Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge Omega-3 Team

As everyone knows - I dont count my calories - but I do know that every time that I do count them I eat tons more calories than Dawn is eating there. I can understand the desire to get a low weight - but it is important that we stay nourished.

I cannot see me improving much on my dunce's kiyup for the tae kwon do. Still as long as I finish them and make some sort of sneezy whooshy sound - that is what counts. I think that I will pur the difference down to his American accent vs my geordie one! He jumps a lot more elegantly than me - but he is an expert so I would expect him to.

I am pleased that both of you are seeing a weight loss compared to yesterday. My weight is trickling upwards from the low. It is the natural way of things but annoying at times. I am still down from last Friday though. The ticker is the latest weight.

I am certainly pleased that you have volunteered to do the roadblock. It doesnt sound appetising and I have to say that I have no idea where I would get some of the ingredients.
Well, I didn't get to the gym today, or do any exercise. All afternoon I was feeling extremely tired, which is odd, b/b I slept very well last night. I also got in a half hour nap in the afternoon. Still, all I could think about was how tired I was. I had to appts with clients, so I had to go. At the last appt, I started feeling nauseous. So of course I was wondering if maybe I was pregnant..lol. But I also developed chills and an achy feeling. I'm sure it's the flu. I haven't :puke:, but I feel weak as a kitten despite sleeping for 2hrs tonight.

The good thing is that since I had no appetite for dinner, I only ate 720 calories today. So hopefully the scale will continue its downward trend.
Sure would be cool for you if you were preggers. There are people who do get sick right away. Let's hope your one of them.
Otherwise I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Sure would be cool for you if you were preggers. There are people who do get sick right away. Let's hope your one of them.
Otherwise I hope you get to feeling better soon.

We all know that 720 calories is not ideal in one day - but lots of people think that you can work out these things by the week and I know that when we look at the week as a whole you will not waste away.

Lets hope for a reduction at the scales.

In all honesty though - if you can face eating something that will make you feel better - go for it. Honey can help the flu. How we feel is much more important than us getting turfed out of a challenge. As you know - I resigned from one challenge this week. It really isnt the end of the world if we get eliminated.
Well I have updated my scoresheet with today's weight and the fact that I have ploughed my way through the 15 tae kwon do videos with the best sound effects that I could manage while waving my arms, stepping, jumping and kicking to the best of my ability. Mr Fruitstone would have been very disappointed in me if he could have seen me - but I was wise enough to do it all without an audience.

I got a new low today after salmon last night. It seems like we will need every ounce that we can get (and will probably be eliminated anyway). I have therefore persuaded hubby that it is a great idea for us to have salmon again tonight. I am just hoping that either that last non elimination card gets picked, Kimberly spots that her scales are broken and finds some more scales that are more generous in their interpretation of the facts or one of the other teams decided not to exercise or drink tea / do tae kwon do. Frankly I dont like our chances of any of those eventualities.
Well, my weight was down to 221 today. So I've still got 3.5lbs to get rid of by tomorrow inorder to break even. I'm still not feeling all that well, despite sleeping 10.5hrs last night. I do feel a bit better than yesterday, though.

Yes, having a couple of low-cal days for me will certainly not hurt, as I ate tons of them the previous 5 days. :banghead: I feel really bad about this--if we get eliminated, it'll be my fault. I should lose at least another 2lbs for tomorrow's weigh in, giving me a 1.5lb gain. We may be able to survive that--as we did last week.

Congrats on getting the TKD finished, Margaret. :party:
Well done for bringing your weight down some more.

I am pleased that you are feeling a bit better. How you feel is more important than weight loss or gain - or for that matter challenge eliminations. The weight gain will prove to be temporary and was incurred in an attempt to make one of your dreams a reality. Dont feel bad about the situation.

The only purpose of challenges is to keep us on track so that we continue to pursue our dreams.

Tammy got eliminated in the last challenge and her weightloss has been exceptional all year. The blow of elimination has not slowed her down and I see that she has just sailed past the 100 pounds lost milestone.

If we get eliminated - I see no reason to suppose that it will slow down our weightloss at all. We might get lucky and survive.
I agree with Margaret. As much as I wouldn't like to be eliminated it would not be the end of the world. It is much more important that you get to feeling better.
We could have easily been eliminated last week with my gain but got lucky. Don't hold it against yourself. Like Margaret said you were chasing a dream.
We all have times when we go away and eat, drink and be merry.
Heck I'll just keep following along anyway. There is a 2nd chance thread right? :)
Don't worry about it.
We're not.
Okay. I only needed 9 minutes to complete this weeks exercise.
I got in 75 minutes last night at my Fit for Life Class. Which puts me at a total of 355 minutes in all. Which figured into hours and such is 5 hours and 55 minutes.
If I would have realized that I would only need 5 more minutes to make it an even 6 hours I would have done it! :smilielol5:
Weighed-in this morning at............drum roll please!............
That puts me 1.6 lower than last week and at an all new low number!!!
Woot Woot!!
Well I gotta go to work girls.
I'll catch ya later.
Congrats to both of you for having such an awesome week!!

I think it will be enough to save us, as I managed to only post a 1lb gain. :rolleyes:

Still feeling crappy. :ack2:
Well, we're safe another week. :party:

We actually came in 3rd, and we were so scared of being eliminated. We almost could've gotten by on Bella's weight loss alone..lol.

There are 3 weeks left. I hope we can get through to the final week. That's my goal. I think we can do it. :smash:
Sorry that you are still feeling crappy.

Our losses would not have saved us had you not managed to get rid of much of your gain despite being ill.

I think that we all did really well to survive. It really was a team effort.

Lets hope that we all have a good week. The other teams are getting such good weightloss and maximising points - that we really have to work hard to survive.
Thank you for the kind words, M.

The scale was up to 220.5 again!! :cuss: I know it's due to sodium, as I ate quite a bit of it yesterday. My calories were under 2,000, though.

I dunno how today will be, as H and I are going to his co-worker's house for dinner tonight, and he's just imformed me that we are having Mexican, and that they are both gluttons...lmao. So I'll do my best not to be one myself...:smilielol5:

Made myself do 30min on the bike last night.
It looks like your weight will go further up then - if you are going to have Mexican - but that will be more water retention as long as you dont act like a glutton. Try not to be led astray - I know how difficult that is when you are feeling rotten.

Just think - we know how to get rid of yesterday's and today's water weight gain from eating too much sodium before next Thursday. All you have to do is drink plenty water and you were planning on doing that anyway.

If only we could get on the scales and get a three part reading - the fat weight, the water weight and the weight of the rest!

Well done for getting some exercise done - despite feeling crappy.

I have done my normal walking. We therefore have 6 hours done by me for this new week.
Yes, I am definitely going to do my best to eat moderately tonight. As we are due there at 4pm, I will only be eating 2 meals today, so that will help. 4 o'clock!! Who eats dinner at 4pm?? I thought only old people did that...:smilielol5: Hopefully she won't actually serve it until a bit later.
4pm is early. Are you sure that they are serving one meal and not two?

My parents are 85 and 90 and they eat after 5pm. Not long after 5pm I'll grant you - but not at 4pm.

If these people are gluttons maybe they are planning to have one meal lasting 6 hours.

I hope that you enjoy yourself.
Oh, I enjoyed myself alright...:smilielol5:

Actually, we didn't eat until about 6pm, as they wanted to play cards for a bit first. We snacked on strawberries and grapes before dinner. This would be very good if it wasn't for the dip she made with sour cream, brown sugar and butter. It was delicious. Then we had homemade tacos--I only had one. Then I had one scoop of ice cream with chocolate sauce and an apple with more dip. Actually, I'm pleased that's all I ate--my cals came in under 1800. She is a big food pusher..lol. You know, the kind who are always trying to cajole you into eating more. I swear she has Italian blood in her..lol.
Got in a 67min walk today, and made the roadblock dish. I made enough for H as well--and he really likes it. I think I might have to make it again for him...lol

I am eating it for dinner tonight, and will probably need to eat it for lunch for the next couple of days. It isn't that bad, actually. I put a whole lemon in it--minus the peel.
I am certainly pleased that you have made it and like it.

Knowing that you have been sick I wondered whether you would manage it. I have never seen samp or hominy in any shops and I took particular care in Tescos to look round all the possible sections yesterday. I couldnt find anything named anything remotely like it. I also did a google search of the internet and didnt find anything to indicate that we have another name for it.

I cannot say that the name samp or hominy sounds particularly appetising - but at the end of the day - what is in a name?

Well done for getting the exercise in. My exercise is on schedule.