Just want to throw out a quick sorry for not being around much. Things have been 'interesting' the past week or so for sure. I ended up in A&E (the ER, for our American friends) with excruciating stomach pains and no idea what was causing them. My appendix has been out since I was 15, so that wasn't it. A&E guessed gallbladder and wanted to keep me there, but after 2 hours of tests and scans, everything seemed fine, no infection, no stones. Just pain. While there, they gave me some contrast liquid to drink to take scans, and it made me very nauseous. I got sick, and all that came up was blood (sorry for the graphic description). Cue panicky nurse (she seemed more worried than me), and then they decided to stick a tube down my throat to have a good look at my stomach (I told them to do that from the beginning, but nobody ever listens to me). Turns out that the amount of painkillers I've been taking over the years has finally caught up. The surgeon who had a look at me said my stomach looks like a butcher's shop window. So I'm off all oral pain meds, and have to inject instead. Oh joy. Also, I'm taking plenty of stuff to calm my stomach down. At least they decided not to keep me there. I have a list as long as my leg with stuff I am not allowed to eat - nothing that contains acid, no fatty foods, no sugary foods, nothing raw, no red meat, no caffeine. Especially the last part is hard, believe me. *lol*
Anyway, that's the excitement, and that is what kept me largely away from the computer. I'm feeling better now, but the food plan is up for at least 4 more weeks, with checkups every week to see if it's working. The good news is that it seems to have helped me lose a few more pounds this week, even though certainly not in a healthy way. But oh well....got to see the good side of everything.
Looking at what everybody else posted, it seems as if we're doing okay
Quercus - I'm actually quite jealous of your boob-abilities. Well, maybe not the hair, I can do without that, but everything else sounds better than what I have to offer!

Also, it sounds as if you're making great progress with your weight and your fitness levels. Congrats!!!
Goonfairy - you have no reason to be sorry. We all have times where things don't go the way we want them to go. I think all of us have had weeks where we either didn't lose, or even put weight back on. It happens. But you're still trying, you're still making your points, and that is all that matters. Don't ever feel as if you're letting anybody down as long as you're trying your best. There is nothing more that anybody can ask from you, and personally, I'm glad to have you on our team!!! You've done great in the past and shouldn't let one week discourage you. The numbers on the scales aren't everything!!
Transparent - I totally know the feeling of euphoria when somebody actually notices the weight loss. It's one of those things that can give me more motivation than almost anything else. I am not vain, I do not usually care for what people think about my looks, but that is not what it is about either. It's more like somebody recognizing all the hard work - especially if it is somebody who doesn't *have* to be nice. Like in my case, a neighbour I usually don't talk to much, besides saying 'Hi', walked past while I was cleaning the car, and he stopped, smiled and said 'You've lost weight, haven't you? It really shows. Looking good.' Smiled, and walked on. He's well into his 70s, so it wasn't said in a way that would have made anybody uncomfortable, just friendly. Brought a smile to my face, because he didn't have to say anything, really. So...yeah. Been there, done that.

And been in the place with the scales as well. I am trying to do the same thing - look at clothes getting bigger rather than despairing over the fact that the scales won't move as quickly as I want them to. I notice my bras getting wider, I have a pair of pants which I couldn't get into three months ago, and now they fit just nicely. That kind of stuff.
Mandy - sounds like you're doing well .

And I think we're all a little bit guilty about letting the thread get quiet....sometimes stuff just gets into the way unfortunately.
Zynische - Sorry to hear that things aren't so well. Is there anything we can do to help? Even if it is just to lend an ear so you can vent and rant if necessary? Feel free to PM me if you need somebody to talk to, or even use the thread to vent. We're all here to help each other, and not just with the weight loss aspect.
Right, I think I rambled enough. I will update my scoresheet now, and then go and see what flavour my sloppy oatmeal stuff comes in today....blergh!! Hope everybody is having a good weekend!!