Weight-Loss The Amazing Race Challenge Omega-3 Team

I didnt even know about the challenge - and yet I have already got in two of my siestas for this week. I suppose that is what not getting released from hospital until Saturday afternoon does for you.

Rod says that he is always happy to contribute to the team and he has just got in a 30 minute siesta that we can use if rules allow!

You've both got in some great exercise already. Well done!
Rod says that he is always happy to contribute to the team and he has just got in a 30 minute siesta that we can use if rules allow!

LMBO!!!! :smilielol5:
That's it!
Rod is now an honorary Omega-3.
LOL! You all are cracking me up! I wish we could count Rod's siesta...lmao!

At the rate I'm going, I'm gonna have to run the half mile...lol. I did run 1/4 mile a few days ago without stopping, so I certainly think it's in the realm of possibility. :D But I'll try to get my siestas in just in case.

I love how our team is still rockin' and rollin'. :hurray:
I won't be running anywhere.

Well done for running a quarter of a mile. I dont know when I last did that but it was a long time ago.
I don't know about running the half mile..lol So I took a nap today. :D

I got in a 65 minute, 4 mile walk this evening--bringing my total exercise to 165 minutes.
Well done Kimberly for getting out walking. It is strange me watching you both get all this exercise in and me still on zero.
Dawn - help!!!

I just got on my scales to weigh for Sunday and my weight has gone up to 11 stone. I was even wearing just my nightie and not my normal weighing clothes! That is a gain of about 8 pounds!!!! Now - I know that it is not fat - I have hardly eaten since Wednesday's weighing. There was no nervous eating in anticipation because Wednesday was business as usual until the pain started and I stopped eating.

OK I did have the rhubarb crumble and custard yesterday - but when I was home I just had my salmon main meal to try and fix the day. Across Wednesday to Saturday the average calories would actually be minimal.

I remember that your weight was up immediately after your op. It came down a few days later. Can you think of anything that you did that helped it to come down. I am hoping that the NSAIDs that I have been given will reduce the swelling which will reduce the weight. They didnt let me start on the NSAIDs until I was back on solids. I will certainly have my water to try and stop water retention from the sodium in all those drips.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Have been out walking.
Hospital told me that I could go out and do 1 mile max today. Pedometer seemed to think I had done 1.12 miles but I think my pace length was shorter than normal as I would put it slightly under a mile (it was a lap plus a bit locally). I couldnt be bothered to recalibrate the pedometers as I think my pace will change every day. The bottom line was that it was 24 minutes towards the challenge. The speed is obviously slow but in line with medical advice.
I wouldn't panic about the weight gain--it clearly isn't fat. I'm sure it'll go down a little bit each day.

I was just thinking that it's funny that I have logged in nearly 3hrs already this week, and I'm ahead of you for once. See what has to occur for that to happen?? :biggrinjester:

I'm about to add to that walking total, as my friend has just arrived to go walking with me.
Ahhh my dear sweet M~
Isn't it sooooo very frustrating to see those numbers staring back up at you. Even though you know they are not real they are still very disconcerting to see.
Basically for me my biggest problem was I was a bit stopped up if you get my drift! LOL
I made sure to get all my water and them some plus to eat plenty of fiber.
Also I think it helped when I myself got up and around. Got things moving again in more than way I think. haha. I am just cracking myself up.
Really at this point just take it easy. Kimberly and I would much rather that you not over do it before you should.
It is good to have you back. Even though you were only gone for a day or two I went into panic mode thinking of all the possible things that could have happened.
I am glad that you are okay.

Dawn - help!!!

I just got on my scales to weigh for Sunday and my weight has gone up to 11 stone. I was even wearing just my nightie and not my normal weighing clothes! That is a gain of about 8 pounds!!!! Now - I know that it is not fat - I have hardly eaten since Wednesday's weighing. There was no nervous eating in anticipation because Wednesday was business as usual until the pain started and I stopped eating.

OK I did have the rhubarb crumble and custard yesterday - but when I was home I just had my salmon main meal to try and fix the day. Across Wednesday to Saturday the average calories would actually be minimal.

I remember that your weight was up immediately after your op. It came down a few days later. Can you think of anything that you did that helped it to come down. I am hoping that the NSAIDs that I have been given will reduce the swelling which will reduce the weight. They didnt let me start on the NSAIDs until I was back on solids. I will certainly have my water to try and stop water retention from the sodium in all those drips.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Well my weight is still sky high and no sign of heading down. I notice that my NSAIDs contain sodium. I consider this to be pure sabotage from the medical profession. Were my doctors bribed by our opposing teams?

I certainly had my full 2.5 litres of water yesterday and I am convinced that my fibre was high (since food included tons of cereal, fruit and veg).

I really was not pleased to see 11 stone on the scale again today. My tummy is definitely swollen - I certainly can recognise a big tummy when I see one! I just havent the heart to put my new weight on my ticker! :cry:

I am seriously considering heading towards arnica for the swelling if I can confirm that there is no contraindications and can get to the chemist (easier said than done as Rod is determined to limit my walking distance and keeps insisting that he gets his own way!)

The only bright thing is that I got a bit more walking done today. Another 53 minutes (two walks - 33 minutes and 20 minutes) bringing my total for the week up to 77 minutes. My speed was a little faster than yesterday which is good. It will take a while but I will build things back up.
Don't worry about the weight, Margaret. I'm sure it'll go down in it's own sweet time. What is arnica? If walking to the chemist requires a 6 mile walk--I say fuhgeddabout it.

Don't over do it on the walking, dear. You don't want to push too hard. And you only need 40 more minutes for the challenge.

My weight isn't budging much, either--down a half pound today, but still up consderably--probably due to :reddevil:. If our weight gets us eliminated, so be it. The fact that we lasted this long makes me happy. I thought we were goners for sure last week. :D
Weight still sky high - but I got to the chemist this morning. It didnt involve a six mile walk - just about 1.5 miles - but I got there and did what I wanted to do. I wanted some more wound dressings anyway so Rod coudnt argue.

Anyway the pharmacist was very positive about me having arnica. She said that if she was in my shoes she would be putting herself on it! She advised me on what to get so I am now taking some 30c pillules.

Arnica is a homeopathic herbal treatment for bruising and swelling - internally and externally. A lot of people find it very beneficial for bruising / swelling following childbirth. Some of my friends gave it rave reviews for that! You can get creams or very tiny little tablets (pillules) of different strengths.

My minimal walking allocation for the challenge is done - but obviously I am a woman on a mission to bring my walking back up to what I consider an acceptable level. Dont worry as I do take it easy. I would normally consider the speed that I use as little more than a stroll.
Well, between the 3 of us, we are gonna kick some booty in the exercise dept this week..lol As to weight loss, well....:rofl:

I hope the arnica works well for you, and gets the weight down--not b/c of the challenge so much, but b/c I know you will not rest easy until it starts getting back to where it was pre-op. :)

Hey Bella--how are ya? :)
I certainly plan on notching up as much gentle exercise as I dare.

Weightloss was always going to be a potential stumbling block for us as we are all fairly deep into long term projects.

Thankfully the arnica is working well - but I am afraid that it will be a question of how big a gain I have this week rather than how big a loss. If only I had got to the arnica a day or two earlier instead of that sodium stuff.

Dawn is probably busy exercising if her week is going anything like last week - I really appreciate you both covering for me this week. I too hope that she is ok.
Please, you and Bella have pretty much carried my ass through this challenge. It's the least I can do. I'm actually enjoying the extra exercise. :D Also, you're weight seems to be going down rather quickly since you stopped that drug. I think any gain this week will be minimal. And remember--I gained 2lbs last week and we came in 2nd place. There is hope.

Up to 7hrs 28min now. My calories for today are 1,632, so I'm pleased with that. I'm hoping to be under 220.5 tomorrow. I've also got in all 5 siestas, so the detour is done.
Hey girls just wanted to drop in on you guys. I just updated my diary so if you want to jump over there you can catch up with all my stuff. I am just to tired tonight to write it all down again.
Though I will tell you that I am currently sitting on 8 hours of exercise. But with that I also have about a 2 pound gain due to TOM. So we will just have to wait and see what comes about on Friday morning.
Margaret I hope you are feeling better. Remember you can take it easy for a few more days. Kimberly and I got the exercise in the bag this week.
Week 8—Pamplona to Brussels 19hrs 46min (by train). 6hrs 36min split 3 ways.

Belgium is probably most famous for beer, chocolate and lace. And while the idea of sitting around in lacy underwear drinking beer and eating chocolate might be very appealing to many of you (it certainly is to me :D ), it isn’t very conducive to weight loss, and you’d have far too much fun. ;) Therefore, this last Roadblock isn’t nearly as delightful. Eat 20 Brussels sprouts over the course of the week. I don’t think Brussels sprouts originated in Brussels, and I never ate any while I was there, but oh well, I can’t think of anything else to make you do. :D

Only one person per team needs to do this. However, each teammate must do at least one roadblock, so if you haven't done one yet--this one's for you. Happy eating. :reddevil:

Oh, and congratulations for having made it to the final week. :sifone:

I have this roadblock covered. I was going to do it anyway. The Brussels sprouts are sitting waiting in my fridge from my internet shopping delivery that arrived on Tuesday, as are the things that I can eat it with (e.g. chicken to roast). It really is no bother at all. I will post when done.

I have my walking time at over an hour a day so I should be able to get my full third share of the exercise done next week.

My weight continues to fall on the arnica. 148.6 Thursday morning so the gain is not as bad as it was. I will have salmon tonight and keep on the arnica and see what I can manage.

My siestas are done so that aspect is ok.
That's great that your weight is nearly back to your lowest! I'm sure you are relieved. :)

Bella, hopefully that TOM gain will subside a bit for tomorrow's weigh in. How's the detour coming? You finding time for siestas?

I will post at least a half pound loss for this week. It should be more than that by tomorrow. I was 220lbs today, and am hoping to be around 218-219 tomorrow. I'm going to exercise like crazy and keep my cals at or under 1600 again.

Hopefully it'll be enough. :nopity:

That's great that your weight is nearly back to your lowest! I'm sure you are relieved. :)

Bella, hopefully that TOM gain will subside a bit for tomorrow's weigh in. How's the detour coming? You finding time for siestas?

I will post at least a half pound loss for this week. It should be more than that by tomorrow. I was 220lbs today, and am hoping to be around 218-219 tomorrow. I'm going to exercise like crazy and keep my cals at or under 1600 again.

Hopefully it'll be enough. :nopity:


I agree with Kimberly.
Margaret you must be very relieved to see your weight heading back down finally.
My weight must have gone down so fast after my surgery due to the fact that I didn't take any pain meds afterwards.
Once you have had a c-section must other surgeries pale by comparison. LOL So the pain wasn't anything that I couldn't handle by myself.
Good Job Kimberly on the weight-loss this week!!!! :party: Woot Woot!!!
Keep at it over the weekend and you will most definately get below that low weight of yours. I know the weekend is where I struggle the most as I stress to much at my job and then tend to eat anything in sight. That is anything that is not healthy for me! LOL
I really need to break that cycle. Just not sure how to go about it.
I don't know that I will post a loss but I very well may only post a small gain. Hopefully it will be enough. Even though I am okay with being eliminated we have come some far that I would love to see us make it all the way to the end. Guess it is that "no quit" attitude of mine! LOL :smilielol5:
I did find time to tke 3 of the siestas but unfortunately wasn't able to fit them all in. So I had to do the 5 minute 1/2 mile. I guess I forgot to tell you guys about it. Sorry.
I thought I was gonna die while trying to get it done!!! And I am sure that anyone watching probably thought the same thing. :smilielol5:
I am currently at the library with T-dawg. We walked over to Mickey D's he had lunch and then to the video store. From there we trecked over to the library. In all (minus eat time and video browsing time) it took about an hour and a 1/2. And we still have to walk back home.
It puts us at nearly 5 miles I think. I will drive it out with my car :auto: to find out for sure.
With the walk that puts me at 9 1/2 hours for the week. Plus I will need to add in walk time going home as well as my Fit for life class tonight.
Well I need to go as he really wants to check out his stuff so he can play with it.
I will get back on here later to update everything else.
Catch ya girls later.