Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - TEAM FIRE

Checking in to say that I got full points today. Drank 3L of water and did a little over an hour of tae bo. :)
Well done everybody! :) I've got my full points as well - dragged myself out of the house for half an hour for a walk (despite the fact that it is cold and rather windy around here right now), and then did 30 minutes resistance exercises upstairs, hidden away in the bedroom. *lol*
Woohoo! 3 exercise points and 2 water points for yesterday, already earned 2 exercise points today and looks like I'll be swimming later too. Trying to stick to my food plan because as much exercise I do and water I drink, it's more the calorie deficit I need to reach my goal. How's everyone else going??
Got my water points today, but only managed 30 minutes of exercise. I feel bad, but I'm literally beat! My legs need a break. My exercise today consisted of the treadmill for a change. There's no way I could've gotten through tae bo. :(

Hope you all had a good Monday!
Hi guys, just checking in, finally back off my trip, what can I say, the weather was cold, got down into the 20's, 30's & 40's, and for someone whose winter usually consist of most days in the 60's -70's, a 50's thrown in now and again and rarely, VERY, VERY, RARELY a high 40's, let's just say that I was two shakes from paying the penalty and heading back home:biggrinjester:

Okay, all I drank was water at the conference, so I have that squared, I walked so much that my feet got swollen, so does that count for exercise??? if not, then I am behind on the exercises for Friday because I was moving all day going from workshop to workshop... but ah well, what we will do for knowledge... but I'm back, and we'll see what tomorrow will bring.:cheers2:
Hi everyone! I didn't check in yesterday, so I thought I should at least check in for today. I have managed to get my full points. :)
Hi Tansparent, good to have you back and on board. Of course walking counts - it's an exercise that a lot of us do, including myself. :)

Well done so far everybody! I think our little team is doing brilliantly, and please don't feel discouraged if there are days when you don't get full points for one reason or the other - it does happen, there's no shame in it whatsoever! The main thing is that you tried, and from the looks of it, we're all trying our hardest! :)
I walked so much that my feet got swollen, so does that count for exercise???

Walking is a brilliant form of exercise... It was the single most important form of exercise that I did when I did my big project... Any exercise that was the mainstay of my drop of 168 pounds has to not only count but come highly recommended...
Hi guys, just checking in on everybody...

Well went to the doc today, said my sinuses are infected and the parts of my ENT that aren't infected are swollen up so bad they look like they are kissing:cry:.

the bad news... I am so achy getting out of bed and to the doc was all I had energy for... so no exercise today.:cry:

the good news... not much of an appetite, but I may have drank my weight in water as the oj was too brash for my throat, and I was told to keep myself hydrated:D.

So no points for exercise, but I got the water in in spades.:rofl:

May not make it to work tomorrow:eek:, but I will do some low impact exercises to get in the points considering today is a bust:D.

Hope everyone is doing well and let me give you some good advice TAKE YOUR VITAMINS, ESPECIALLY VITAMIN C, BOOST UP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM WHEN TRAVELLING OR YOU'LL END UP LIKE ME..:angelsad2:
Sorry you're not feeling well! Hope you get better soon. :)

I got my hours worth of exercise in by walking 3 miles outside with my dogs. It was a nice change of pace to be out in the fresh air!! For some reason water wasn't sitting well with me today. That's all I drank all day, but I'm just under 2 liters for the day so far. I don't know that I'll be able to pound down another liter in 2 hours. :(
Sorry to hear that you're not well, Transparent - I know how miserable something like that can make you feel. Take it easy, and don't overdo it. Fingers crossed that you'll feel better soon. :)

In other news, I started at the new gym today, and I'm absolutely beat. I got also reminded of a somewhat painful fact - cross-trainers and elipticals are NOT the same thing - I can do eliptical with no problem, but a cross-trainer almost killed me. After 3 minutes I had to get off feeling as if I was going to have a heart attack, and I couldn't control my left knee for about 5 minutes afterwards - when I tried to put weight on it, it just gave way. Didn't hurt or anything, just didn't work anymore. o_O I might have to stay away from that thing for a while.

Might start swimming again as well. It's a small gym with a swimming pool attached, and swimming's included in the price - so why not? Just gotta find my bathing suit and see if I can fit into it....
San, that machine sounds pretty scary! LOL I'm glad you regained the ability to control your knee again. Swimming sounds good! We have a pool, but it doesn't get opened until late May. I can't wait! I LOVE being in the water. I always swim with a shirt over my bathing suit for obvious reasons. Hopefully I'll be able to gain enough confidence with weight loss to not have to do that anymore. It's pretty intimidating going to the beach when you're overweight and uncomfortable in your own skin!

I got all my points today. I'm almost at 4 liters of water today! I know I can only claim 3 per the challenge rules, but man that's a lot of water! My original plan was to do taebo today, but I decided to spend the afternoon outside with my dogs instead. I did a couple of hours worth of yard work (picking up dog poop, raking, etc), but I'm not counting that as exercise even though I probably could. The exercise I'm counting is the walking I did afterwards. Almost 3 miles with the dogs. I'm so happy spring has arrived. It feels good to get outside for some fresh air again! :)

Hope you all did well too.
Sorry to hear about your knee San, swimming is great, if I wasn't so obsessed with my hair I would also take it up.

Was reminded today that rest means rest, and that also applies to no exercising.:svengo: But at least I got in my water and I am feeling much better so much better. I walked for about an hour or so, slowly, let's just hope my doctor doesn't find out.:coolgleamA:
Hey guys, thought I'd check in. Had a couple of bad food days (mainly blaming the lead up to Easter), hoping to do better tomorrow and that's also the day we are celebrating Easter as both my room-mate and husband work through the rest of it. So yea... survive tomorrow and then hopefully all back on track!

Hope you all have a happy and safe long weekend!!
I've been sneaking in a few extra small snacks as well. I don't know if it's Easter or because my TOM is right around the corner, but I swear I'm ready to eat everything in sight! Self control has been hard the past couple of days, but I'm determined to not over do it! :)

I'm still at work, but I'm already over 2 liters of water so my water points will be no problem today. Today's my usual rest day, but I may still sneak a half hour of something in wether it's tae bo or walking I haven't decided yet. I'll post an update later.
Hi guys, got in the low impact exercise, working on the water. I just know this will mean I will be getting up throughout the night for bathroom visits.:svengo:

Hope that everyone is doing great and tomorrow's weigh-in doesn't cause too much of a shock. Thank God the weigh in is before the Easter eating begins, because there are a few fried fish, stew fish, and hot-cross buns calling my name, and that's just Friday, Easter Sunday is another story.:leaving:
Sorry for disappearing for a while. It seems that my new, healthier eating has led me straight to a really bad cold. :/ Weirdly enough, when I lost weight the last time, the same thing happened - I felt miserable for weeks until I started actually feeling better. Odd.

Anyway, I'm still here, I have all my points for the past days, and hopefully the weigh in tomorrow won't be an unpleasant surprise. That said - the weighing is not the most important thing during this challenge. So, if somebody doesn't lose as much as they expected, or maybe didn't lose at all - don't get discouraged. A huge percentage of the points in this challenge is accumulated through exercise, water and mini-challenges. So the scales aren't everything!! :) And usually, if they don't move one week, they move the next...unfortunately, those scales can really try ones patience!!

It looks as if everybody is doing really well though, congrats to you all! :))
To ease everybody into the mini challenges easily, this first one should be nice and doable by everybody.

Make sure to eat at least 2 different kinds of vegetables, and two different kinds of fruit per day, for 5 points per day. If you manage at least one kind of fruit and one kind of vegetable, you can still earn 2 points.
You can eat the same fruits and vegetables every day if you want. Tinned, frozen and fresh fruit/vegetables are okay. Fruit juice (unless freshly squeezed) does NOT count.

Don't forget to update your scoresheets tomorrow.