Vic’s Weight Loss

151.1 lbs

Woke up late. Went to my facial. Had a chipotle kids meal with el pastor chicken. And a donut.

Can’t fall asleep tonight. So will stay up until Sat night. Going to get mani/ pedi and to the beach in Nahant. Lunch is by A.

At 530 am I’m going to do a workout. I haven’t done one this whole past week.
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Weight unkown: Up all night. Will try to go to bed at 10. Hopefully I won’t nap today. But will be easy. Will be at my mani/pedi in the morning. In the afternoon will be at beach. Lunch/dinner will be at A place in Nahant.

I had a whole bbq chicken wing. And a little Mac and cheese.

No naps so I should be good tonight to sleep when I get home. I’m planning on getting up early tomorrow for a treadmill workout.

I also plan on taking my bro for a mani/pedi and a haircut/ shave. Then he wants to go to the dispensary.
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Thanks, Cate.

151.3 lbs

Last night fell asleep at 1 am. But I did sleep good. Woke up late today. Took my bro to do his stuff. Stopped by MB for lunch. Got 4 tuna and salmon nigiri. Ate the fish with 2 rice blocks. Had a piece of Parisian bread. Trying hard right now to not go back and have anymore bread. My mouth is still watering. Dinner was Parisian bread and Rotisserie chicken breast.

I’m laying on my couch. Trying to motivate myself to go on a walk. Maybe after this show that I’m watching. I’m sleepy so that’s good news. I won’t take a nap no matter what. I’ll try to sleep at 10 tonite.

My sleep will get messed up again on Mon night since I have to pick up my mom at 1 am.

This evening I walked for 2 hours: 45 min doing a AF treadmill workout and the rest of the time on YT.

Planning on walking again while watching a tv.
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No, Llama, that was my lunch I had dinner.

No, Cate, I eat dinner late. And if I’m up after 10. I eat again. I actually will lose weight if I can sleep.
I can't seem to stop trying to solve other people's problems, Vic. I know how awful it is when you are not getting enough sleep. I go through stages but when I'm stressed I wake up & can't get back to sleep. Is your brain super active in the middle of the night? Do you have a switch-off technology time before bed? I'm doing it again....:blush5:
No, Cate that’s fine. I like the advice. I used to eat to go to sleep when I used the ambien. But had to stop taking that. I really have to talk to my psychiatrist to get something else. I think I’ll write her tomorrow.

I’ve always had problems going to sleep. Once I do that then I can sleep through the night.
I'm glad you don't mind, Vic. I have trouble sleeping too but I find a mild sedating anti-histamine (10mg Phenergan) helps. I need AHs for all of my allergies anyway. I take it about an hour before bedtime.
Thanks, Llama and Cate.

150.1 lbs

Slept most of the day. I had sashimi for lunch. Then I had some chicken breast. Had 3 ice cream sandwiches while watching my nephew. Then I had a chicken wrap for dinner

Did a 45 min treadmill workout. Then 15 min of walking. Then I did some upper body strength training on my exercise bench.

I slept most of the day so I’ll prob be up most of the night. My mom comes in early tomorrow morning. My sis and BIL will be going to get her. Tomorrow is my bro birthday. I have to get him a gift. Then pick up his cake. We r having dinner at a hibachi.

This Thursday we r going to NYC.
Getting some sleep is more important than getting it at the right time at some point. Sashimi and a workout sound good to me! Hope you enjoy your mom's visit.
Thanks, Llama and Cate Yeah, as long as I can sleep some I’m happy. Luckily I don’t have anywhere to go in the morning. I just would like to go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am.

151.5 lbs

Had a piece of bread and cheese for breakfast. My mom is here. She brought a lot pastry and butter bread. We can’t get those here.
Those food treasures grom home are dangerous! But also delicious and worth the calories if you can only get them a couple of times a year...
It sounds like it's a good thing you can't get the PR pastries where you are, Vic. Being able to sleep from 10 pm to 6 am would be just perfect! Enjoy your Mum's company xo
151.7 lbs

Had some of my leftovers for breakfast.

All ready for our trip to NYC tomorrow.
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153.0 lbs

Made it to NYC after a long car ride. Went to Coney Island. Went on the Wonder wheel with my niece. She wanted the swinging car. Of course I went with her even though I am so scared of heights and fast moving things.

Had a bacon egg and cheese on ciabatta from Panera for breakfast before we left. Then lunch was half a sausage. Shared with my mom. Also had a Pineapple Express. Dinner was one slice of pepperoni New York pizza. Yum!!! Late night I had another slice of pep pizza.

At the bnb rn.
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What a wonderful Auntie you are, Vic. I felt a bit sick just reading about the swinging car!