grasa! tal cual
En resumen para no extenderme demasiado. Lo que estas haciendo mal es que estas entrenando mucho y no estas comiendo de forma adecuada, el cuerpo humano es una máquina altamente adaptable le das de comer poco y entrenas mucho entonces lo que hace es disminuir el metabolismo.

PD: el programa de entrenamiento que sugiere no importa (si es Myo-Rep, 5x5, weider o torso/pierna es lo mismo) es la idea lo interesante.

4 rounds
-10 burpees
-5 front squats 40k
-9 deadlift 40k

-spinning ( clase de resistencia)

2º dia de torso semanal

1x10x10,2x8x10k press b.inclinado ( subi peso pero no pude sostener repts)
1x10x25k,2x10x30k jalonsupino
1x10x20,2x8x25 press hombro en maquina
3x10x6 press hombro banca
1x10x10,1x10x12 remo con mancuernas
a1-2x10x6k pajaros
a2-2x10x6k elev frontales
3x10x8k rolling
1x10x20,2x10x25 rack pull
3x10x8k spoons
Volvemos a lo mismo de siempre ese es un entrenamiento con un gasto calórico de entre 800-1000 kcal. Es el tipo de entrenamiento que hace un atleta de alto rendimiento y que va acompañado con una dieta muy bien pensada. Vos ni siquiera sabés a groso modo cuantas calorías estas consumiendo ni cuantas proteínas ni nada de nada. Estas entrenando mucho y comiendo mal.
Bueno esta cosa simple, aunque para mi sigue muy cargada.

Fullbodys (ir rotando A-B-A-B...) los lunes, miercoles y viernes.


5x5 (subiendo peso en cada serie)
Hip thrust: 4x6 (la niña ha dicho que tenia el culo blando)
Press inclinado con mancuernas: 3x8-10 (subir peso cuando se logren las 3x10 con el mismo peso, luego mantener hasta volver a hacer lo mismo)
Jalon en polea alta (isodinamica 1-2 segundos): 3x8-10 (idem anterior)
Curl de martillo: 3x10-12
Patadas traseras: 3x10-12

Peso muerto sumo:
4x6 (ir subiendo peso a cada serie, la chica se queja de los abductores)
Zancadas con mancuernas: 2x12 (series con el mismo peso)
SS Flexiones con lastre (entre bancos si puede) // remo en polea baja: 3x8-10 (mantener peso y subir cuando se logre el 3x10)
SS Curl en polea // extension de triceps con soga: 2x12//2x12

Martes: cardio + hombro
Press militar: 4x6-8
SS elevaciones laterales manc. // elevaciones posteriores manc: 2x10-12
SS elevaciones frontal en polea // face pulls: 2x10-12

Jueves: cardio + triceps
SS Dips entre bancos // Spoon press: 3x10 // 3x8-10
SS Press frances c/ manc // Flexiones diamond: 3x8-10 // 3x10

Listo. Seguramente este plagado de errores, así que seba puedes destruirla y hacerle una tu como father que eres XD. Lo que debes tener en cuenta es que la chica:
- Quiere entrenar 6 días a la semana.
- Aunque tres de ellos sean menos intensos no quiere hacer cardio solo.
- Quiere que se le note el hombro.
- Dice que tiene flacidez en los triceps.
- A parte no se bien si va a seguir añadiendo wods esos tres días de solo cardio.

Ala, yo ya he cumplido
gracias! queria añadir bueno que quiero tonificar y definir hombros,triceps,abs,abductores y aductores y gluteos ( sin subirle volumen).
MI intenciones poder entrenar 6 dias x semana,los dias q hago cardio termino por agregarle wods o algo extra porque me es poco una sola clase de spinning y luego subirme al eliptico es como q me tomo todo el trabajo de ir al gymque no me quedan cerca XD para estar una sola hora? ni loca ,soy obsesiva lose pero nopuedo ir por una hora nomas siento q nome rinde ,y nome canso con spinning solamente.
Quiero seguir haciendo pesas pero le comentaba a rasko que si se podia cambiar la distribucion dela rutina xq yo solo noto resistencia fisica,dnd mas estoy añadiendo pesos es en espalda,abs,pmr,sentadillas...me cuestahorrores todolo q sea mancuernas para hombros o vuelos laterales ( no tengofuerza) ,en pecho subi apenas los pesos tmb.
Pero no noto firmeza en mi piel en abductores ,en triceps,en abs (inferiores) en elculo..no lo noto realmente.
Yo nose nada de como armarme una rutina,se q me esuve cebando conlos wods mas q nada porke me estaban resultando en cuanto a agilidad y resistencia realmente lonoto pero pienso q podria dejarlo para 2 o 3 veces a la semana distribuidos sobre todo para losdias de aerobico ,de abs,de triceps-hombros,abdcutores perono para eldia d piernas xq termino como conmucho acido lactico en las patas y me mata.Les parece mal como digo?
Ayer mi profe d spinning me invito a un encuetro q hace de 2 hs casi de clase esa como una exhibicion y dice q tengo buena tecnica blabla y resistencia me invito jaja y le comente lo q estaba haciendo y mi dificultad yme dice q trate d meter los dias d descarga q hacemos spinning q aproveche y meta dias de descarga en loq es fierros y wods como para barrer elacido lactico del cuerpo y ya la semana siguiente poder estar como nueva.Me parece q puede estar bien eso que lo implemente peronose como se organiza eso en una rutina d fierros cada cuanto debo hacer semana de descarga y q debo de modificar en si,pesos pero mantiendo las series y repets o se cambia todo en si.

bueno eso ,jaja besos gracias x pasar
Boluuuuudaaaa peerrrdiiiidaaaaaa!!!! _latigo2__latigo2__latigo2_

Ya me tenías preocupada!...te perdés así no más???...qué estás creyendo, qué te mandas sola??? XD.

Soy tu hermana mayor! y no tengo ni idea de lo que quieres con ese ladrillo de texto tan pesado que escribís!!..viste? jajaja

Esperemos que venga alguno de los sabios del fitness resolverte las dudas, porque yo no tengo meridiana idea del crossfit o más bien, de esos pedazos de entrenos de guerra que te metes! _beso_...

PD: Madre de Dios, se me nota la influencia gaucha en el acento! jajaj
jajajajjaa boludaa! visstee visteeee? que t pasaaa!
ando perdida si tngo mi madre encima en Buenos Aires y me tiene como maleta de loco de aca p alla,previo a las fiestas esun caos todo.
Che ,lo q pasa q quiero acomodarme ya desde ahora porque sime voy de vacaciones quiero irme con todo ya ordenadito para poder empezarlo desp sin problemas o empezarlo ahora hasta que me vaya a Punta.
Los wods los quiero desparramar en la semana no todos los dias como vengo haciendo y de la rutina ver si se puede cambiar la distribucion o algo porque no me esta funcionando yo creo del todo ,nose q onda..:s

vos en q andas!!
Vamos a simplificar las cosas:

1. Una hora basta la verdad, dos? un poco demasiado.
2. Una cosa es especificar otra cosa es obsesionarte. No vas a tener los triceps mas duros por machacarlos mas si te sigues metiendo entrenos de dos horas y no comes para curbrir las dos horas de entrenamiento!
3. Aferrate a lo básico, meterte en otras cosas te puede salir mal.
4. Y creo que lo más importante es que no dejas descanso a los musculos!! 20 min de spinning okay, fuerza para piernas? ...hmmm como vas a hacer eso después de spinning, añadele 30 min de intervalos y olvidate de caminar durante un par de dias. Repite spinning e intervalos más dias, estás llamando a rhabdo. 1 dia de descanso para todo el trabajo que haces? NO WAY!

Enserio gata, ve al foro de dietas y armate una buena. En cuanto a la rutina, la de Rasko está bien, quiza cambiaria algunas cosas, aún asi me parece mucho volumen.
Vamos a simplificar las cosas:

1. Una hora basta la verdad, dos? un poco demasiado.
2. Una cosa es especificar otra cosa es obsesionarte. No vas a tener los triceps mas duros por machacarlos mas si te sigues metiendo entrenos de dos horas y no comes para curbrir las dos horas de entrenamiento!
3. Aferrate a lo básico, meterte en otras cosas te puede salir mal.
4. Y creo que lo más importante es que no dejas descanso a los musculos!! 20 min de spinning okay, fuerza para piernas? ...hmmm como vas a hacer eso después de spinning, añadele 30 min de intervalos y olvidate de caminar durante un par de dias. Repite spinning e intervalos más dias, estás llamando a rhabdo. 1 dia de descanso para todo el trabajo que haces? NO WAY!

Enserio gata, ve al foro de dietas y armate una buena. En cuanto a la rutina, la de Rasko está bien, quiza cambiaria algunas cosas, aún asi me parece mucho volumen.

1-una hora? yo enunahora no hago nada,hablo de una hora reloj que sabemos muy bien en el gym hacer una rutina t lleva mas q eso porque segun q tipo de gym vayas y q debes hacer siempre hay q esperar las makinas etc,lo cual una hora no es nada.
Cuando me refiero a una hora es decir por ejemplo tomar una clase nomas: bodycombat,spinning ( q no es una hora completa),bodypump ...estan estipuladas q se hacen en 1h pero el entreno no t lleva eso.
Yo para irme hasta el gym p/ meterme a una clase nomas .NO WAY.no me rinde a mi ir entonces al gym para eso solo me entiendes?Y,no me gusta ,no me canso nada.
2.yo no digo que me los macheque en los entrenos si miras mi rutina hago 1 o 2 de triceps y no es mucho peso,solo digo q quizas la distribucion de la rutina semanal ya no me este funcionando del todo por eso preguntaba si podia ser q eso suceda si habia posibilidad de cambiarlo d alguna forma para hacer mas incapie en lso puntos que menos me gustan.
3-no entendi lo de aferrarme a lo basico.
4-piernas no siempre hice desp d spinning, a veces lo tuve q hacer por una cuestion de tiempo o porke realmente ahora en verano esimposible el gym de la gente q hay,pero no es siempre asi..trato de hacer loq es fierros antes de spinning si se puede.Un dia de descanso a mi me parece suficiente d verdad no me noto mal,nose puede q segun como venga la semana a veces me tome dos dias o por X circunstancia me tome dos si pero no lo es siempre.

gracias un besoo!
Enserio gata, ve al foro de dietas y armate una buena. En cuanto a la rutina, la de Rasko está bien, quiza cambiaria algunas cosas, aún asi me parece mucho volumen.

A mi tambien, pero se que es dificil de convencer, intentalo tu