My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Thanks you guys. I kinda killed things, by having a slim jim...great on protein, REALLY BAD on fat. Going to have vegetable beef soup today for lunch. It's warm and it will fill me up. I have to find the energy to workout today. I'm soooo tired. :( *yawn*
Had a tuna sandwich instead for lunch and then had a roast beef sand for dinner, plus a salad. Kicked major butt on the machines today. Feel really good about that. Just wish my percentages reflected better eating. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day.
Hiya Wendy! :)
So oatmeal now, eh? :D That's my staple in the morning. So many things you can do to jazz it up! Bought frozen berries and put them in it while cooking. Or fresh berries. It's delish! raisins, brown sugar (it's a must for me), cinnamon, apple, almond slices/walnut (if you like crunchiness).

You haven't gotten your BF% measured? Would be interesting to know, coz there is this site that calculates how much calorie intakes you approximately needs in order to achieve 3 different goals, either maintain, fat loss or extreme fat loss (I guess that means weight loss? lol)

There are two BMR (calorie calculator) formulas,'s called the Harris-Benedict and uses your height, weight and age and the other is the Katch-McArdle and uses just your bodyfat % and weight. It's nice to know your bf % for a number of reasons, most of them to do with tracking and motivation, but it's also good to know because the Katch-McArdle formula is more accurate.
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*double take* oatmeal? since when? lol

an excellent choice to be sure...

LOL I know, right? As long as I put something in it, like banana or apple, I can eat it. So there we go. I'm hungry right now, though. Not sure what to eat. Dont' want an apple bc it will increase the carbs. Don't want a bagel bc it will hurt the percentages, too. Ugh...I just can't win...
I usually have raisins with mine - or blueberries.

Maybe yogurt, or cottage cheese or some nuts might be good - low on carbs but with good fats/proteins
Definitely NO WAY IN HELL am I going to do cottage cheese again. that stuff made me gag. Yogurt...I may try it again. I esp like the looks of the ones with granola on top of the cup. YUM. Maybe if I have something in it like that I will be more apt to like it. Worked with the oatmeal! :D
Definitely NO WAY IN HELL am I going to do cottage cheese again. that stuff made me gag. Yogurt...I may try it again. I esp like the looks of the ones with granola on top of the cup. YUM. Maybe if I have something in it like that I will be more apt to like it. Worked with the oatmeal! :D

Only problem is if you add the granola you're adding more carbs... :)
Try taking some organic whole yogurt (bout 2.5% fat) and mixing it with a scoop of a tasty chocolate (or any flavor really) protein powder. You end up with what is essentially super healthy chocolate pudding. :D

Don't do it with brings out the chalky taste of the powder and the acrid taste of the yogurt.

It's good, no lies, I've eaten it every night before bed for almost 6 weeks, and I still look forward to it. ^_^

P.S. When I say mix, I mean stir it thoroughly with a spoon.
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So much for being right on today. I got so hungry this afternoon/evening, I totally caved. Big time. I had to run to the store to get bananas, cheese and some other things and ended up getting ice cream and angel food cake. I had two pieces of the cake and a bowl and a bunch of spoonfulls of ice cream. I was soooooo hungry. I couldn't take it anymore. I thought that by eating oatmeal and such it would help me out. I'm not so sure it did.

So now, I'm pi$$ed at myself. And I feel like a fat slob. And a loser. Thankfully, tomorrow is my long workout day, so perhaps I can work part of this off.
Definitely NO WAY IN HELL am I going to do cottage cheese again. that stuff made me gag. Yogurt...I may try it again. I esp like the looks of the ones with granola on top of the cup. YUM. Maybe if I have something in it like that I will be more apt to like it. Worked with the oatmeal! :D

Have you tried Hood Low Fat cottage cheese with the pineapples and cherries? a little more sugar than regular cottage cheese... but a good snack anyways! Doesn't taste too bad... also I have been adding a little cinnimon to regular low fat cottage cheese, adds a little something at least!
No probs Wendy, your metabolism ought to be rockin' tomorrow. It's just a day and from the looks of things you are on the right track. Glad to see you are so focused. Keep up the good work.
Definitely NO WAY IN HELL am I going to do cottage cheese again. that stuff made me gag. Yogurt...I may try it again. I esp like the looks of the ones with granola on top of the cup. YUM. Maybe if I have something in it like that I will be more apt to like it. Worked with the oatmeal! :D

ok this is weird. I used to dislike CC also. Can't even figure out if it's the texture, the taste, the smell, or the non-existent of all the above :D

But one day, last week, I saw a small tub (1 cup size) of Lucerne 2% CC. I thought. Hm... I am used to 2% milk now and I always get Lucerne (diff brand milk smell/taste slightly diff, to me at least). And I need protein bad. So, I figured I gave it another shot. I poked around for what/how to eat it, while the tub sat in my fridge for couple of days.
Finally tried it. With banana, raisin, almonds (kinda what I do with oatmeal). And I love it! :D
I guess it helps that I am familiar with the taste of the milk like I said. Coz I recall trying a CC of some brand and hated it.
Well, just a thought. If you drink milk and perhaps can find CC of the same brand, might help ease you into the pallete :)