Jaymie's fitness journal :)


yesterdays tests consisted of upper GI sonogram , lower GI sonogram, and intravaginal sonogram. Which none showed anything 'wierd' as far as the sonogram technician could tell. She said the doctor would have to look at them to know what was really going on.

My desk is PILED...and i mean piled....with work today....apparently, they've been awaiting my arrival back to do all of this instead of kinda like...doing it ... but oh well.,. hope these offers still stand and I'll do my best its the best I can do!

Well, i just took my pain medicine...its crazy how living with all of this pain can really make you appreciate life more...but it does...you simply begin to appreciate that you can even have a thought process anymore.....and I am thankful .

Me and my Dad had a long LONG talk yesterday about things...

this was talk that I brought on, and , a talk that was after a much more emotional talk with Robert...

...who is now...not my fiance anymore :(

and I am going to cry again if I start talking about it..so I'll just say that we both understood each other's needs and flaws, it was a very mature break up.....and I can't believe it happened .... but .... it did.

So, we are still best friends, and remain there for each other's support i guess.

I broke down last night, and it was nice.

It was nice to release all of that.

my talk with my Dad was very very nice. And we came to an understanding on our points of view.

I realized that I do push everyone away when I get depressed. I get introverted and make myself misunderstood on purpose....I find things in anyone I date so that it makes me not like them anymore or not want to be with them anyway. I do these things..

But I also know for a fact I am entirely rebellious against change of any kind....

especially if it involves changing myself for a reason that seems of no substance.

I don't know if I'll ever marry.. :(

But at least I want my kids to be happy . Thats what I want.

so yesterday I was only able to get about 900 calories...well not ABOUT thats how much I had exactly. I was so not hungry yesterday so sick.

Today I had tiny bowl of cereal and small banana, an orange

then I had to eat something with this antibiotic, so had a slimfast bar 200 cal plus protein type thingy.

yeah,so I'm gonna get to work and hopefully this pain pill will bbe kicking in soon I think it is already a little bit,,,
Hi Jaymie,

It's been a rough time for you - glad to see you back. Not many have the courage to grab Life with both hands and make changes. Congrats on making the first steps. Also, if nothing else, you should write - keep yourself a real journal and pour out your heart into it. It's cathartic, and will help you release what you're feeling inside.
I agree w/Stingo. It'll be hard, but you know that what you did was for the right reasons, especially for the kids. They'll be better off in the end.
Hey Jaymie...cheer up honnie. I know from experience the last thing you wanna hear is stuff like...'it wasn't meant to be' etc etc. But you know, once your pain subsides and you realize how better things can be you'll be glad.

I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say except move forward, don't look back and try to be strong. :(
point was well taken ;)

Don't frown Moonbeam!

Thanks Sheri and Tom, I just talked to my doctor and he is prescribing something that may help me along with pain medicine so yay! He also said there are no signs of ulcers or cysts or anything like bad or anthing....

I'm currently eating plain popcorn out of a coffee filter lol .

yesterday I did some walking , but got this horrid cramp in my right side...I sure hope I can still run and do stuff once this is over.

well hope you all have a great day!


thank you all so much
Hey jaymie,

Just thought I'd drop a line and let you know I'm here for you too. I was just dumped by my guy of two years last week. So hang in there, we'll all here for you!
thanks SlimSadie, Kitty Hartman, Sheri, and Live from NY too !

Well today is another incredibly low cal day..but it makes sense that the cals are coming low b/c I am not working out and haven't worked out in a week now.

and by not working out I mean NOT doing anything!! LOL !

I haven't done any kind of activity in a week! can you believe it?!?

Well, I mean, I do the daily stuff. Like house chores n stuff.. but I am still queasy with the stomach b/c of the antibiotics and pain meds and stomach meds and all that. I am 'taking it easy' and I think I'm getting addicted!! aah!

Well, I'll get back to it soon. I know I will.

so today its 3:24 and I've had 824 calories.

I am going to have dinner of course, I don't know what , b/c I have no money at ALL and by no money I mean...NO money..

So far I've had:

bowl of Original shredded wheat spoon size
med. banana
skim milk
1 6oz. yogurt FF


2 slices WW bread
can solid albacore tuna
1 T FF mayo
few dashes Jim Beam hot sauce(mmm!)

.thats it!

So really, I've done good!

I'm feeling so much better today thank God!! :)

I am going to see my grandparents and my mom and I have to ask her for money :( we will see if she will help me...I think she probably won't tho....

but it is worth a try for my kids sakes.

I will probably do calisthenics tonight to keep limbered up and relax b/c I have an excuse.

Everyone--THANK YOU ! for all of your support the past week and always ;)

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correction its 936 cals. I want to have about 1300 or something by end of day:

I'll have a glass of milk = 100 cals
maybe 2 pieces toast=80 cals ( i have this bread thats 40 cals a slice )
tomato=..idk but not that many cals..
maybe more tuna ?? or is that too much tuna for one day??

i guess it doesn't really matter if that is all you got huh?
Hi Jaymie,

I'm glad things are slowly shifting for you. You deserve to take it easy kid, don't even worry about it.

Go for the tuna. once in a while OD'ing on tuna is an ok thing :)
sparrow said:
Hi Jaymie,

I'm glad things are slowly shifting for you. You deserve to take it easy kid, don't even worry about it.

Go for the tuna. once in a while OD'ing on tuna is an ok thing :)



Thanks Moonbeam ;)

But I've been doing this for about a year and a half now....no biggie..my POE is basically a buffet for whatever you want or need.
Be careful that you don't sell to an undercover. That's the last thing you need, but on the upside, I'm glad that all is getting better, even though it is slow.
JaymieB said:
..my POE is basically a buffet for whatever you want or need.

what does that mean? (POE?)