Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - TEAM FIRE

Hi guys, hope everyone's doing great. Seems like you miss alot when you don't check in everyday, but I'm here to remind EVERYONE, the prize is weight loss, anything and I mean ANYTHING ELSE.. should not be allowed to intefer or cause confusion. Come on, we all started TOGETHER lets' all FINISH TOGETHER. :grouphug:

That being said, I LOST SOME WEIGHT, I LOST SOME WEIGHT:party: still in the Zero's for weight loss since I have been at this weigh before, but the scale is FINALLY, FINALLY looking like its my friend again, was tempted to go on it today to see how much I weigh, if I have lost more, but will have to wait until Saturday, THAT'S GONNA BE HARD:svengo:

But here are my stats: SO PROUD I'M SHOWING OFF:biggrinjester:
April 27th:
current weight:270.2 (finally moving the right way:biggrinjester:)
lbs lost:0
% lost:0
exercise points:14
water points:21
mini-challenge points:38

Oh miss out on the getting ALL points by my ice-cream last Saturday, and I was making some bank runs, and before I knew it, I was at Subway and eating 3 oatmeal cookies, this sucks, because that was Friday afternoon, IF I HAD ONLY HELD OUT ABOUT 3 MORE HOURS, THEN I WOULD HAVE BEEN HOME AND OUT OF THE WAY OF TEMPTATION... AH WELL...:nopity:

Anyway guys, have a GREAT WEEK, and until next time:seeya:
No scale, no microwave, and I've done my jumping jacks for the 1st 2 days. I'll do my 35 at lunch.

Z, awesome job on getting below 200!

Transparent, I'm happy for you too. Way to go! I would say if the scale is needed to motivate you then weigh. Points have a large focus for these contests, but keep in mind that the only reason we do these is to help us lose weight. If something has the potential to hamper your weightloss, don't do it!

I've started back on a weight lifting routine and I expect a stall or rebound in weight because of that. I'm actually happy to stay off the scale while my body adapts to lifting as it would likely be discouraging. I know it will speed up my weight loss in the long run so no worries.

Keep up the great work Team Fire!
Thanks Quercus, I know, I am a Slave to the Scale.:angelsad2:

My aunt tells me that sometimes I put too much emphasis on it and let it distract me from my goal. And I realize that she is right. When the scale stopped moving there for a bit, week by week I started slipping back into my bad habits of eating and not pushing myself with the exercise. I mean I did them, but only for the points, I stopped pushing myself and doing exercises that my body could do in my sleep, not really stepping up my game.

But, my clothes are fitting looser. I now have on a night pants that was to my fit, now its droopy and every while I have to pull it up. And I can't tell you how much times I had to remind myself NOT to go on the scale. I let it control me, my moods, my eating. :banghead:

This challenge is actually good for me, its giving me back some of the control that I gave the scale. So maybe after this challenge, unless another challenge calls for it, I will only weigh no more than twice a week and stop letting an inanimate object determine how my day will run.:smash::smash:

Good Luck Everyone:seeya:
New scoresheet, people. Looks good, Team Fire, keep up the good work.

And Goonfairy, you're our biggest loser, so it's your job to come up with a new mini challenge for next week! :)
So, I promised myself to post a little more often and be a little more active than just updating the 'administrative' stuff.

So, mini-challenge wise I'm not doing too bad. Saturday was my cheat day, so no points for jumping jacks (I only do the absolute minimum of exercise on Saturdays). No microwaved stuff on Sat, but obviously I had to weigh myself for the challenge. Sunday I tried the modified jumping jacks and got 25 done, but didn't really feel a lot of benefit from them. No microwaved stuff on Sunday either (I made a proper roast dinner), so I'm good for those points as well.

On Monday I went to the gym, and had a chat with one of the trainers there. He showed me a few more modified versions for jumping jacks, some that worked okay, some that were almost impossible for me. I ended up with a version that I was comfortable with and that still got my heart beating a bit faster. So 30 of those done. I had a Lighter Choice meal (Sweet & Sour Chicken) for dinner, but if I recall correctly, those are okay.

Today I went to the gym and then swimming, and walked in on something called 'Aquacise'. They were just starting, so I asked if I could join in. It looked fun, and there were plenty of people of all sizes, so I didn't think it would be something I couldn't do. I learned a few things. For one thing, I know now what a 'Woggle' is. I also know that my boobs turn into weapons if I try to jump while wearing a swimming costume. Speaking of that, I need a new swimming costume. Mine is definitely not suitable for that kind of movement.
Between trying not to get knocked out by my own boobs, trying not to fall out of my swimming costume, and trying not to drown, there was much laughter. Especially when my woggle decided to slap me in the face at some point. Or the time when we had to sit on them, and I looked as if I had a ..... well. You know. A big, orange one.
It was surprisingly difficult though, and I was a lot more out of breath than after my usual swim. Oh, and the instructor said that I was the only one who managed to get the 'pendulum leg swings' right, because I got my stompers out of the water. Yay me! ;) We also did, surprisingly, jumping jacks - so I've got my 35 of those in.

Just had a Weight Watchers mini-meal from the microwave, but again, to my understanding, those meals are okay. Already have my 3l of water, and 2+ hrs of exercise, and didn't weigh today. I never do during the week.

Looks as if everybody else is doing well. Zynische, big congrats on breaking the 200 lbs barrier!! Well, done, you deserve it!!! :hurray:

transparent, glad to hear that your scales are finally being nice to you again.:) It's the same thing here actually. They are not moving at lightning speed, but they are moving, and into the right direction as well! :)

Goonfairy, you've done amazing this week, and I'm sure you'll get to your goal of getting below 300 before you know it!

Quercus, sometimes it really helps not to weigh every day, especially at times where you know there is a chance of putting on weight, like, as you said, when starting a new weight lifting routine. It can be disheartening to see the 'wrong numbers' every day, even if you *know* the reasons. So I'm glad the challenge can be helpful with that. :) You're doing great, you really shouldn't let a silly set of scales dampen your spirit!

Right, that's me done ranting. Hope everybody's doing well!
Goonfairy - challengers are located in different countries... Is there any alternative for people where the weather may be unpleasant?
Also, are we talking about exercise, or just anything? So, lying in the sun (just as an example, we don't actually have any sun) for 30 minutes would get me three points? :) Or do I actually have to move??
Oooo Points for sunbathing!!!! I never thought of that... Assuming that there was sun in England which is a big assumption...
Well we would still get the vitamin D so it would be a healthy thing to do :)
That's true. And there were a few rays of sun earlier today. Not many, mind you, but better than nothing. I really have to mow the lawn and wash the car, I think I might postpone that until next week though - that way I can get points for it! :)
LOL double counts - because mowing the lawn (when you do not have a posh tractor thingy) and washing the car sound like standard exercise anyway... :biggrinjester:
Nah, no posh tractor thingie - our garden isn't big enough for one of those. And I seriously need to dig it up as well. Might make that a project for next week, if the weather is decent enough. That'll get me extra exercise, plus my 'outside time'. I need to get more fresh air anyway!!
Nah, no posh tractor thingie - our garden isn't big enough for one of those. And I seriously need to dig it up as well. Might make that a project for next week, if the weather is decent enough. That'll get me extra exercise, plus my 'outside time'. I need to get more fresh air anyway!!

That sounds like a brilliant plan.
Thanks for the support San! No microwave, all my jumping jacks, and no scale. also, jumping jacks stink as exercise. 45 done in about 30 seconds doesn't get my heart into the aerobic zone. All jar no benifit for me, but I'll be danged if I don't get every stinking point this week. Nice mini challenge Z! Weather has been ridiculously nice here. Now if the pollen would just ease up. Good luck the rest of this week Team Fire!
No scale yesterday, chicken and rice for dinner, and no microwave snacks. Did my 40 jumping jacks while in the gym (proper ones this time) and I have the same problem as Quercus - they don't really do anything for me. Well, other than separating the good sports bras from the bad ones....*lol*
Had some girls in the gym, not anywhere near as big as me, but not skinny either, and one older lady (late 50s I'd say). I was there slaving away on the treadmill and almost killing myself on the squat machine, and at some point one of them came over and asked me whether I could help them with some of the machines, because, and I quote 'You seem to know what you're doing'. We talked for a little while I showed them how to adjust the resistance on the machines and whatnot, and then the elder lady came over, and it turned out the girls were actually sisters, and she was the mother, and she went 'You know, I wish you were half as dedicated as this lady (meaning me). I've seen her here every day, and she's working so hard'. That was nice. :)

And I found a pair of jeans that I couldn't wear so far, and I managed to get into them again. They're....snug, to say the least, but they fasten, which they didn't do before. Better than nothing!

Hope everybody else is doing well. :)
Ok, sorry I've haven't been updating this thread very much on how I'm doing with the challenge. Here's the run down on my week of challenge points. I have to apologize in advance for not maxing out on the mini-challenge points. In keeping with my routine, I chose to weigh myself daily and I just forgot to get the jumping jacks (modified for me) in on some days.

SATURDAY: Got my water points and the no microwave mini challenge points. As for the regular exercise points, I spent the day at a butterfly conservatory so I was on my feet walking all day long. Would that count as exercise? It was NOT strenuous walking/exercise. Just walking around taking pics. I was beat when I got home so I didn't do any additional exercises.

SUNDAY: Got my water points. Got full exercise points (taebo). Mini challenge points: I got the no microwave points and modified jumping jacks in.

MONDAY: Got my water points. Got full exercise points (walking outside). Mini challenge points: I got the no microwave points and modified jumpback jacks in.

TUESDAY: Got full water points. Got full exercise points (walking outside). Mini challenge points: I got the no microwave points.

WEDNESDAY: Got full water points. Got full exercise points (taebo). Mini challenge points: I got the no microwave points.

THURSDAY: Got full water points. Got full exercise points (taebo). Mini challenge points: I got the no microwave points and modified jumping jack points.

FRIDAY: Got full water points. Ended up using Friday as my rest day for the exercise points. I did get the no microwave points though.
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No scale yesterday, chicken and rice for dinner, and no microwave snacks. Did my 40 jumping jacks while in the gym (proper ones this time) and I have the same problem as Quercus - they don't really do anything for me. Well, other than separating the good sports bras from the bad ones....*lol*
Oh boy, you gave me such a chuckle with this sentence! I have that same problem with the "bouncier" moves. I am rather "chesty" so I need support when I'm doing those moves. They are two reasons why I don't think jogging will ever happen for me. I think I'd knock myself out. LOL
Very nice work San and Mandy!

I'm getting max points from the mini challenges this week. I've done my jumping jacks, no scale, and no microwave. I missed one day of having an hour of exercise. I always get my water.

My boss asked me how I've lost my weight yesterday. She's not generally very vocal about such things, so that was nice. We have a relationship where I can kid around so initially I told her it was all the hard drugs I'm doing.
May 4th:
current weight:317.4
lbs lost:-.6
% lost:-.1
exercise points:10
water points:14
mini-challenge points:42

So a slight gain for the week, but this was expected from returning to weight lifting. I got every single mini challenge point and I've lost another inch from my belly measure making -10 inches and 50% of the way to 40".

My long term loss goal is to have a <40" belly measure as that is the cutoff for males for a marked increase in probability for weight realted health issues.