My Online Weight Journal - comments welcome

Thanks guys. Interestingly enough, I feel really thin today, despite last night's caving.

Right now, I'm having my oatmeal with apples, 2 eggs. I may add a banana after wards. I'm also trying to eat later in the morning. I hope that will help things, as well. I know it did when I did weight watchers.

Well, we got some bad news lat night. Dan's grandmother is in the hospital. She had a heart attack. She seems to be doing well tough. She is in good spirits. But please, keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Will do woman!!
Nice website. I admire your entrepreneurial spirit.

Just a heads-up...the correct spelling is testimonials, not testamonials. Also, regarding the "Did you know?" section on your about page, "it's" is the contracted form of "it is", "its" is the correct spelling of the possessive.

Other than that, nice layout, and best of luck in your venture. :)
Ok, that sucks....and here I am a proofreader and I can't even grammatically do that!! yikes!!! :eek: (and I do realize about the its and it's....I'm really very good at Gawd, how embarrassing!
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Just got done my workout. Feel really good. Still feeling really thin today. LOVE IT! :D Although I'm really hungry. I think I will have an apple and some pb. Not the greatest snack for the afternoon, but hey, it could be worse!
Just got done my workout. Feel really good. Still feeling really thin today. LOVE IT! :D Although I'm really hungry. I think I will have an apple and some pb. Not the greatest snack for the afternoon, but hey, it could be worse!

its actually a perfectly good one after a workout
No need to be embarrassed Wendy..I was just pointing out a couple you missed. It's hard to notice all of your own mistakes when proofing. Your mind already knows what you're trying to say and rearranges things. Also, way to avoid accepting a compliment. :p

its actually a perfectly good one after a workout
regarding an apple and pb after a workout.

I'm going to disagree on that one. A significant intake of calories from fat after a workout slows the digestion of the proteins and carbs you need and makes your muscles sad. In fact, eating a meal composed primarily of carbs and fats is almost never a good idea. After a workout in particular, you should try to eat a meal consisting of some lean protein and a hefty serving of carbs..with as little fat as possible.
regarding an apple and pb after a workout.

I'm going to disagree on that one. A significant intake of calories from fat after a workout slows the digestion of the proteins and carbs you need and makes your muscles sad. In fact, eating a meal composed primarily of carbs and fats is almost never a good idea. After a workout in particular, you should try to eat a meal consisting of some lean protein and a hefty serving of carbs..with as little fat as possible.

:rolleyes: whoops :cool:
It's not all bad..after weight training can be a guilt-free time to load up on the starchy carbs you might otherwise be trying to minimize/avoid altogether. Bust out the spaghetti, oh yes. :D
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Ok, u sold me. Tomorrow after I do ST, I am havnig a bowl of pasta. LOL :p Oh, and Focus...yeah, I'm not really good at accepting compliments. LOL Have a really hard time with that. LOL But thank you. ;)

I cheated and weighed in this morning. I wanted to see how bad my week has been so far. Pleasant surprise: lost the pound that I gained. :D Now, if I can just keep the momentum going for the next two days, I will be a happy girl. But see, this is what gets me. I work my ass off last week, I ate really clean, absolutely NO caving and I gain. The week before and this week, I cave a little (not too bad) and I lose....what gives? :confused: Hey, if I can cheat a little and still get away with losing, then dayum....that's the way to go! LOL

Sh!t....I'm getting a headache......:(
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I think what it points to is that you need to have more calories to support the workouts you're doing. It's possible your body's in a semi starvation mode where it's trying to keep all the energy it can get. Try eating cleanly, but adding 100 or 200 calories a day over the the course of a week.
Has anyone tried the new Fat Free Pringles? OMG...YUM!!! I had a couple handfuls, but yeah, they are the yum! :D

Sheri, u inspired me. I bought a Smart Ones meal and a Lean Pocket today. YUM.
Smart Ones are good, but watch the sodium on the frozen meals. I didn't care for the shrimp ones, but it's my personal choice. I also bought the Lean Cuisine, again, didn't care for the shrimp. I bought them when they were on sale at the store. I liked the Lean Pockets, but again, the watch the sodium. The ones I want to try are the Healthy Choice ones, but I'm laying off of the meals for awhile. I think I burned myself out, plus I need to eat "welcome to the real world" foods...:D