can those who find the weekends easier than the week tell us what makes it easier for you? Include everything....what occupies your time, exercise, meal preparation....whatever you can think of.
I dump my kid on her grandparents on the weekend, and go walk by myself (3-6 miles), then I go over to their house and walk again with them (usually another 2 miles). MIL works Saturdays and goes to church all day long on Sundays, so I have plenty of time and kitchen space to cook what I want, which is usually a big piece of lean protein. I'm not a drinker or a partier, so weekends are time I get to spend on myself, doing healthy things.
During the week, I work. If I want to walk, I need to squeeze it in between other things. I tend to go too long between meals, and there's rarely something high-protein and yummy handy for a long-lasting snack. There are tons of junk food at the office, including M&Ms stored in the fruit bin.

I can bring my own food, or eat what's there, but we do vegetarian lunches more often than not, and that leaves me long on carbs and short on protein. I often find myself at business meals where I have limited control over my food. I work a lot of hours this time of year, so I get home late - just in time to tuck my kid into bed. MIL has invariably made dinner, which is something high-fat and high-carb, with little or no lean protein. I can either eat that, or wait until everyone else is done eating to make myself something substantial (we eat in the kitchen, and the layout makes it really hard to move around when everyone else is at the table), or wait until later and snack - but if I'm not super careful, I come home ravenous and grouchy, and need food right then.