Gained a pound. I friggin GAINED a pound!!!!

How TF does that happen when I have eaten perfectly (ok, for me) this week!!!!??? UGH...
Q for the ladies: U weigh urself on Fridays. Auntie Flow arrives on a Tuesday. The previous Friday, u lost a poun. The next Friday u gain it back. I would have thought that the 1st Fri you would have seen the increase (if there was one) due to AF. Is that incorrect? Is the 2nd Friday's gain due to AF?
So yeah...gained....so I was really naughty and had a donut today. then had a handful of fritos...then had a diet soda....no chance in hell for me to have a good healthy eating day today. BUT tomorrow I work at the barn from 7-12 so hopefully I will work some of it off.