My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

HC ones are good. The SO I haven't found too many good ones. LC are REALLY good. But no worries, I'm not going to eat them every day, but just to have something different occassionally. I'm getting really tired of turkey wraps, turkey sandwiches, tuna sandwiches, roast beef sandwiches....I have got to find something else. I may start having pasta at lunch after my ST workouts though.

Focus and Stingo: u are so smart... ;)
Workout was good, although I had to quit about 15 mins early. I did 45 mins today and it felt good, but I was tired at the end. I cut it short bc the kids had made a HUGE mess on the mian floor. GRRRRR...I hate half day Wednesday. :mad:

Got a headache. :( probably stress. Not going to get into it. Not worth it.
Why? (Philosophical post)

Why do we put ourselves thru all this? Do we do it for health? Body image? To please ourselves? Others? And why is it so hard for some people and so easy for others? Why does it become addictive or a pain in the @$$?

For me, it's all of these rolled into one. I am doing this to be healthy. I'm doing it for my body image, and for myself. But I also think that I do it for others, as well. I don't want others to see me as being gross or a "big fat blob". I have the motivation for a while, and then lose it, only to let others down and let myself down.

The working out thing really isn't an issue. I do it without giving myself a chance to talk myself out of it. It's the clean eating that gets me every time. I did it for one week and due to the weight gain, lost motivation. I knew it would happen. I had a feeling that if I ate clean and I gained, I woudl lose the motivation and develop the "what is the point?" attitude. And boy, did I get it.

I am getting tired of not being able to eat yummy food, like ice cream...chocolate, soda, crackers, cookies. I am getting tired of having green beans and other veggies for snacks instead crackers and cheese. I know, I whine a lot. A LOT. I realize that. But perhaps I'm not at the point yet where I want it bad enough to forgo all those yummy foods. Perhaps I am at the point where I say, "f*ck it; I'll eat what I want and hope I don't gain 50 pounds." Perhaps I just be happy with the way my body is and let go of the stress of trying ot be something I may never be.

I want to be hott. I want to have a flat stomach without sucking in. But I want to ENJOY food. And not salads and tofu. I want to have a piece of cake and not feel the guilt accompany each forkfull. I want to have a small bag of oreos and not worry if someone is going to be disappointed in me.

If u want it, u have to work hard. I get that. Sacrifice is something that just comes with the battle. U have to want it bad enough to give up the things that you know are not going to help you achieve your goals. I thought I was there. I'm second guessing it now.

So how do I get over this hurdle? Do I start again tomorrow, and hope I have the strength and motivation to resist all that is naughty? Do I push past the hunger and say, "you know you aren't really hungry...suck it up and deal"? I'm not sure. When I find the answer, I'll be sure to let you know.
Why do we put ourselves thru all this? Do we do it for health? Body image? To please ourselves? Others? And why is it so hard for some people and so easy for others? Why does it become addictive or a pain in the @$$?

For me, it's all of these rolled into one. I am doing this to be healthy. I'm doing it for my body image, and for myself. But I also think that I do it for others, as well. I don't want others to see me as being gross or a "big fat blob". I have the motivation for a while, and then lose it, only to let others down and let myself down.

The working out thing really isn't an issue. I do it without giving myself a chance to talk myself out of it. It's the clean eating that gets me every time. I did it for one week and due to the weight gain, lost motivation. I knew it would happen. I had a feeling that if I ate clean and I gained, I woudl lose the motivation and develop the "what is the point?" attitude. And boy, did I get it.

I am getting tired of not being able to eat yummy food, like ice cream...chocolate, soda, crackers, cookies. I am getting tired of having green beans and other veggies for snacks instead crackers and cheese. I know, I whine a lot. A LOT. I realize that. But perhaps I'm not at the point yet where I want it bad enough to forgo all those yummy foods. Perhaps I am at the point where I say, "f*ck it; I'll eat what I want and hope I don't gain 50 pounds." Perhaps I just be happy with the way my body is and let go of the stress of trying ot be something I may never be.

I want to be hott. I want to have a flat stomach without sucking in. But I want to ENJOY food. And not salads and tofu. I want to have a piece of cake and not feel the guilt accompany each forkfull. I want to have a small bag of oreos and not worry if someone is going to be disappointed in me.

If u want it, u have to work hard. I get that. Sacrifice is something that just comes with the battle. U have to want it bad enough to give up the things that you know are not going to help you achieve your goals. I thought I was there. I'm second guessing it now.

So how do I get over this hurdle? Do I start again tomorrow, and hope I have the strength and motivation to resist all that is naughty? Do I push past the hunger and say, "you know you aren't really hungry...suck it up and deal"? I'm not sure. When I find the answer, I'll be sure to let you know.

basically pluck them words out of my head, woman :)

Allow me to say this though: You-look-hell-a-good :D

P.S. Just had 1 serving of the Kettle Corn Pop corn.. been sitting in the office pantry since monday. Petty indulgence on hump wednesday ;) Oh I will try that Pringles. Definitely sounds yummy. And, Lean Pockets is not bad? (other than the sodium that is)
Thanks, K. :) I know I whine a lot, and I do apologize. But rather than keep it in and have my attitude wreak havoc on my family, I thought it would be better if I wriote it all out. I do feel a little better, though. Except for my head.
And yeah, the LP isn't bad, although it's not what I *should have had* (i.e. turkey or roast beef sand. or salad). But tasted sooooo good! I may weigh in again tomorrow and see where I stand. (Of course, this could lead to getting incredibly obsessed with the #s like I used to be. i.e. weighing myself 3x per day)
But anyway.....
Expressing yourself is good. Most people who are trying to lead a healthier lifestyle experience the same ups and down and struggles. Over the years I've messed around with personal growth quite a lot, and I can say that you're basically bang on with your assessment.

From what I've learned I believe there are three things you need to make a true behavioral change:

1) an emotional, time-limited goal structure (daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual goals..all written as present-tense affirmations)

2) burning desire (the initial push)

3) a smart, well-researched plan that makes the transition as smooth and painless as possible

Many people who can't achieve their goals have only 2). Those who are moderately successful generally have 2 and 3). Those who are completely successful always have 1), 2) and 3). This applies to prettymuch any goal in life, not just health. :)
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Yes I know it's hard but I know you can do it. If I want to cheat and spur of the moment, I just tell myself if I do it now, then I can't have something later on that I really want. That helps me curb the cravings. Perfect example, Ash b-day is on saturday and we are having a party at the bowling alley. There's gonna be pitcher pop, pizza, and cake (possible another pizza and a pitcher of pop) and I'm taking treats (mini cupcakes and juice box) friday to school. Ok, so not the heathiest choice, but anywho, the point is I have to be good this week, so sat can be my cheat (one piece of pizza and one piece of cake). Now the plan is not to have any treats on friday, but that is two days away.
Some ideas:

1) Increase your calorie intake by eating whole, natural foods until you're not hungry anymore (in other words, listen to your body).

2) Don't get on the scale for a month.

3) Try to eat healthy whenever possible, except on cheat meals you've planned ahead.

4) Next time you have the desire to cave, take a step back for a moment and ask why you want to do so? Is there a psychological reason? physical reason? emotional reason? Then see what you can do to address that reason. Also consider how this fits in with your goals as well.

5) Try not to obsess over food - you want to be controlling it, not it controlling you. You're not quite at the point where you're ready to give up the bad stuff for a limited cheat, but with time and effort you can be.
Why do we put ourselves thru all this? Do we do it for health? Body image? To please ourselves? Others? And why is it so hard for some people and so easy for others? Why does it become addictive or a pain in the @$$?

For me, it's all of these rolled into one. I am doing this to be healthy. I'm doing it for my body image, and for myself. But I also think that I do it for others, as well. I don't want others to see me as being gross or a "big fat blob". I have the motivation for a while, and then lose it, only to let others down and let myself down.

The working out thing really isn't an issue. I do it without giving myself a chance to talk myself out of it. It's the clean eating that gets me every time. I did it for one week and due to the weight gain, lost motivation. I knew it would happen. I had a feeling that if I ate clean and I gained, I woudl lose the motivation and develop the "what is the point?" attitude. And boy, did I get it.

I am getting tired of not being able to eat yummy food, like ice cream...chocolate, soda, crackers, cookies. I am getting tired of having green beans and other veggies for snacks instead crackers and cheese. I know, I whine a lot. A LOT. I realize that. But perhaps I'm not at the point yet where I want it bad enough to forgo all those yummy foods. Perhaps I am at the point where I say, "f*ck it; I'll eat what I want and hope I don't gain 50 pounds." Perhaps I just be happy with the way my body is and let go of the stress of trying ot be something I may never be.

I want to be hott. I want to have a flat stomach without sucking in. But I want to ENJOY food. And not salads and tofu. I want to have a piece of cake and not feel the guilt accompany each forkfull. I want to have a small bag of oreos and not worry if someone is going to be disappointed in me.

If u want it, u have to work hard. I get that. Sacrifice is something that just comes with the battle. U have to want it bad enough to give up the things that you know are not going to help you achieve your goals. I thought I was there. I'm second guessing it now.

So how do I get over this hurdle? Do I start again tomorrow, and hope I have the strength and motivation to resist all that is naughty? Do I push past the hunger and say, "you know you aren't really hungry...suck it up and deal"? I'm not sure. When I find the answer, I'll be sure to let you know.

You're not alone in feeling this way! I want so badly to say that I am working hard for myself and only myself... but we all know that isn't true... it also has a lot to do with what other people think of you... even if it shouldn't be!

With the "eating clean" part... I try to eat good 95% of the time... I don't cheat if it's not worth it, like this weekend i'm going to Boston to see my girlfriends from college, and I'm NOT going to be the one that's not enjoying the food when we go out to dinner! I'm not going to gain any weight from one meal... I might not lose any weight.. but I'm not going to gain, eating is a part of life, and you have to enjoy both!!

Keep up the GREAT work:D
Thanks, Tor. I'm trying not to feel guilty about caving, but it's hard. I feel like I have let someone special down and it hurts. I also feel like I have let myself down and I'm more pissed about that. Like I can't control it. I have to control it, rather than let it control me. That's the hard part. I have a major headache thinking about this all night. Guess I'll go to bed.
Stressing/Worrying is like a rocking chair, Wendy. There's a lot of [e]motion but you don't get anywhere.

Try to focus on ways to help yourself...and don't beat yourself up. It doesn't help, and you don't deserve it. :)
Thanks. I'm trying to get out of this rut. I feel like I'm having (yet another) pity party and everyone is getting annoyed, which to be honest, I wouldnt' blame them. There is one part to this that really bothers me, but I won't be posting it here. It's not worth it. I'm going to try and answer only to myself from now on and not rely on someone else. I'll let them down and or piss them off. Bottom line is this health thing is for me. So I have to rely on me.
Fair enough.

However, from what I've read it doesn't look like anyone's pitying you or becoming upset. Just offering support in the form of sympathy and suggestions. I think I have an idea what you're referring to that's upsetting you, but I'll just keep my curiosity in its cage and respect your wish for privacy. :)

Also, I just want to say that I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting/asking for support. We're social creatures, not machines. ^_^
Thanks again Focus. (You have a PM) I wonder if people are inwardly cringing when they see these posts from me, and then write something else to make me feel better. LOL But

Perhaps what is bothering me will motivate me to have a better day tomorrow. :) On a happy note, I now look forward to having oatmeal in the morning! LOL I can just taste it now! YUM!
girl, people have their own ups and downs moment :) so we understand.

And now you sound just like me.... I solely live my morning only for the oatmeal... mmm warm, fruity, smell of cinnamon, crunchiness of almond... darn,, is it morning yet?!? -.-;
And now you sound just like me.... I solely live my morning only for the oatmeal... mmm warm, fruity, smell of cinnamon, crunchiness of almond... darn,, is it morning yet?!? -.-;

LOL I know, right? It's funny the other night, I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep and was thinking about the apples in the oatmeal and thinking...damn...why isn't it morning yet? LOL

Weighed myself again this morning and still at 124. :) Although, it's kind of a duh moment. How could I have possibly gained a pound in one day? :eek: But still....just trying to keep things into perspective. I do have a massive headache today though...I hope it doesn't develop into a full blown tension headache. I can't deal with that today; too much going on.

Good news! Dan's grandmother will be coming home tomorrow! I'm taking Victoria in to see her today. I have been staying away from the hospital since I hate it when people are in there when they are sick. And given that it was Dan's grandmother and she had a heart attack, well, it just brought back a lot of memories.