Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - TEAM FIRE

Mini challenge for next week, as set by Justina:

My mini challenge is to have 2 portions of different raw vegetables a day for a point each.
Total points to be earned a day: 2 points (one for each portion)
One portion = half cup
Suggestions: salads, vegetable with dips (hummus) or just plain vegetables on their own as snack (carrots)
Only fresh vegetables count (no pickles, no tinned vegetables, no defrosted & no cooked vegetables)
Hi guys, just checking in again. I was so pumped up. Since the challenge of not weighing yourself for a week, I have been still following, not weighing myself everyday and waiting until Saturday morning to weigh in. And this week I was a little disappointed, I put on 0.2lbs, from last week:banghead:. Usually this would send me in a tailspin, but I don't know what it is, I just looked at the others sheets, got depressed when I saw Justina's she's down 20 pounds since we've started, and THAT definitely one time ago would have made me SMT and go have an ice-cream:nopity:, but I didn't, and I won't. I have decided that next week I will do better, and 0.2lbs is not bad, I wish it was a lost, but it still means that I am doing something:smash::smash:. My PJ's that I have on right now is drooping at the waist, so are some of my un-mentionables, so obviously SOMETHING is happening:coolgleamA:. I will take that and keep on trying until the scale catches up with me. So there you have it, I put on weight, but I'm not going to let it bug me, instead it will push me to do more.:auto:

p.s. I was walking towards my house the day before yesterday and one of my neighbours commented that it looks like my @$$ was shaping up.(those were her words not mine) Can I tell you how that felt. But the feeling of euphoria, is great, all those almost daily squats and leg lifts are paying off...:biggrinjester:

Until next time:seeya:
Just want to throw out a quick sorry for not being around much. Things have been 'interesting' the past week or so for sure. I ended up in A&E (the ER, for our American friends) with excruciating stomach pains and no idea what was causing them. My appendix has been out since I was 15, so that wasn't it. A&E guessed gallbladder and wanted to keep me there, but after 2 hours of tests and scans, everything seemed fine, no infection, no stones. Just pain. While there, they gave me some contrast liquid to drink to take scans, and it made me very nauseous. I got sick, and all that came up was blood (sorry for the graphic description). Cue panicky nurse (she seemed more worried than me), and then they decided to stick a tube down my throat to have a good look at my stomach (I told them to do that from the beginning, but nobody ever listens to me). Turns out that the amount of painkillers I've been taking over the years has finally caught up. The surgeon who had a look at me said my stomach looks like a butcher's shop window. So I'm off all oral pain meds, and have to inject instead. Oh joy. Also, I'm taking plenty of stuff to calm my stomach down. At least they decided not to keep me there. I have a list as long as my leg with stuff I am not allowed to eat - nothing that contains acid, no fatty foods, no sugary foods, nothing raw, no red meat, no caffeine. Especially the last part is hard, believe me. *lol*

Anyway, that's the excitement, and that is what kept me largely away from the computer. I'm feeling better now, but the food plan is up for at least 4 more weeks, with checkups every week to see if it's working. The good news is that it seems to have helped me lose a few more pounds this week, even though certainly not in a healthy way. But oh well....got to see the good side of everything. :)

Looking at what everybody else posted, it seems as if we're doing okay :)

Quercus - I'm actually quite jealous of your boob-abilities. Well, maybe not the hair, I can do without that, but everything else sounds better than what I have to offer! ;) Also, it sounds as if you're making great progress with your weight and your fitness levels. Congrats!!! :)

Goonfairy - you have no reason to be sorry. We all have times where things don't go the way we want them to go. I think all of us have had weeks where we either didn't lose, or even put weight back on. It happens. But you're still trying, you're still making your points, and that is all that matters. Don't ever feel as if you're letting anybody down as long as you're trying your best. There is nothing more that anybody can ask from you, and personally, I'm glad to have you on our team!!! You've done great in the past and shouldn't let one week discourage you. The numbers on the scales aren't everything!!

Transparent - I totally know the feeling of euphoria when somebody actually notices the weight loss. It's one of those things that can give me more motivation than almost anything else. I am not vain, I do not usually care for what people think about my looks, but that is not what it is about either. It's more like somebody recognizing all the hard work - especially if it is somebody who doesn't *have* to be nice. Like in my case, a neighbour I usually don't talk to much, besides saying 'Hi', walked past while I was cleaning the car, and he stopped, smiled and said 'You've lost weight, haven't you? It really shows. Looking good.' Smiled, and walked on. He's well into his 70s, so it wasn't said in a way that would have made anybody uncomfortable, just friendly. Brought a smile to my face, because he didn't have to say anything, really. So...yeah. Been there, done that. :) And been in the place with the scales as well. I am trying to do the same thing - look at clothes getting bigger rather than despairing over the fact that the scales won't move as quickly as I want them to. I notice my bras getting wider, I have a pair of pants which I couldn't get into three months ago, and now they fit just nicely. That kind of stuff. :)

Mandy - sounds like you're doing well . :) And I think we're all a little bit guilty about letting the thread get quiet....sometimes stuff just gets into the way unfortunately.

Zynische - Sorry to hear that things aren't so well. Is there anything we can do to help? Even if it is just to lend an ear so you can vent and rant if necessary? Feel free to PM me if you need somebody to talk to, or even use the thread to vent. We're all here to help each other, and not just with the weight loss aspect. :grouphug:

Right, I think I rambled enough. I will update my scoresheet now, and then go and see what flavour my sloppy oatmeal stuff comes in today....blergh!! Hope everybody is having a good weekend!!
Wow San sorry to hear about your medical issues. I have a strong phobia of needles so I'd have to be in debilitating pain to inject anything. I really hope you get better soon. Our team is solid. We haven't had a lot of cheerleading or powwow, but we keep steadily moving forward losing those pounds and gaining those points.

Well a big week for me. I lost 3 pounds and hit a new low. I'm also a third of a pound to being out of the 3teens. I will likely rebound when I feel better and get back to my running, lifting, and cycling.

May 18th:
current weight:313.2
lbs lost:3
% lost:.9%
exercise points:10
water points:14
mini-challenge points:14
Quercus, I'm the same actually. The stupid thing is that I am a nurse, so I am used to giving injections and taking blood and all that stuff, but doing it to myself? :leaving:

So yes, I've spent a couple of days in quite a bit of pain because I didn't want to give myself the injection. I actually asked somebody at work to do it for me on Thursday because I couldn't stand it any longer, and she is on painkillers herself, so she does it several times a day. I still don't know how she does it. *shudder*

Anyway, looks like you're doing well, good going on losing those pounds. I'm only 7 lbs behind you now, but you seem to be doing a hell lot better, exercise wise. Out of curiousity, how tall are you??
Okay team, Q&A Time.

I am doing Chalean Turbo Jam... not the whole program, just the bonus Turbo Fat Blaster that came along with the Chalean Xtreme that a co-worker got for me.

Anyway BOT, I am trying to jump you know with the squats, get in a little plyometrics in there. Its a testament to my fitness level that I am EVEN ATTEMPTING to jump. But jumping I am, not as high as they are, maybe only an inch or two of the ground, but hey, Rome wasn't built in a day. The problem is, the landing, when I try to bend my knees like they do, when I come down, the knees hurt like a MOTHER, but when I do straight up and down, no bending the knees, it's okay.

So here is the question, (I guess you were wondering when I'd get to it) :toetap05:

How long does it take before I can realistically attempt to jump like they do? I was thinking that maybe I need to get to about 240-250 range first, because 270 coming down on my knees maybe that problem. Or should I try and wait until I am about 220-230 range? Just looking for some extra motivation, because I really want to jump, don't know, it just makes me feel like I am doing more.:biggrinjester:
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to answer that question. For me personally, jumping is entirely out of the question, and I would suggest waiting to be 220 or lower before attempting proper jumps. I'm sure your knees will thank you in the long run.

In other news, today will be the first day for a long time that I don't get my exercise points at all. I have a horrible migraine to the point I can't keep food down, so there is no way I am able to do any kind of exercise. Just walking upstairs to the bathroom just caused me to spend the next ten minutes with my head in my hands, wishing somebody would shoot me. :(
As a past migraine sufferer :)smash:eek:n wood) I know how you feel. Its understandable about the no exercise part. The fact that you can move is a testament, because I know when I used to get migraines some of them were so debilitating that I could not move.

Hope you feel better soon.:grouphug:
May 25th:
current weight:315.4
lbs lost:-2.2
% lost:0
exercise points:2
water points:14
mini-challenge points:8

I've had the week from hell. My sciatica has never hurt this bad. I spent two straight days in the bed and had to have help getting to the bathroom. I've bee up and about today, but I have to use pain killers, ice, and liniment. I'm very unsteady and in lots of pain, but I know once I get to this stage I have move around. I had a stomach bug last weekend and my back started hurting then. I did an hour run Monday and that set it off. That was the only exercise this week and I ate like crap.

I finished that nightmare of a project yesterday. I worked on the paperwork while in bed.

I have the whole week off this week to make p for the worked wekends.

I really miss running.

I plan to ease into more activity and hopefully I will feel good in time to enjoy my time off.

San: I'm 6' 3" (190.5cm) Sorry to hear about your migraine!

Transparent: You could get in some higher jumping by jumping into a pool. That way you don't hurt your knees, but you get a feel for the jumps. I would think jumping as high as you can into a pool, swimming to the ladder and climbing out then repeating until you're tired would be an effective workout. That might not be practical and you may feel silly. Maybe a pad of some sort? A tumpling mat still folded?

Strength is key. The more you work your muscles in your legs the better jumping will feel. You need to find a way to do so that doesn't cause pain though. I'm laid up because I went too heavy too fast lifting weights.
Thanks guys for the feedback.

I have decided to just do the jumping that I can do and I will take San's advice and wait until I am in the lower 200's to do the type I really want to do.

Quercus, it's not feasible for me to find a pool to go to where I'm located. Now if you had said beach, then it would be a doozy as I am maybe 20-30 minutes walk, about 5 minutes by car away from the nearest beach. But I think I will start getting some of my exercise in the salt water this year, it will be interesting squatting in the water and not getting any funny looks.

Well I put on weight, don't know whats going on, but by my eating habits these last few days, looks like I need to take a look at the calendar. took a look at my legs today, and they seem to be slimming a little. not a lot, just a little, but I'll take what I can get.

Please find below my attempt, hopefully June will see me lose at least 10lbs, I can't believe 8 weeks in and I have yet to lose a pound:svengo:

May 25th:
current weight:274:nopity:
lbs lost:0
% lost:0
exercise points:12
water points:21
mini-challenge points:21
May 25th:
current weight:313
lbs lost:0
% lost:0
exercise points:10
water points:5
mini-challenge points:0

Losing my mind, but not my weight...

I had a new grandson this week and a new assignment in Chicago so it was a tought week... also my knee is killing me I think I need to lose weight

Next week will be better I hope
Ok guys. I really hate to do this, but I think I’m going to bow out of the challenge. Everything is fine with me other than the fact that I’m just getting into a busy point in time. To be honest, I forgot all about the challenge last week and didn’t even realize until late yesterday that I never attempted the mini challenge. I never even thought to look at what it was. Things are going to get more hectic for me so I don’t expect anything to change in terms of remembering the challenge. It’s hard for me to quit, but I feel I cannot give my all to this anymore so there’s really no need to stay in it. I’m sorry. :(
Right, we have apparently lost 4 more people from the challenge, leaving two teams at the bare minimum of three members.

I also noticed that all the Team threads are only frequented by one or two people, if even that, and are otherwise dead.

The idea of the challenge was for it to be a Team challenge, and that simply isn't happening at all.

I am not sure what caused that, and I have no idea how to change it. It seems little less than posting everybody's stats once a week, and threads like that already exist, so there is no need to do it here as well.

With that in mind, I am ending this challenge right here and now. I don't have the time or energy to put into something that most people don't really seem interested in anymore, and that seems to be entirely failing at its purpose.

Thank you to everybody who was part of it, I'm grateful you stuck around as long as you did. You all did well, and hopefully the challenge did something useful for you as long as it was active.
Hi everyone, This is Zynische's mother. I am on here to tell you she has been in the hospital for a while because she is having severe depression. She gave me her password to go on here and she wanted me to tell you all that she didn't mean to ditch the competition and that she hopes to join the next competition when she gets out of the hospital and feels better. She also said that she is very sorry.
Depression is such a difficult thing, I've been there. I hope that she will pull out of it okay. I wish I had something positive to offer her, I will pray for her; I guess that the most positive thing I can do.

Hi everyone, This is Zynische's mother. I am on here to tell you she has been in the hospital for a while because she is having severe depression. She gave me her password to go on here and she wanted me to tell you all that she didn't mean to ditch the competition and that she hopes to join the next competition when she gets out of the hospital and feels better. She also said that she is very sorry.

I'm very sorry to hear that Zynische is ill in hospital and wish her a speedy recovery. We send lots of good wishes her way. :grouphug:

We hope that she comes back to the forum as soon as she is better. She certainly has nothing to apologise for. Many of us have a permanent struggle with our weight and motivation can fall and rise with life's challenges... I think that quite a few of us are not here supporting others as often as we would like... I have been posting less than normal myself...

If a challenge is running when she is better and wanting a challenge - Zynische should get in touch with the person running it... We can normally shuffle things about a bit and let someone in. :)

If there isn't a challenge of this type running and you want one - it can be a good idea to let me know that you would like one... We can normally pop something together... Depending on numbers - it can sometimes work better to run as an individual challenge rather than teams...
Belinda and Justina have both said that they would like the challenge to continue.

A modified version of the challenge is therefore continuing... I have put a posting in the main thread.

Reply there if you want to keep on playing... I will pick up the admin...

We will probably need to modify the rules a bit to cope with the small number of players and there is currently a vote going on regarding whether we should turn it into an individual challenge with a single chat thread to encourage each other... This is because it is quite possible that we could end up with teams with just one player...
The challenge will continue on an individual basis.

We are therefore going to abandon these team threads and all pile into the main thread to chat and cheer each other on.

People that have left the challenge are welcome to rejoin.
New people are certainly welcome.

I will apply a points credit to give them some points for the missing weeks based on 80% of the average points achieved by other players at that time... They need not fear being miles behind people that have played all along.
The fact that it is not 100% gives a reward to people who have stuck with the challenge all along and worked hard but dropped a few points here and there...