Weight-Loss WL competition TEAM GOLD

I spent a full hour on the spin bike. That sucked! 10 points for team GOLD without the scale. When we win we should all get PLATINUM trophies that read VICTORY! 273 under calories as well.
I spent a full hour on the spin bike. That sucked! 10 points for team GOLD without the scale. When we win we should all get PLATINUM trophies that read VICTORY! 273 under calories as well.

Well said!! love it. Well done on the biking!

How s everyone else doing?

I dont have the bestest day exercise wise. 30 mins - sorry guys. I did the belly dancing. Food is good though -so expecting good scale day. It's been exactly a week since I started.

Good day/evening to you all!
I spent a full hour on the spin bike. That sucked! 10 points for team GOLD without the scale. When we win we should all get PLATINUM trophies that read VICTORY! 273 under calories as well.

Well done for getting your 10 point maximum exercise points. I have 10 points too.
We should have a team posting where we say how many exercise points we have accrued so far...
That should help us focus on keeping our levels high.

Maximising the exercise and bonus points is indeed the key to winning these things... Everyone that was here when this style of challenge last ran knows this. Look up those old challenges if you are in any doubt.

I will guarantee to get 2 points for exercise every day. I just have to exercise for one hour to do that.

Some people have said in other threads "I am not going to exercise every day" - saying that they are going to lose a lot of weight instead.

I think that a lot of people in this challenge weigh something like 250 pounds or more... A person weighing 250 pounds will get 5 points if they lose 2.5 pounds... To get 2 points for weight loss alone they have to lose a pound more than me...

That is every day that they do not exercise.

If they exercise very little they need to remember that a pound a day every day for 10 weeks is 70 pounds...

No matter how tough people were in the smack talk and predicting high weight losses (and it is the actual weight loss that counts not the goal) - no one was saying "I am going to lose 70 pounds"...

The people who exercise every day will be losing weight too. A lot of weight... They are burning calories either by intense cardio or building their muscles so that they burn more calories... They are exercising every day so that their bodies are permanently burning more...

Make no mistake - the way to win this challenge is to maximise those exercise points and bonus points.
GOLD exercise points earned so far

QUERUS.....................10 as at end Tuesday
OMEGA......................10 as at end Tuesday

This will help to motivate us to keep things up.
If GOLD are to win we need to keep our table better than the rest - maxed where-ever possible
The other teams will be trying to beat us

edit with your ongoing data and repost.
I am getting back on the treadmill in a minute and have Zumba later - but so far I have done 4 miles on the treadmill at 4mph so can claim my 1 hr of exercise points for today. :)
GOLD exercise points earned so far

QUERUS.....................10 as at end Tuesday
OMEGA......................12 as at end Wednesday

This will help to motivate us to keep things up.
If GOLD are to win we need to keep our table better than the rest - maxed where-ever possible
The other teams will be trying to beat us

edit with your ongoing data and repost.
338.8 this morning -6.2 for the contest and I've passed the 10 pound mark overall at -10.4 pounds.

This works out to -1.8%.

If I can drop another 3/4 of a pound by Friday I will have 24 points for team gold Friday AM. 10 for the 2% drop and 14 for an hour of exercise through Thursday.
That sounds brilliant Quercus. Well done. :hurray:

My weight bounces around so I will only know what my Friday weighing is likely to be on Friday.
I'm excited to see how the weigh ins go tomorrow (It's Thursday form me now). I'm loving the extra motivation of the challenge, and wouldn't have forced myself to get an hours exercise at the end of the day yesterday without it! Awesome.

For points I've missed one day (Wednesday) of exercising.
Just fly east a bit and pass the date line and you can still do your Wednesday exercise. :D

Since I live in yesterday, I couldn't do that.
Hey Anna - good job on the exercise!
I m doing better today too.
Yesterday I only managed 30 mins. Today I have already done 30 mins bellydancing and I am going the the gym for an hour.
I know I can't make up for the 1 point loss for yesterday - but I hope i can lose some lbs.

Good day to y'all! :)
Hey guys,

sorry for being quiet. My mother-in-law had a nasty fall two days ago, and died in hospital last night. I have been up and running for almost three days straight now, with no sleep - so I simply didn't find the time to log in and post.

I am mainly the person who is organizing the funeral and everything else connected with it, so I am crazy busy trying to get everybody informed, get all the documentation needed, fight with insurances and things like that.

I still want to be part of this challenge, and I actually managed to get some exercise in even during the last few days - very brisk walking, almost to the point of running. It wasn't purely for exercise, but I guess it doesn't really make a difference whether I walk a mile for exercise, or to get to the hospital. A mile is a mile, right?

I will check my notes and let you know my points so far, if you need them. I might be quiet over the next week or so, until everything is sorted, but I will try to keep up with the exercise and not let my eating get out of hand. And I will make sure to update my sheet and everything.

Again, sorry for going MIA, again, but I'm still here!

P.S.: Just found my notes, it's 7 points for exercise for me so far (since I missed the first 2 days. Sorry about that. :((( )
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Hey guys,

sorry for being quiet. My mother-in-law had a nasty fall two days ago, and died in hospital last night. I have been up and running for almost three days straight now, with no sleep - so I simply didn't find the time to log in and post.

I am mainly the person who is organizing the funeral and everything else connected with it, so I am crazy busy trying to get everybody informed, get all the documentation needed, fight with insurances and things like that.

I still want to be part of this challenge, and I actually managed to get some exercise in even during the last few days - very brisk walking, almost to the point of running. It wasn't purely for exercise, but I guess it doesn't really make a difference whether I walk a mile for exercise, or to get to the hospital. A mile is a mile, right?

I will check my notes and let you know my points so far, if you need them. I might be quiet over the next week or so, until everything is sorted, but I will try to keep up with the exercise and not let my eating get out of hand. And I will make sure to update my sheet and everything.

Again, sorry for going MIA, again, but I'm still here!

P.S.: Just found my notes, it's 7 points for exercise for me so far (since I missed the first 2 days. Sorry about that. :((( )

San - I'm sorry to hear about your MIL. I know that the relationship has been far from perfect but at the end of the day it will have all been very upsetting for your family. I can imagine that you will be crazy busy because you always are kept busy there - even when things run smoothly...

I am proud of the way that you have logged your exercise... I told everyone that you would be a very strong member of our team... I'll bet that the other teams have no-one of that strength, focus and determination to succeed. That is what took your weight down low the last time we were in a challenge together... We will both be back to our low weights again - and soon...

Log in when you can... Interim weigh days do not matter at the minute as there are no eliminations and the only weighing that counts is at the end... you might as well keep a note of the exercise that you do though... You are right - walking a mile counts whether it is to sign official forms for a funeral or on a treadmill...

Try to be good with your food - not so much for the challenge (although I know you want to win) but because gaining weight will give you no long term pleasure...

Stay strong.

:grouphug: <------ our team giving you a hug
I'm sorry for your loss San. Take care of things and more importantly take care of yourself and we look forward to seeing you again when you can get back.

I got my hour of spin bike in this evening.
Hey, San - sorry to here that, what a difficult time.

Take care & don't worry about posting here every day!
Just checking in after a day MIA. Sorry to hear about your loss San. My condolences to you and yours.

Will be back later with stats, but I hope everyone else and theirs are okay.:seeya: