Your name: Gasman
Your current Weight: 289.7 as of May 30th.
Your June Weight Loss Goal: 10lbs
I try to only weigh on Sundays, so I changed my dates a little. I'll make an exception for the first and last day of the month.
Your Monthly Numbers
June 1: 289.5
June 5: 282.2 (7.5lb lost this week!!!)
June 12: 280.4 (1.8lb lost this week)
June 19:
June 26:
June 30:
Inspirational Music Track - Anything by Greenday
Weekly Tip - Drink Water.... As much as you can, then have another glass
Weekly Warning - watch the condiments, mayo is great in moderation, but it can turn a healthy sandwich bad in a heartbeat.
It's what I was expecting, to have a more modest week this week. I'm not surprised, with the huge week last week, and I didn't have the best week this week, I ate out twice, and traveled to the folks place on the weekend. I didn't make too many bad choices, but I wasn't as disciplined as I normaly am.
did get all my runs in this week. I'm using squash shoes right now cause I wore a hole in my runners, but I'm hoping that my new shoes turn up in the next couple of days.