Jaymie's fitness journal :)

okay anyway,

Today is going well :)

So far today its been:

1 bowl shredded wheat
skim milk

1 piece of cake for birthdays at work.
If anyone knows how to get in touch with Jaymie apart from the forum, it might be a good idea to check on her to see if she's ok.
hey I'm back!

Wow, long week, I took an emergency vacation..

My fiance left us.. :( Then he moved away...so then we were talking...then he said he neverwants to see me again...then ....we saw each other ... and emotions got crazy....we fought....and then he stopped calling....then we were talking...and now things are okay but we are still separated and I'm planning on having a detailed discussion of what we are made of and what we wanted to acheive in our relationship in general...

I am sorry that I made you guys worry but I have no computer at home !

So thank you all !! :)

But I went swimming alot over the past week, got a real good tan, lost 10 pounds.......then gained 4.......so now I'm at 119 .

Haven't been able to work out yet.....much less eating has been going on...and I have been wearing little kids clothes....

But now I'm back at work....I am feeling better.....am entirely broke :(

and waiting for the govt. to help me!!

I put in all these app.'s for help over the vacation....I am waiting for appointments....but for now...I've managed to fall into horrible debt with my bank.....and now I'm just cashing my check to avoid the bank taking the money I owe them....

So we have been living off of random stuff..and I have found that the more 'random' the crap I eat, the more upset my digestive system is....so ....really not much I can do about that....

I have been living off of wheat crackers and FF butter spread.....some cereal...but ran out of my milk, so I don't drink the kids' milk. They have a selection of stuff. But I can't bring myself to eat the hot dogs and corny dogs and hamburger meat and spagghetti....so I just don't eat...

But did alot of hiking and swimming and walking and cleaning.....and dancing.

So yeah, thanks all of my friends!

I love you all !
I'm really super glad you're OK Jaymie. I'm sorry you are struggling so badly. Be sure you really think about what you're doing where your fiance is concerned. It really sounds like he shouldn't be part of your life. but thats my bold opinion. Don't be a doormat. You're stronger than that.
I hope you are able to start eating normally again :( little kid clothes? I cannot imagine.
chin up girl. I always hang to the quote "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger"
very true
I agree Saparrow...Jaymie you need to get it together, get back to your usual routine and just move forward! Glad to see you're back :)

yeah, I wish I COULD get back into my old way of eating....I'm tired of starving :(

My brain won't work like this, I hate it , now knowing that I HAVE to be this way until the damn govt. gives me a food stamp appointment I'll starve for my kids' sakes.....but tonight I'm going to my Nanny's to eat hopefully...

talk to yall tomorrow
Jaymie, I know for a fact at least in CA they will RUSH to meet that need when kids are involved. You need to let them know the urgency of the situation.
Defintely, they usually put you on the top of the list if there is a waiting list. Hopefully you can get some help soon.
hey Jaymie,

I just now read about ur troubles girl. Let me know if I can help u out in whatever way I can. I won't let u starve. :(
JaymieB said:

yeah, I wish I COULD get back into my old way of eating....I'm tired of starving :(

My brain won't work like this, I hate it , now knowing that I HAVE to be this way until the damn govt. gives me a food stamp appointment I'll starve for my kids' sakes.....but tonight I'm going to my Nanny's to eat hopefully...

talk to yall tomorrow

thank God u are ok,i was worried about u*hugs*
i have been through this too,and if i leave my current partner i will be practically broke,and i wont have a place to live, without food and any money, so i am just stuck with him for my sons sake:(

keep your chin up,the difficulties we have in life,like in short of cash etc etc,just makes us appreciate the little comforts/happiness,
we take so much for grated ,when i was like that as i am still..and i wanted to eat all that good stuff,or buy a dvd,or anything for myself, that i couldnt afford made me realise that how lucky i am to have what i have already insted of getting worried,be strong and take the challeneg,there is this friend of mine from canada ,when her 20 year BF left her with no food nd place to live she moved back t her parents,and worked for her parents and the money she got she spent on food/clothes/toys of her little girl
i asked her dont u want tobuy something for yourself too?instead of spending on her toys?
she said "no,i want to appreciate what i have",and it hit me,and i have learnt that lesson from her
keep your chin up,
i live far away,but iwill be glad if i can help u out,dont feel alone we are all here for u
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Well, I went to my Nanny's an Papa's last night and ate like....everything....i was SO hungry...and then I had 8 of these homemade SF cookies she makes but unbeknownst to me they have SHORTENING :( and BUTTER in them !!!

trans fat city......well......not much I can do about it now....actually today will be my first day back at the gym :) yay!

I am going to do arms and some cardio, we'll see if I can still lift what I was lifting before...I think I probably can, I have still been able to lift everything else I normally lift.

I keep feeling so heavy and blah and like i get on the scale and it says like 119 or 120 and thats at night time. When I weigh in the morning though its always about 118 or 117.

Thanks yall for saying you would be there for me and everything. My family is helping me out alot. Esp. with food. and babysitting. So I think its gonna be okay but def. not normal for a while.

Needless to say, there will be no buying of tofu lol, or anything else like that, I have lived off of the wheat crackers again today....lots of water since it costs nothing. and I can't believe I used to sit here and complain about superficial bul**** all day and now this, I took it all for granted, now I'm picking up the pieces again..

Well, at least I lost weight ...I will update later. My dad is taking me out to eat for lunch probably Golden corral so I will have more brain power after lunch and will talk later.