Jaymie's fitness journal :)

It's great that you lost weight, just not how it came about. Glad you have your family to help you. I know you hate to sit at the computer and complain about bulls***, but it helps you heal, so do it. We care about you enough to listen. Just remember, this to shall pass. Time does heal all wounds. It just won't happen over night.

As for your fiancee, kick his a** to the curb for good. It will hurt, but it needs to be done. My daughter's dad left me and played the on again, off again bulls***, while he was playing the same game with his girlfriend. It ain't worth it. Nobody wins in the end, nobody, espically the kids. They are the ones who really gets. Don't do it to your kids, it ain't worth it. You don't want them to hurt like you do. They might blame you because they are mad, but it's the best for them when they grow up.
i second that, what she said
dump him!!!
the person who makes u cry isnt worth any soft corner,or second chance
u are pretty and smart,u deserve better:)
i am glad your family is there to help
tc honey
Wow Sheri thank you for the long reply ;)

That was from the heart and I enjoy reading your feelings I just wanted to say that and thank you!

Sadie thanks to you as well!

I just went to Golden Corral and BOY do I feel BETTER!!!! :)

I ate some veggies which I haven't had in SO long...all my favorites and some liver and onions and a cup of salad with cocktail shrimp all over it and sunflower seed kernals and then a slice of canteloupe and some SF pudding for dessert :)

I drank alot of tea too unsweet with the sweetener in it. But the point is , I feel way better with food in me. :)

So I plan on doing the gym thing after work and doing arms and maybe running too.

I think if its one area where I'd be out of shape it would be in running and cardio.....eh, so what. :p I will get it back soon hopefully anyway.

So yeah, talked to my Dad at lunch and we discussed alot of things. We decided we are going to make it no matter what and if we have to make sacrifices we will do so but our goal is to be happy not to maintain material possessions.

Sounds good to me.

Well talk to yall later on.
Material possessions are nothing to hold on to. As we both know..they can be taken away. Hold onto your family and friends, because when everything else gets taken away, you'll always have them.

Ash's dad is a three time felon for drugs and driving. He's not in her life that much. Calls now and then, but she really doesn't talk to him, like she talks to memaw and papa. She doesn't ask about daddy,but when she sees his face on my leg, she's "That's my daddy", which is cool because she remembers him, but it's not like I wanted it. Greene is in her life and does more w/her because he's here and her dad is 4 hrs away, but he knows that when I visit, he gets to see her. I've never held her away from him, but I've played the My Daugher this and My Daughter that, when I was mad at him, but I don't play those games anymore. I've came to realize that'll he never really be a big part in her life like I wanted him to, even though there are 4 hrs between us. I know he can't come down and see her and I can't jump up and take her to him, but he could call more than he does. Her dad likes Greene and knows that Greene won't hurt her. Greene knows that she's not his real daughter, but if something happened to her and he would lose her for some reason, he'd be so upset and hurt because he's grown so close w/her. He loves her like his own.

Sorry I've taken over your diary again, but I can't help it.
no problem :)

I enjoyed it very much

I am about to head to the gym so wish me luck and hopefully I haven't lost too much muscle..I think I kindof like it better this way lol, I think I am going to just maintain this weight and shape I like the smaller frame better , and its pretty easy for me to turn into skin and bones in a matter of a week if I don't eat right, which I don't want to do, and its also easy for me to gain muscle if I eat right as well, but I think I'm just going to eat right and lift lightly b/c I like this better ;)

Well, its about 25 minutes till showtime so I'm gonna eat something?? all I have is an orange and some crackers that should do.
Well it did go well actually. I did less weight to make sure I wouldn't be overly sore...but it happened anyway lol . I did about 5 lbs less on everything maybe shoulda done 10 less....ah oh well.....

So yesterday was so busy I couldn't even update my diary. I have been super busy at work.

Also ate VERY well yesterday :) I was back at my normal routine and very happy with it .I think because I didn't eat well on Tuesday is why I am sore now... :/

Well Sheri thanks again for your friendship and input! :)

You brighten my day always :)

Take care !
Well this morning I weighed myself and I have definately lost weight lately.,,,and haven't really been working out? but I can feel the difference its like my body is not all mushy and retaining water all the time! which I like, but I am losing my butt :(

that sucks.....

well, I'm trying to find something productive to do with my poetry but only have run into a bunch of jibberish and ads and tricks and scams and bullcrap, time-consuming ignorance !!

I KNOW these poems are worth $$$ but I don't know how to do it besides begin it myself and get a copyright. I guess that's the way to go and just see if they sell . I have a book of them.

I just don't want to get manipulated out of my life's work...ya know?

Hey Sheri and Tom !! Glad to hear from yall and its 104 degrees in Texas today extremely hot but we have CLOUDS today yay!!

Will keep in touch :)
Hope you can find something. Maybe just keep them around for yourself. It's only high 70's here. I don't like the hot hot weather, so I'll stick with the 70-80's.
hi jaymie,i would gladly lose my butt,how do u do that?:D

good to see u back and enjoying life,u are an inspiration,u are a brave girl and i am very proud of u
Well its 30 minutes away from being off the longest day of work EVER. Jeez....I can't wait to get out of here, but not really looking forward to the hour and a half drive to get to the house.... :mad:

But thats how it goes I hear.

Sometimes I am :D somedays its:( and then some days its:mad: and then other days I'm :rolleyes:

and then sometimes I'm really out there and I'm all like :confused:

So hmm....

I guess right now I'm just like this :cool:
cuz I'm cool like that.

As far as fitness goes, I guess I am the forgotten one around here, I have no fitness news or anything special, just random stuff I type , but its really more of my own satisfaction that I write in here .

Hope the one's that care to read this have a wonderful day and I truly mean that. I feel a little detached today, these are the times I write the best poetry though. I could write a poem about files....that's not very inspirational though lol ..

but here goes I'm bored enough :rolleyes:

Files oh files
for miles and miles
all day I thumb through the contents of thee!
Files oh files
no color or styles
you surround my existance , you're all that I see.
Files my files
you spark no smiles
I know you and yet you do not know me
Files my files
not worth my whiles
why can't you be something I want you to be
the screen and the phone
I'm the little office drone
with only one minute left till I am FREE !
I bid you all farewell and God bless you and God bless me.
JaymieB said:
Files oh files
for miles and miles
all day I thumb through the contents of thee!
Files oh files
no color or styles
you surround my existance , you're all that I see.
Files my files
you spark no smiles
I know you and yet you do not know me
Files my files
not worth my whiles
why can't you be something I want you to be
the screen and the phone
I'm the little office drone
with only one minute left till I am FREE !
I bid you all farewell and God bless you and God bless me.

LOL Jaymie, thats actually pretty darn good! How about your goal is just to see the beauty in each day and keep in touch with all of us :) I write mostly for my own satisfaction too. Its fun to put your thoughts out and just chatter. You though, are the queen of great posts so don't ever go away!
and yes :cool: you are cool like that :D
yay 15 minutes till blast off....out of this friggin office that is..I can't wait to get home, the car ride sucks. I am so hungry. :eek:
Today I ate:

a bowl of cereal....and.....uh oh....thats it....

damn. I have been working ALL day like SO hard and I didn't even realize that....there had to be something else? I don't think there was though. I was at the gas station looking for something cheap but they didn't have anything under 2 dollars that I really felt like eating...so I guess my body went in to starvation mode for a purpose. Well, for once I guess that's a good thing. Or else ..I'd be starving.

But I'm not, I'm in the best mood I think I have been in in a very long time and I feel great and still am active . Actually haven't been smoking every day , today I smoked a couple cigs, but yesterday and the day before I didn't, that seems wierd but I am trusting in hope that things are going to be alright soon. I feel like this is just a phase of life, this will pass and soon things will be better for me, my kids on the other hand, they eat ALL day LONG. not only at the daycare, but immediately upon walking in the door, they want milk and cheese and spaghetti and all this stuff and I'm honored upon honored at that point, I think I feel unbelievably spectacular in all of this insanity because I made sacrifices that I always knew I 'would' do in life for the ones I love, but just never thought I'd actually be faced with the reality of it. But here it is. Here I am. I am surviving, surviving through faith in God and relishing the effects my sacrifice has made possible , even if they have no idea Mommy loves them to an extent that has no measure....I feel more one with God than ever , because I am making it through this, and things are going to get better. They will. :)
JaymieB said:
....I feel more one with God than ever , because I am making it through this, and things are going to get better. They will. :)

Wow Jaymie, thats just a great place to be. Hard to make sacrifices but SO worth it when you see the fruit of what your sacrifices produce! You seem to be believing in the right things and the right direction! Things are going to get better...all because you have extreme faith, and a good God who loves you and wants to prove his love through blessings. Two of them are right there in your house! ;)