Weight-Loss Run!

What kind of music?

3.5 miles
143 BPM avg HR
I took it easy pace-wise so I could make the distance. I did some dynamic stretching before. I'm feeling good.
It's quite an allround festival, there's a mainstream stage where the big names of the pop charts will be performing, but then there are a lot more stages.
A stage for upcoming rock talents, a dance stage, an ambiant chill out stage, a kind of "rock cafe"ish stage, a theater for some stand up comedy and unplugged session, there will even be a bowling alley (called Club Lebowski :D )
Really looking forward to it, so many acts to choose from, but one thing is for sure I'll be there when the Prodigy is performing :)

On a running related note: didn't go yesterday, rest was a pretty good idea.
Maybe a little run tonight, but not sure yet...
3.5 miles
139 bpm avg hr

This big jump in distance is taking its toll as I am tight and sore. The good news is that I ran the 3.5 miles 12 seconds faster with -4 bpm avg HR compared to yesterday.

I also think that running 3.5 miles through Saturday will make it easier to transition to running 5Ks much more frequently. I think the quickest path to a 30 minute 5K needs to be a combination of 30 minute runs and 5K runs until the twain shall meet.
I had a question for you runners.

I was at the gym last night with a girl who knows a lot about weight training and exercise in general, which is great. However, we decided to finish off with treadmill and because I also want to train for 5K I decided to do intervals. It was only for 5 min, and I was doing 1 min @ 3MPH and 1 min @ 4MPH. She looked at me when we finished, and I had just run for the last min, and she said "Can you show me your heart rate?"

Half the time I don't believe the heart rate sensors because they tend to be either really high or really low. So I showed her, and she immediately gave me a lecture about how 170 is too high and I shouldn't be running like that or I'll hurt myself. It kind of hurt my pride a little.

So, is 170 dangerous? How am I going to train with C25K if my heart is going to do that? I know when to stop, I listen to my body, but I've done this before and have never had a problem.
There is no "dangerous" heart rate, we all have a max heart rate, which depends mostly on your age. It's (roughly) calculated as follows: 220 - your age.
When running close to your max heart the muscles build up too much lactic acid, which causes pain and can lead to nausea and disorientation (which might cause you to fall the treadmill, which could be dangerous I guess :p )

With your max heart rate you can calculate your heart rate zones (see for example: )
The heart rates zones can be used for training efficiently for running.

Running related injuries most often occur because of increasing training mileage or intensity too quickly, not because you're running with a high(er) heartrate.
A C25K should be fine for you.
So the standard way to calculate maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. Then 60-80% is the aerobic zone. So for me 220 bpm - 38 = 182 x 70% = 127.4 which would be the middle of the aerobic zone.

Intervals of high intensity (sprint like) would be above the aerobic zone into the anerobic zone. That doesn't mean you should or shouldn't be doing it, but the general consensus is that if you are just begining (overweight or not) that starting on the low end of things whether it be speed, heart rate, distance is the safest way to go. It gives your body time to adapt to the stresses of running. Heart rate from a machine might be inconsistent. Perceived exertion is a better way to tell if you are overdoing it. In the aerobic zone you should be able to speak in short sentences at least, but not be able to sing continuously. Panting barely able to cobble a couple words together is probably too high.

It shouldn't hurt your pride. Her opinion has nothing to do with your weight or fitness. 170 is 80% of 213. So if you aren't 7 years old you weren't in the aerobic zone based on % of heart rate max and that monitor. That doesn't mean that the reading was accurate or that you hadn't just finished an intense (for you) interval above the aerobic zone. If the monitor was correct you are likely pushing it too far. If your muscles burn during the run that is another indicator that you are past your aerobic zone. Soreness afterwards is another one. Don't be afraid to run slow. I always overdid it and never got into running. Following the heart rate monitor got me into running. I had to walk most of the time at first, but it builds quickly. I hope this helps an di want you to find the joy of running like I have. I still struggle with this so i can tell you that learning to run is learning to be patient.

3.5 miles
142 bpm avg hr
4.2 mph
2 min recovery 149 to 128 21 bpm

Didn't start until 10 pm and I still haven't had dinner at 11PM. Not the way to do things, but it's Friday night and we didn't want to go straight home from work. Moderate difficulty, pretty easy breathing and the legs felt heavy at the very end.
I didn't feel like I was running too fast, it was really more of a jog. Thanks for all the advice, it really does shed light on the matter. From now on I'm gonna do the interval training on my own, and focus on weight/light cardio in the gym.
Figured I would join and start posting here.
4 miles
9:55 pace per the gps watch.

Little background- I used to run a lot and ran myself into a wall training for a marathon 2 years ago. I was on my last 20 mile training run and just broke down completely- mentally- on mile 18. I lost all interest in running and it was a struggle to enjoy it again. I started again late this winter and ran on the treadmill and began to enjoy it again. I have only been able to run 3 times outside- today being one of them- and I remember how much I love it. I have decided that this season I will not run more than 7 miles at any point. I try not to run more than 3 days in a row because I know from prior experience that I break down physically if I go more than that.

So anyway- hope to continue to post here often.
welcome reloaded!
loch- I find the heart rate monitors at the gyms I work at don't register properly because people spray them with the cleaners. If liquid gets into the contacts, they don't work properly. Not to say for sure that yours wasn't working, but I would be leery to trust it.
Finished a slow 16km today in 2:15:05. I broke my baby toe yesterday so that factored in, I think I did not too bad. :)
5km race tomorrow. Should be fun. Hoping for under 45 minutes.
Welcome reloaded! Great first run! It sounds like you know what you need to do with your training. I'm excited that others are finding us.

Wanna, props for running 16km and mad props for doing it with a broke toe! I hope you had a good showing at the 5K. I need to get signed up for one soon.

3.5 miles
149 bpm avg hr
24 bpm 2 min recovery (walking)

Quite a bit slower than Friday and with a higher HR, but for whatever reason it felt easier.

That makes 150.1 miles run in 3 months. Yesterday was the actual 3 month date, but I brought my stuff into town to run with my cousin and his gf and forgot my damn shoes. Oh well, I was going to take 1 day off this week anyway.

This has been my highest mileage week so far at 20.6 miles. I intend to go back to half hour and 5K (3.1 mile) runs for now with some longer runs sprinkled in for variety. It's starting to warm up and the heat will be an added wrinkle. I've run in 93 degree heat already this year in south TX, but once it is hot for good and I adapt it will be easier. The challenge will be to stay hydrated when I'm running after a day in the field when it's in the 1teens.
Welcome reloaded!

Did the 19 km trail run on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. Pretty tough course but really nice. One killer stairs on the end, 140 steps after 17 km trail-running is hard :p
Weather was perfect, so I had a great day.
Finished in 1:50:10, and no DOMS whatsoever yesterday and today, so I'm happy!

Nice totals so far Q!
Thanks for the welcome all. Treadmill today seeing as how it is snowing... Snowing, in April... What the heck??

30 min
3.18 mile

I am not feeling great so I really couldn't push hard

nice distance and time Guideon.
That's a lot and fast to not have DOMS Guideon. Kudos!

Well it's snowing and you aren't feeling good and you still got it done. Awesome!

30 minutes
2.21 miles
150 bpm avg hr

Seemed short after 5 days of 3.5 milers. Had a cold snap and my hips felt tight at first, but then I ran pretty hard once I warmed up to stay warm. Decent run. I feel great now.
Ok I'm throw my hat in. Today, like Reloaded I had to resort to the treadmill due to the weather. and I hate treadmills but I did it anyways.

Kept it pretty slow today varying my speeds from 5 for the first 10 min then 6 for the next 5 min. brought it back down to 5.5 for 10 min, then down to 5 for 3 min and finished back up at 6 for the last 2 min.

Which brought me to a total of 30 min and about 2.5 miles.

Planning in the future to increase my speed and distance want to get myself back to my 24 min 5K
Nice run and welcome GGH! I too loath the treadmill, but any run is better than none. It's supposed to be 34 tonight here in Texas. The same cold front that dumped snow on you guys made a storm and big temp drop here. It's been about 30 degrees warmer here lately.
Welcome GreyGhostHunter!
That's a good 5k time, was it a long time ago you were running at those speeds?

I've never been on the hamsterwheel, uhm treadmill :p
Well not never, I did some runs on the treadmill like fifteen years ago during an epic failure to loose weight. I was the "I've been to the gym so I deserve a reward, let's stuff my face with bad foods" guy back then.
Up until now I've been pretty fortunate with my runs *knock on wood*, not too much bad wheater, at least when I started. Have had my shares of rainsoaked runs, runs where the wind is pushing you back harder than you can run forwards. But no snow yet, we've had a pretty mellow winter here. Last year, wasn't a runner yet back then, we also had snow in april. What a difference a year makes.

Planning to go for a run tonight, some sort of interval I guess. Looking forward to it!
Wel did my intervaltraining
9 X 3 mins with a minute rest in between.
A minute can be very short :ack2:
After interval 6 it got very tough, but I kept going. Very pleased with this one.
The stats:
12,42 km in 1:06:35.
Nice intervals Guideon!

GGH, at least you have a known capability that you can work towards. This is the fastest I've ever been and the most I've ever run. Like the runner John "the Penguin" Bingham, I have adult onset altheticism. Until now I hadn't run regularly since football season my senior year (1992). I was super slow and 300 pounds then too.

30 minutes
156 bpm avg hr
2.18 miles

This was to the highway and back for the first 2 miles (hilly).

For comparison:

1/19/2014 32 mins 19 sec avg hr 155 2 miles

Same "course" minus the .18 mile after the lap to the highway. I hit the 2 miles around 28 minutes this time so 4 minutes better @ 1 bpm faster in a little less than 3 months. If I could keep that rate of improvement I'd hit my 30 minute 5K on a hilly course in another 6 months or so.