Week 6—Seoul to Johannesburg 18hrs 35min.
Just to let you know that I have completed 9hours 18minutes and entered it on the scoresheet.
Week 6—Seoul to Johannesburg 18hrs 35min.
I am certainly pleased that you have made it and like it.
Knowing that you have been sick I wondered whether you would manage it. I have never seen samp or hominy in any shops and I took particular care in Tescos to look round all the possible sections yesterday. I couldnt find anything named anything remotely like it. I also did a google search of the internet and didnt find anything to indicate that we have another name for it.
I cannot say that the name samp or hominy sounds particularly appetising - but at the end of the day - what is in a name?
Well done for getting the exercise in. My exercise is on schedule.
You are both doing so well.
Kimberly - well done for doing that roadblock.
Dawn - great exercise levels. Kimberly will hardly need to do any for this week. I wouldnt be surprised if she has already done all that is needed (although I havent done the sums).
I am so pleased that you are both in my team.
Well even though we will be eliminated this week 'cuz M is sick I went ahead and posted my stats.
I lost another 1.2 pounds this week.
And exercised 750 minutes!!!!
I kicked my hinny, inny end!!!!
Miss ya Margaret! Hurry back to us.
So here's the plan for this week:
Bella and I will do 8hrs 45min of exercise each. That leaves 10% (117min) for Margaret. If she can't do it, no problem, we'll just take what exercise pts we can get.
As to the Detour, I'm sure M will have no trouble getting five 30min siestas in this week, as she'll be recuperating from her surgery... How perfect is that detour for her this week? I couldn't have planned it better.
So, worst case scenario, we drop 7pts in exercise. Which, we'll hopefully make up for in weightloss pts... Hey, if I'm pretty much doubling my weekly exercise, I should pull in a good loss--especially since I'm up 3lbs from my lowest of a few weeks ago.
So that's the plan ladies. I'm feeling very upbeat atm, and ready to kick some bootay. I've already got 100 min of exercise in from a 6 mile walk today.
GOOOOOOOOO Omega-3!!!!!!!