Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge Omega-3 Team

I am certainly pleased that you have made it and like it.

Knowing that you have been sick I wondered whether you would manage it. I have never seen samp or hominy in any shops and I took particular care in Tescos to look round all the possible sections yesterday. I couldnt find anything named anything remotely like it. I also did a google search of the internet and didnt find anything to indicate that we have another name for it.

I cannot say that the name samp or hominy sounds particularly appetising - but at the end of the day - what is in a name?

Well done for getting the exercise in. My exercise is on schedule.

Samp is just another word for hominy. I found my hominy in the canned veggie aisle at the supermarket. Cowpeas and black eyed peas are the same thing, and I found those pretty easily as well.

I am eating just fine now, so it won't be a problem. :) Eating is rarely a problem for me--well overeating is....:D

Well done getting all your exercise in. :hurray:

I wonder how our Bella Dawn is doing.
I hope that she is ok.

I'm pleased that you are eating fine now.

I never found anything like this samp / hominy so either we dont get it here or else it has some wierd name translation that isnt generally known. It's a good job that I dont need to get it because I think that I would have to send for it by mail order and that would take too long.

The name samp sounds too much like swamp to sound appetising.

Black eyed beans wouldnt be a problem.
Hey girls!
I am here!
I am here!
I missed you two immensly. Especially when I wanted to tell you how well I did at work doing my old job. It was almost a breeze. I can't wait to tell Kelly. She'll be so proud of me.
In all (jump to my diary for the whole story 'cuz I gotta run! always right?! LOL)
I got in 6 1/2 hours of exercise.
I'll catch ya later!!!
The roadblock is done.

I didn't do any exercise yesterday. I kept putting it off, and then was too tired. :banghead:

Today is another gorgeous day, so I WILL get in a walk!!! :smash:
Official exercise this week:
Friday 3 1/2 hrs of Orderfilling
Saturday none
Sunday 3 hours of Orderfilling
Monday 1 hour Power Core class
Tuesday 1 hour 20 minutes walking about town
8 hours and 50 minutes!!!!

I still have both of my Fit for Life classes this week as well as I will be walking to the Ymca tonight.
That should add about 3 hours respectively.
I am rocking it out this week!!!!
You are both doing so well.
Kimberly - well done for doing that roadblock.
Dawn - great exercise levels. Kimberly will hardly need to do any for this week. I wouldnt be surprised if she has already done all that is needed (although I havent done the sums).

I am so pleased that you are both in my team.
You are both doing so well.
Kimberly - well done for doing that roadblock.
Dawn - great exercise levels. Kimberly will hardly need to do any for this week. I wouldnt be surprised if she has already done all that is needed (although I havent done the sums).

I am so pleased that you are both in my team.

Awww....thank you!

I've got 3.5hrs of exercise in so far, as I took a 53 min walk and did 40min at the gym today.

With Margaret's 9:38 plus my 3:30 plus Bella's 8:50, we are well over our requirement. Even if we didn't count her 6.5hrs done at work, we would still be fine with the 3 additional hrs she will get in, plus I intend to get in another 1.5hrs before the end of Thursday. WTG team!! :hurray:
Man are we not the PowerTeam here? Or is it just me?
I mean regardless of how well we do here, I think that our friendship will last and last.
We just all really compliment each other so well with our personalities.
Way to go Kimberly on the exercise this week!!!
Too bad we can't get extra points for going over. You know "going the extra mile!" LOL A little Amazing Race humor there!
I know, I know I am a dork!
Updating the exercise~
1 hour of fit for life
40 minutes of walking
That brings the grand total too............drum roll please.........

10.5 hours!!!!!

Oh by the way, be looking for a new low tomorrow. 'Cuz I am currently only .6
higher than my low weight of last week. And here lately I am at least 1-1.5 lower in the morning from my night weight.

10.5 hours is great Dawn!

I am sure that all the additional exercise that you have been doing this week will really help your weightloss.

I sometimes wish that Kimberly would make some really challenging distances between the race destinations so that our team could have an advantage. I am sure that she could keep the locations if she did all the journeys via Timbuktu or somewhere. I reckon that we could cope with 30 hours easy! She is just too generous to all the opposing team members for her own good.

I actually feel a little envious at you having 1 to 1.5 pounds difference between your morning weight and night weight. I think that I must eat and drink an awful lot more than you because the last time I weighed at night there was about 5 pounds difference between the result and what I had weighed that morning. 5 pounds is a huge discrepancy and I have to say that I was relieved to see it going back the next morning. It certainly was enough to put me off night-time weighing.

I have drifted up from my low weight to nearly where I was last Friday (too many celebratory shreddies!!!). I will therefore have salmon tonight and tomorrow to try and get some weightloss happening.
Thanks Margaret!
I think that the weather has something to do with my ramped up effort. As I do usually suffer from that seasonal depression thing. This last year wasn't so bad but I guess it did have it's effects 'cuz now I feel like I am coming out of a shell or something.
At least I didn't gain any weight during it like I would have normally. Even though I did feel like I was failing for NOT losing. It is an accomplishment in and of itself to say the least!!!

I walked dd to school this morning for another 30 minutes. Was unable to walk to the library today as I had another funeral to attend. But I do plan to walk to pick up dd so that would be an additional 30 minutes. And if I were to do no more exercise today that would top me out at 11 hours and 30 minutes.

I did weigh in lower this morning!!!
Just like I thought I would.
That puts me at 44.2 pounds lost all together!!!
And if I can drop a bit more, say like another .6, I will have lost 2 pounds since last week.
Wow! You two are doing fantastic!! WTG Bella on getting in soooo much exercise and dropping the lbs. :party:

I got in another hr long 4 mile walk this afternoon. Weather is beautiful today--sunny and 72F/22C. Can't ask for better than that! :coolgleamA: I opened my bedroom window and the cat immediately jumped into the window to sun himself..lol

R.e. the exercise bit of the challenges, well, I have made the times the shortest time between locations. Otherwise it would've been rather arbitrary. Week 7 is the most exercise we've had to do yet--so gear up!
Well even though we will be eliminated this week 'cuz M is sick I went ahead and posted my stats.
I lost another 1.2 pounds this week.
And exercised 750 minutes!!!!
I kicked my hinny, inny end!!!!

Miss ya Margaret! Hurry back to us.
Well even though we will be eliminated this week 'cuz M is sick I went ahead and posted my stats.
I lost another 1.2 pounds this week.
And exercised 750 minutes!!!!
I kicked my hinny, inny end!!!!

Miss ya Margaret! Hurry back to us.

Congrats on losing 1.2lbs! :party: You are currently winning the bmi race..lol. I need to get my rear in gear! :D

Sorry you're not here to celebrate with us, M. Hope you get better soon!!!!!

You are so incredibly wonderful! Here I am logging our team's pts even though I know we'll be eliminated. And low and behold, our beloved M--or her wonderful R--has updated her weight!! :hurray:
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Well knock me over with a feather and call me a monkey's uncle!! :svengo:

Not only did we not get eliminated, we actually came in 2nd place!! :party:

Big kudos to Margaret and Bella! :hurray:

So here's the plan for this week:

Bella and I will do 8hrs 45min of exercise each. That leaves 10% (117min) for Margaret. If she can't do it, no problem, we'll just take what exercise pts we can get. ;)

As to the Detour, I'm sure M will have no trouble getting five 30min siestas in this week, as she'll be recuperating from her surgery...:D How perfect is that detour for her this week? I couldn't have planned it better.

So, worst case scenario, we drop 7pts in exercise. Which, we'll hopefully make up for in weightloss pts...:smilielol5: Hey, if I'm pretty much doubling my weekly exercise, I should pull in a good loss--especially since I'm up 3lbs from my lowest of a few weeks ago. :)

So that's the plan ladies. I'm feeling very upbeat atm, and ready to kick some bootay. :smash: I've already got 100 min of exercise in from a 6 mile walk today.

GOOOOOOOOO Omega-3!!!!!!! :party:
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Just back home from hospital 10 minutes ago and headed straight for the computer to sit down and see how the challenge went. I am so pleased that we survived.

I got my dear hubby to log in and update the scoresheet for me. He is such a sweet.

I have checked with hospital staff and I will be able to go out walking - just not for as long as normal and not at my normal pace - we are talking much shorter distances. It should mean that I should be able to log some exercise for our team this week though. I will keep you posted.
Holy Smokes!!!!
I thought the Omega-3's were goners for sure!!!
I'm glad that my pride stepped in on Thursday night, logging in my weight and exercise. YIKES!!! To think that if I hadn't we would be done.
So here's the plan for this week:

Bella and I will do 8hrs 45min of exercise each. That leaves 10% (117min) for Margaret. If she can't do it, no problem, we'll just take what exercise pts we can get. ;)

As to the Detour, I'm sure M will have no trouble getting five 30min siestas in this week, as she'll be recuperating from her surgery...:D How perfect is that detour for her this week? I couldn't have planned it better.

So, worst case scenario, we drop 7pts in exercise. Which, we'll hopefully make up for in weightloss pts...:smilielol5: Hey, if I'm pretty much doubling my weekly exercise, I should pull in a good loss--especially since I'm up 3lbs from my lowest of a few weeks ago. :)

So that's the plan ladies. I'm feeling very upbeat atm, and ready to kick some bootay. :smash: I've already got 100 min of exercise in from a 6 mile walk today.

GOOOOOOOOO Omega-3!!!!!!! :party:

Sounds doable to me. Especially with all the walking that I have been getting in. And I also orderfilled again yesterday. Worked up a big sweat I tell ya.
I was really working hard.
So if you will let me count it again then that will be 4 hours of exercise for me.
Sit back and take it easy this week M. You deserve it.