Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - TEAM FIRE

Having a good day but exercise remains where I am not max-ing out on the points.. nonetheless exercise is a definite incremental improvement for me compared to before the WLC. My plan this week is to do sit-ups day 1, jog day-2, weights day-3, swimming day-4, push-ups day-5, dancing (not such a pretty sight) day-6, walking day-7.

I'm not agonizing on week-over-week weight loss... the healthy challenge activities combined with responsible eating should result in long term weight loss so I am not agonizing over the short term. Still, it is nice to see I am shrinking a bit and fitting into my pants slightly better since last week.
Transparent, I am glad that my little stroppy fit helped you. In a way, that's what we're all here for, to drag each other back up if we're down, right? I can honestly say that having my little rant, and reading the replies, did help me, and knowing that it helped somebody else is an added bonus. :) What do you say, we both kick that 'I give up' thought in the butt, and show it who's boss?? :smash:

In other news, I seem to finally have managed a breakthrough with my sinus infection. How? Not with medicines, but by complete accident. After going swimming, I went into the sauna, and stayed there for about 15 minutes. After about 10 minutes I could feel my nose starting to run, and ever since then things have been 'clearing out' - I won't go into more detail because it's gross, but you get the picture. *lol*. Been in the sauna again today, and it's definitely helping. My headache has eased up a little, making it slightly easier to think and concentrate. Still not sleeping well, but I guess I shouldn't expect too much all at once.

I will update the scoresheets later and post them.

Also, I noticed that I forgot to log my exercise/organic food, so here it is:

Exercise: Walking on the treadmill
Food: a portion of organic peppers and mushrooms

Exercise: Wall push-ups
Food: 250 gr of organic raspberries

Exercise: Swimming
Food: Organic salad mix (store bought/ready made)
Here's our scoresheet, and guess what? Mandy kicked everybody's butt and came up with an impressive 2.82 % loss! So, Mandy, start thinking about a new challenge for next week! :) Well done Mandy, and well done all of us!! :hurray:
Thanks San. I think my weight loss is more water weight related from TOM and stress, but I'm glad to see the number drop regardless. I'll PM you with my thoughts on the next mini challenge.
Forgot to update my week's worth of mini challenge points so far. I'll update this post for the rest of the week.

SATURDAY: Got the water points and exercise points (1hr worth of taebo). I also got the mini challenge exercise points (counting taebo), but not the organic food points.

SUNDAY: Got the water points and exercise points (1hr worth of taebo). I also got the mini challenge exercise points (walked for 1.5 hours - not sure on distance), but not the organic food points.

MONDAY: Got the water points and exercise points (1hr walking the dogs). I also got the mini challenge exercise points (did strengthening exercises), but not the organic food points.

TUESDAY: Got the water points and exercise points (1hr walking dogs). Mini challenge exercise points (did squats and lunges).

WEDNESDAY: Water and exercise points (1hr walking solo). Mini challenge points (ab crunches/situps).

THURSDAY: Water points. No exercise. Needed a day to chill.

FRIDAY: Water points. Walking outside for regular exercise. Mini challenge exercise was yard work (raking mostly).
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Sat/Sun push mow, bike ride, weight lifting, moving/stacking firewood (I don't remember what was on which day)

Monday fieldwork (hiking with equipment and digging a few holes)

Thursday stationary bike

Friday walking

My exercise is forced to be fieldwork all week. I can try to something in addition but I am usually exhausted.

I have organic fruit in a smoothie every morning. I now have a juicer and lots of the fruits veggies are organic.
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Hi guys, just checking in on everyone.

I wish I could say my stress level has dropped, or my feduppedness with my weight has changed, it hasn't but I am determined to not let it get me down. I have been kicking the water challenge. The different exercise a day was a challenge for me at first, so I just figured if its an exercise I don't normally do it should count, and since there was not amount of time that I had to do the exercise, I believe I got that in. (My legs are sore, but guess what????? finally learned how to do Squats correctly that it doesn't hurt my right knees as much, Thank You Jillian Michaels.:hurray:)

The organic food was actually the easiest, my uncles girlfriend sent me some of veggies from her garden, so that one was taken cared of quite easily, and I can attest that the only think she put on them was water, they grew out of the ground with no help, no pesticides, aren't the most visibly pleasing, but healthy as the day is long as there are no chemicals in them, unless it came from the rain or ground.

So that's me checking in, one project finished, another dropped on my lap, but I'll take it one day at a time and work through my frustrations and NOT give up the fight. :seeya:

OMG: Forgot to post the exercises, didn't quite catch that requirement.

Saturday: Lunges (hate em)
Sunday: Push-ups (sporadically do these, just not every week)
Monday: Jumping Jacks (rarely if EVER do these, don't think I'll be doing them again soon)
Tuesday: Squats (finally learned to do them right)
Wednesday: Toe-touches (Rarely ever do these, heck I do this less than Jumping Jacks, don't know why I don't though because they are not that difficult for me to do? Does anyone know what muscle this actually works?:confused:)
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Hey everyone. I am sorry that I haven't checked in for a while. I have been pretty depressed. But I am still pushing through and getting my points! :)

Saturday - I went swimming :D My dad works as a gym teacher in a high school. I have every piece of equipment that I can possibly think of!

Sunday, I went on a jog, and then I also did some walking

Monday, I went weight lifting with my dad ^^

Tuesday, I rode on the stationary bike. It even has a screen! I was able to pick different routes with different scenery. The snowy mountains was a pretty tough route, but I somehow made it :p

Wednesday, I cleaned out all 10 of our miniature horses stalls. Let me tell you all, that is a LOT of work! Picking up horse muck and taking it way away from our barn in a wheel barrow.

Also, I signed up for a 1 mile race on may 11th. I am working on training for that! My father will run it with me. My goal is to jog the whole mile without walking. I also will receive a t-shirt with it. I am excited about that!

Today, I went horseback riding. That takes a LOT of muscle. People think that it is so easy, but really it is not. I took the horse over some jumps. At one point the horse bucked and I almost fell :D

This sunday is going to be bad though. I am not allowed to eat anything. On monday, I will be put under general anesthesia to have a medical procedure done. So, I will still get my excersise done on sunday, and monday before I go into the hospital to have the procedure. I should be ok to get all my excersise in still :) So, That's good news.

I also can't find my ticker password. I will try my best to do that tomorrow. That way I can update my current weight.
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New mini challenge starting Saturday:

Diet Challenge: 2 Points for every day where no junk food at all is consumed. By junk food I'm talking candy, potato chips, cakes, ice cream, etc. Also, 2 points daily for NOT adding any additional salt to your meals. I still cave into my cravings for sweets from time to time and I do love adding salt to my meals so this will be a challenge for me. It may be a lay up for the rest of you.

Exercise Challenge: I *think" it should be nice enough for everyone to get outside now so hopefully this one will be a fair one. 2 points a day for a half hour's worth of exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, yard work, etc) outside. Getting out and about in the fresh air and sun can be a great moral booster. I hope this one will be doable.
April 20th:
current weight:318.4
lbs lost:4.4
% lost:1.4
exercise points:13
water points:21
mini-challenge points:22

I had a good week!
hi guys, just checking in a bit late, was supposed to yesterday and things got out of control. Going over to update my score sheet, and guess what, I ACTUALLY LOST THIS WEEK:party:, I LOST THIS WEEK:party:, It was only about 1+ pounds but I LOST THIS WEEK:party:.


Thursday:Tried the weight tuby things:confused:, I'll go look at the box and get the correct name
Friday: Did exercise, but nothing new, so that's a bust, couldn't think of any so just did same ole, same ole.

May I say I am loving this weeks mini's. Didn't check in at all yesterday, but only lost points for that ice-cream... ah well, I probably would have still eaten it had I known the challenge because I cut myself down to ice-cream once a week and I would have forfeited those points anyway. (I look forward to the weekend and my strawberry cheese cake cup:biggrinjester:)

Going to update the score sheet, check in with you guys later.

p.s. Has anyone tried the Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30? A friend loan my her copy of the DVDs (since she has yet to use them, the most exercise she has gotten from them is tearing open the plastic casing:biggrinjester:)and I am about to start it tomorrow, could anyone give me a heads up about their effectiveness, I promised to obey the diet and exercise rules for 30 days and if I see results go and get a few more of her exercise videos, so how soon do you see results, and is 30 days really sufficient time for results to be seen?
I really thought I would lose this week but I gained oh well... maybe next week...
Anyway I really like the outdoors challenge... extra salt should be okay, I don't eat much junk so that should be fairly easy.
OK... here we Gooooooo
Update on last week's challenge for me. Sorry for being late. Not doing well (now there's a surprise). Sleeping has gone down to non-existent, I'm running on about 90 minutes of sleep in the last 72 hours.


Exercise: 5 reps of 10 crunches on the 'crunch machine' as I call it - it was murderous
Food: organic cherry tomatoes

Exercise: Riding the stationary bike at the gym (45 minutes)
Food: 2 slices of organic, 'free from' bread (aka cardboard *lol*)

Exercise: 5 reps of 10 sit-ups
Food: organic creme fraiche, organic raspberries

Exercise: 'Aquarobics' - water exercise class offered in the gym. Was kind of fun, but felt really silly.
Food: glass of organic milk
Scoresheet for last week. We're the only team who has completely reported in, and the stats are looking good! Well done, Team Fire, you rock!!!! :party:
(Try refreshing the page if the new stats don't show)

In the past few weeks I was kind of lax with the rules and when people put their results up. That included being late with it myself, which is really setting a bad example.

From now on, scores that come in after Monday at noon (UK time), will NOT be counted, and the person reporting in will receive a strike. Two strikes in a row (meaning being late or not reporting in at all for two weeks), and the person is out. If there is a good reason for not updating, please let me know of course. I'm not a monster. This is only about not updating, and not giving any reason whatsoever.

I will also no longer send reminders to people and ask them to please update their score sheets. I think we're all old enough to remember to do something once a week without somebody having to say 'pretty please'.

That's all. On with the losing, everybody! :)
Hey San, I'm sorry to hear about the very low amount of sleep you are getting. I hope you are able to get some more sleep sometime soon.
Not doing well (now there's a surprise). Sleeping has gone down to non-existent, I'm running on about 90 minutes of sleep in the last 72 hours.

I am also sorry to hear about the sleep problems.
We have been through our fair share of those...

Here are a few things that we found out when we were going through that:
  • a drink of milk late at night helps
  • turkey and chicken can help because they help an amino acid called tryptophan which gets converted by the body to serotonin which influences sleep patterns (eaten late in the day if possible)
  • massage can help
  • exercise can help but we know that you are already doing that...

Good luck in getting it sorted out.
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It would appear that I made an error in the scoresheets, and didn't double check weight loss and percentages properly. I will have to go through every single sheet again and recheck numbers. From the looks of it, something that I thought was self-explanatory, wasn't so simple after all. :(

I will go through the sheets and adjust as necessary.

The problem is that people who happened to gain weight at some point, and then lost the next week, used the higher weight from the week before to calculate their percentage. Obviously that is not how it is supposed to be. So to make sure, here is how it works:

If you GAIN weight at any given point, and then LOSE the week after, please use your lowest weight so far to calculate your actual loss, NOT the higher weight from the week before.


Week 1: 250 lbs
Week 2: 252 lbs
Week 3: 248 lbs

You weight loss in week three would be 2 lbs, not 4. Taking into account weight gained would mean that you could basically count your weight loss twice, which would be rather unfair.

As said, I will go through the spreadsheets again and have a look, and adjust numbers and percentages where necessary.

Based on that, it would appear that Justina is not the person with the biggest weight loss last week, but I have to crunch some numbers to be absolutely sure.

Sorry about the confusion.

Also, we had a dropout from the challenge. I will try to fill the void.