Vic’s Weight Loss

Thanks, Llama.

Last day here. Went to bed at a decent time and woke up early. The switch up of my meds is really working. Glad I talked to my psych nurse.

I’m drinking coffee with creamer and Splenda this morning. When my sis wakes up she will make breakfast for us. Today I’ll just have a fried egg.
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Fingers crossed the better sleep will stay with the meds change! That would be huge.
Thanks, Llama. Here’s hoping!

Woke up early at 1am to catch my early flight. (Did sleep at a decent time and woke up before alarm.) Out of PR to Boston. Missed TS Ernesto!!!

I didn’t drink anything since I didn’t want to pee on the plane. I did have a salami sandwich for breakfast.

151.9 lbs when I came home. So at least I went down a half a pound.

Lunch I had a salami sandwich since I came home from the airport and didn’t want to leave my house. Doing laundry. I will have to clean up kitchen. Bro made a mess. Going to have him clean fridge whenever he decides to get up and come out of his room. Avoiding me.

Thinking on going on the treadmill later. Did a midafternoon workout. Did 30 min of AF treadmill workout- 1 10 min and 1 20 min. Thinking about going back later today. Maybe some strength training.

Have a new printer coming in today. The old one isn’t connecting and I have to print out accounting forms for my bro. And my mom paperwork. Had my printer over ten years. Need to upgrade.

Tomorrow I have to get up early to take my mom for her mammogram. Then on Thurs I have take her to her PCP. On Fri we r going camping. Have to get everything from storage. Might do that tomorrow.

Just got my period last night.
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Thanks, Llama.

151.4 lbs

At my mom’s appts this morning. Had to get up early. Didn’t want to leave my bed at all. Did fall asleep around 10 pm. So that’s great.

Had oatmeal for breakfast at Lahey. Lunch was curry pork, potatoes, and rice. Snack of one homemade banana chocolate chip cookie.

Babysitting when we get back.

Did 3- 10 min AF treadmill workout.

On Fri is our camping trip. I still haven’t taken out my camping gear from attic storage. I’ll do it tomorrow.
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Thanks, Llama

Fasted yesterday since 1 pm. Slept at a decent time. I just stayed in bed and did not get up and I fell asleep eventually.

149.8 lbs!!! Finally back into the 140s.

Today I’m packing my SUV with my camping gear. Tomorrow we r leaving about 11 am. 2 hrs drive. Have to do grocery shopping early tomorrow.

Today I’m fasting. Planning on walking later after I babysit the kids.

I’m using a fasting journal I got from Amazon. You write your weight, fasting hours, water consumption, and other things. Started yesterday and so far it’s working for me.

I fasted for 24.5 hours. I ate some brown rice, grilled chicken breast, black beans and black beans salad. And one homemade chocolate chip cookie. Will try not to eat seconds!
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Congratulations on the sleep and the drop! I'm not a big fan of fasting but as long as you're still getting your nutrients in and it doesn't make you bunge later there's no scientific reason not to.
Thanks, Llama and Andrew.

Went to bed at decent time and slept great. Got up early to finish last minute packing. Then because I had extra time I went on the treadmill and did a 45 min AF treadmill workout.

147.6 lbs!!! I think almost to a low but haven’t seen that in awhile.

I am off to camping and I hope I continue with the fasting. Planning on skipping breakfast and lunch and just have dinner. I am feeling confident that I can do it. Even with my sisters I’ll be strong.

I’ll try to move to the new forum when my mom leaves on Thurs next week. I tried doing it on my phone but I made too many mistakes. So have to do it on another device.
Thanks, Llama and Andrew.

Yesterday I just had dinner. Managed to skip breakfast and lunch I did have one bite of a sandwich. Dinner I had salmon, sweet potatoes, and zucchini.

Today I’ll do the same thing and just have dinner.

Took time to fall asleep last night but I did not get up from my cot. Woke up early this morning. My phone WiFi is working this morning.
Thanks, Llama.

Slept great last night. Woke up early.

Today is our last day at the campgrounds. Leaving a day early. It’s supposed to rain.

Yesterday all I had was dinner. It was a barra, curry pork with Chana and potatoes and one pilori. Also had a smore.

Today I will just have lunch. It’s bbq chicken with yucca and zucchini.
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All that sounds delicious and it is fun to not have to worry about calories because it's only one meal anyway.
Hi Vic! Great job getting back into the 140's! I am interested to follow how the fasting goes. Hope you enjoyed the camping. :)
Thanks, guys.

Ate my lunch at the camp. As we were packing up to leave my car battery dies. Had to call AAA. Took them about an hour to come out.

Just came home. I have doubles and 2 pilori with Chana and curry pork and potato. For my meal tomorrow.

I have an appt early tomorrow to get a new battery. I hope my car starts.

I’m actually excited to see my weight tomorrow morning even though I’m waking up early.

I might work out in a little while. Did a 45 min AF treadmill workout. Feeling good.

Hopefully I can fall asleep after I watch some tv.
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Fingers crossed for your weigh-in! If you drove home far enough last night your car should start in the morning but I'll cross the fingers on my other hand for that.
Thanks, Llama. Yeah, my car started just fine. My weigh in was great!

145.9 lbs

On my way to the dealership early. Did not do a workout. After I go to the library to do some paperwork for my mom. I’ll swing by my house and do a workout. Then go by my mom.

Had an iced coffee with almond milk and splenda from DD. Will try to skip lunch.

Dinner is at a restaurant so saving my calories.

I’m trying hard right now not to have lunch or snack. Lunch time and I’m by my sis. Hard to resist.

Did a 30 min AF treadmill workout. Walked 45 min on treadmill on YT.

Looking forward to dinner! Dinner was beef and onions with rice and beans and sweet plantain. A little churro with caramel sauce. No alcohol. Water since no diet soda.

Took half of dinner home for tomorrow.
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Congrats on the weigh-in! Don't be alarmed when your weightloss slows down after a week or ten days of one meal a day: part of the weight you're currently losing is water weight (because you're not getting nearly as many carbs in one meal as you normally would in a full day or regular eating) and at some point there's no more water to lose. The bad news is that the water part of this drop will come right back once you start eating normally again. But for now it must feel great and if it's a system you can work with happily there's nothing wrong with OMAD.
Thank, Andrew. You are right, Llama. It feels good to lose the weight. I'll do my best to maintain when I reach my new weight. I’ve been exercising and eating less. My RMR is only 1275 cal so I would have to eat at that and that would def go down so I’ll go back and get tested again.

145.5 lbs. Almost out of overweight category for the BMR just .6 lbs.

Mom leaving on Wed night. So just one more day with her. She’ll be back up in Nov before her birthday

Today taking her for a massage and then to the bank. Then I have babysit nephew A.

Today I’m eating an egg for breakfast with a slice of sourdough bread. Late lunch of grilled bbq chicken thigh with bone, a little sweet potato and some black bean salad. And a rice crispy treat. And some tortilla chips with street corn dip.

Well my mom wanted oysters for dinner so we’re r going to a restaurant. Prob get a cocktail tonight.

Had 2 cocktails, shared some apps and oysters. Oysters were $1 each. We got two dozen to share with the 4 of us.
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