Vic’s Weight Loss

I'll do my best to maintain when I reach my new weight. I’ve been exercising and eating less. My RMR is only 1275 cal so I would have to eat at that and that would def go down so I’ll go back and get tested again.
Thankfully for maintenance you can and should eat more than your resting metabolic rate unless you literally lie in bed sleeping all day.
Enjoy the last day with your mom!
I hope your mom enjoys the massage. Your meal plan looks good. Enjoy the day with your mom
Thanks, guys. My mom leaves tonight.

147.0 lbs. Ate a lot yesterday. Today I’m skipping breakfast. At an appt anyways.

Took my mom to a bunch of places so she could do last minute shopping before she leaves tonite. Got our pedicures done too. Missed lunch too.

Later we r going to a baseball game. Long night I am def going to sleep in tomorrow.
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Thanks, Rob, Andrew, and Llama.

Weight kinda high. Was up late. Had a lot of bran cereal.

My mom should be arriving soon to STX. A long plane ride with a stop in Miami.

My SUV is almost unloaded from camping. Took everything that belong in storage up to the attic. Had to do it alone. My bro was not here conveniently. Still have stuff in my car to bring inside.

Taking a little break today. Tomorrow I’ll go full force on the walking. I don’t have to go by my sis anymore. Since my mom left. So I have plenty of time.
Carrying camping gear up into the attic sounds like a workout to me! Would you say you ate the cereal because you ate so little the days before or was it more the stress of your mom leaving and having to unpack everything on your own?
unloading all that camping stuff sounds like a chore. The flight seems like a long one. I bet with all the shopping she did with you plus the flight your mom will be tired when she finally gets home. hopefully everything fit in her luggage.
Thanks, Rob. Llama, I’m not sure. Sometimes I eat a lot. It was late night and I was craving it because I was watching a series. Thanks, Andrew, she had to leave some stuff. So I’ll just mail it to her next week.

146.7 lbs!!!

Walked for 30 min- 20 on AF and 10 on YT. After lunch went on a 30 min walk around the condos. In the afternoon I did a 45 apple fitness treadmill workout. Walked later for 12 min outside. Later today I think I’ll work on some upper body strength workout.

Had lunch of a salad with mixed spring lettuce, baby cucumbers, tomato, red onion, feta cheese, and pieces of the meat no skin from 2 buffalo chicken drummettes wing piece. And a slice of mozzarella cheese. Early dinner I had some 2 oz boneless chicken thigh with pepper. Stovetop. Late dinner the other chicken thigh pieces that I made earlier. And a half of a mozzarella slice. Later dinner I had a cheese burger with half a bun and pickles and tomato and onions.
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Lunch sounds great! I probably would've added a little more chicken for protein to avoid getting hungry too soon after but that's nitpicky. Thanks for reminding me I should get up and go for a walk!
Thanks, Llama and Andrew.

145.4 lbs!!! Half a pound left to reach a healthy bmi level.

Skipped breakfast today. Just had a coffee with almond milk and Splenda. Lunch I’m making now. Roasted chicken breast and a salad. I’m going to have 2 oz. In the evening I had a string cheese. And 1 more for after workout. Had some more chicken with ketchup for dinner.

Exercise. I’m planning on focusing on strength training today I’ve been putting it off. Maybe no walking until I do that.

Skipped on the beach this morning. I had an allergy attack because I was all out of my allergy pill yesterday. So I made sure I got some more today. Won’t make that mistake again.

Tomorrow we r getting together for dinner.

Well ended up walking around my neighborhood for 27 min. About to go do some upper body strength training. Walked for 45 min watching YouTube. Finally did some upper body strength training. Then 15 min of AF video workout.
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Thanks, Llama and Andrew. I’m not sure what I’m allergic to. It just started a couple years ago.

Well it’s late and I’m up. Couldn’t fall asleep.

Had a slice of bread with butter and some chicken breast pieces.
146.2 lbs

Breakfast was a slice of bread and pb with coffee with almond milk and Splenda.

Lunch/dinner I had a caprese salad app. Had a piece of chicken thigh, steak, and 2 shrimp and some salad. No alcohol by my sis. Dessert was a bite of a peach cake.
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Thanks for telling me. I didn’t realize I had a dm.

You’re right. I should get an allergy test.