My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

LOL I know, right? It's funny the other night, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep and was thinking about the apples in the oatmeal and thinking...damn...why isn't it morning yet? LOL

Maybe there's hope for cottage cheese yet :)

And yes it is possible to see a scale reading that's one pound higher than yesterday, but just what exactly that one pound is - could be ANYTHING. Extra water, waste material, or maybe your body's not quite done with processing what you ate yesterday - who can say? Apart from saying that fat would be among the unlikely culprits (assuming of course a healthy diet). One pound of fat is about 3500 calories - and if you burn off say 2000 in a day - that'd be 5500 calories you'd have to consume (as a rough estimate) to put an actual pound of fat on in one day. So, in other words, don't sweat it. :)
Easier said than done, my friend.

GREAT NEWS!!! Dan's g-mother is coming home TODAY!!! We saw her this morning and she looks great. Just like always. :)
Thanks. I'm so glad she's home. I wasn't too worreid, but never know...something can go wrong at any moment.

Was only able to do 30 mins of cardio - had gone out with hubby for a while, and then I got home about 40 mins before the boys got off the bus and I like to get my workout done before they get home. It was a good workout, though. :)

Also got the new issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers today. Can't wait to read it!
Tom - I got that in my email this morning...saw it already. LOL But thanks for telling me. :)

Had an awesome riding lesson last night. I have normally been doing 2'3" fences but last night I did some 2'6" and my trainer says she's going to put me in the adult medal class - 2'9"!!!! :eek: I'm so psyched! I plan on kicking major ass this weekend at the show. I'm going to ride like I have never ridden before. I can't wait!

Feel great today. I have noticed the last few days looking at my stomach that it seems to be flattening out a bit. YAY! I still have to suck in, but when I do, there is a difference in the way it looks! YAY! I have been doing crunches like crazy lately and I think the more fruits and veggies I have been eating lately have helped. YAY FOR ME!
Go Wendy :) I'd say it's the fruits and veggies and then the crunches - but still, keep up the excellent effort. Good luck with your event this weekend. :)

(I didn't realize you got the 'zaar newsletter)
Go Wendy :) I'd say it's the fruits and veggies and then the crunches - but still, keep up the excellent effort. Good luck with your event this weekend. :)

(I didn't realize you got the 'zaar newsletter)

Thanks, Tom. I am so excited! I really hope I do well. :) My goal is to win my medal class, but we will see. :)

(Yes, I have been getting it for a while. :D)
1/26 - Progress shot

Ok, so I'm taking a leap of faith that you can actually see what I'm talking about. I see it in the mirror, but when I look at the pics, it doesnt' seem like there is a noticable difference. Here it is, nonetheless:

When I put my hand on my stomach, I can feel that the bulge that is usually more pronounced is less now. :)
Tom - I got that in my email this morning...saw it already. LOL But thanks for telling me. :)

Feel great today. I have noticed the last few days looking at my stomach that it seems to be flattening out a bit. YAY! I still have to suck in, but when I do, there is a difference in the way it looks! YAY! I have been doing crunches like crazy lately and I think the more fruits and veggies I have been eating lately have helped. YAY FOR ME!

I figure immediately, that gotta link to 'zaar' LOL

And wendy, your tummy is hawt! It will be sizzlin when it's totally ripped! ^_^b
I don't know what the before looked like, so I really have no idea, except to say...I'd hit it. Lol. :D

If you feel like you're making improvements, then you are. I like the positive focus. Keep it up. :)

Also, that's very exciting about your riding. Horses are awesome. One of my favorite things about the summer is getting out of the city and doing some trail riding. It makes me feel more medieval and less like a fat desk jockey. :D
Thanks Focus. :) I really can tell there is a difference. There is a certain spot on either side of my navel that has always had fat on it. Right around my hip bones....and I have been pinching there lately...I can't believe how much fat is NOT there! :D I am so excited!!!

OMG...I ate Chinese Food about just tasted soooo good!
I'll leave it to someone else to point out the obvious irony of rewarding yourself for meeting your weight loss goals by going all-you-can-eat on Chinese food. :p

..just buggin'. It's good to reward yourself occasionally. The idiom is "carrot and stick", not "repeated sticking". :D's so very past my bedtime.
MMM..chinese. You had to say that didn't you?! Couldn't tell you the last time I had that.