Vic’s Weight Loss

I love high, fast, and swinging rides but I know not everyone does. Kudos to you for going with your niece anyway!
Weight unk

Leaving NYC today. Going to a food truck for some Lechón for lunch. I think we have to wait in a line for awhile. Didn’t make it to truck. Instead went to a Caribbean restaurant that had a buffet style where u weigh what you take. I took oxtail and pernil. Some cabbage. Dinner was that with some rice and 2 thick palloris with tamarind chutney.

Walked on my treadmill for 90 min watching tv.
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Dinner sounds delicious, Vic. NYC was the most exciting place I have ever been. I was only there for one day (a Sunday), but will never forget it.
Thanks, Llama and Cate. Had a great time visiting the sights and eating different cultures food.

153.4 lbs

Slept great last night.

Went for a 42 min walk by my sis place. It was a hill I have lots to do today.

I’m skipped breakfast. Lunch was an egg, cheese, and avocado on a corn tortilla. Also, had a sweet bun. And a handful of cashew nuts. Coffee with half and half and Splenda. And several fries. Midafternoon had some more fries. Dinner was haddock with yucca. Yum!

When I get home I’ll do a 45 min treadmill workout.

Next week I have my trip to PR. My mom is coming with us.
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Yay for sleep! 2 pounds up right after a trip with multicultural food isn't too bad: probably at least half water.
Day 1

Weight: 152.5 lbs

Plan: Protein and veggies

It’s going to be hard. Tonight going to Chunky’s to watch a movie. Planning on bringing my own food. Will get a Diet Pepsi instead of a cocktail.

Then on Sun we r going to a fancy restaurant because it’s Boston restaurant week. Maybe a getogether on Fri or Sat.

Today I have an appt at 12. Have to fast till then. After I’ll have lunch.

Had a 100 cal protein bar. Lunch was 3 oz of chicken breast. With romaine lettuce and sg pp dressing. Then late afternoon had 3 oz of chicken breast and 1 oz of deli turkey breast. Dinner I’m not sure. Prob chicken since it’s already cooked.

Also had some almond milk with tea.
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"Life is a round of continual festivities."
That's a saying we use when we are being cheeky. You have a very busy, social life at the moment, Vic!
Thanks, guys.

Day 2

151.2 lbs!!! Happy to see that.

Had a huge headache yesterday for the whole day. Took an Aleve and that didn’t work. Finally at bedtime took some ibuprofen and it worked. Since I had to fast yesterday morning I had no caffeine. Which prob contributed to the headache.

Breakfast I’m having a coffee with almond milk. Had 2 egg whites. Lunch will be chicken breast and arugula with salad dressing. In the afternoon I had 2 mini ice cream sandwiches. Dinner was paston which is like a plantain lasagna.

Have to take my bro to Bedford for a dental appt. My mom is coming.

Exercise today will be a hike with the kids and my sisters. Was to hot to go for a hike.

Did an hour of cardio- 3 20 min AF treadmill workout. Feeling good. I’m actually sweating. Maybe because I drank a lot of water.
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Thanks, Cate.

150.8 lbs

By my sis I.

Tomorrow we r going to visit my niece who has the baby so my mom’s 1st great grandchild. Then I’m going to get a curry goat roti with pumpkin and Chana. Also a doubles and a cassava pon. Then we are going to a fancy restaurant on Sunday for bostons dine out.

Then next week we- my sis A and her husband and A r going to PR with my mom. Should be fun.

Kinda late I did 60 min of cardio- 2 30 min treadmill workout on AF. Feeling good.

I’ve resigned myself to sleeping at midnight.
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Thanks, Cate and Llama.

151.8 lbs. Ahh! Losing weight is so hard

Today we r visiting my niece baby in Boston. Going to get some Caribbean food while we’re there. I can’t say no!!! My big problem in life!!!

Ate a doubles. Hopefully will be full all day. Ate some roti with pumpkin, green beans, Chana, and curry beef. Planning on working out when I get back home. Had a cream of wheat packet with almond milk.

Did 3 hours of cardio- 30 min on a treadmill workout and the rest walking and watching YT.

Late night had some chicken breast with hot sauce and bbq sauce.
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I found two Caribbean restaurants in Vienna but sadly no doubles so I'll have to live vicariously through you. Saying no to family fun is hard!
I looked up Caribbean restaurants in Tasmania & apparently, there is one in Hobart that gets very mixed reviews.
Dieting is very hard, Vic, that's for sure & harder still with an active social life like yours. Life is to be enjoyed though xo