yah, I know I don't need this , but he is so infantile about it all...I just went to go cash my check and I bought a tall can of Bud Light and drank it on the way back to work....I smoked like 4 cigarettes...and I'm about to find my medication myself actually I already did and it will be available after I get back from lunch..so great...yeah.
This is the way the cookie crumbles......I am tired of picking up crumbs.....
its 12:40 now...I think I can make it to 1:00 just hope my dad doesn't start stuttering really bad because its going to try my already thin patience trying to listen to him trip over all of his words and reiterations....
I love my dad, but when he gets stressy, he stutters like a 4 year old......then he gets frustrated with himself and ME for not being able to understand him......
oh boy! what a ****ing day!!
This should be great! All I need now is to get pulled over for having no insurance or registration on my car and just go to jail! lol
Then they can ask me about all the self inflicted wounds I have...........
and call the state on my kids again...yay.....
I think I am gonna tell Mr. Frivolous to stay away from me for a while and let me sort out the mess he has made for all of us to live with...
That should be lots of fun.....
I sware if I hear any more consoling type words from people who aren't taking me seriously I am going to puke and die...
I got a 200 cal bar while at the gas station and ate that s oall in all I've had about 300 calories today...woohoo...
There will be no gym today....today is not a day to feel 'better' today is a day to make things better.
I can only do what I can do and that is what I have to do...because there is 2 kids counting on me to make it for them and its making them suffer for me to be doing this any F.U.C.K.I.N.G. more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the way the cookie crumbles......I am tired of picking up crumbs.....
its 12:40 now...I think I can make it to 1:00 just hope my dad doesn't start stuttering really bad because its going to try my already thin patience trying to listen to him trip over all of his words and reiterations....
I love my dad, but when he gets stressy, he stutters like a 4 year old......then he gets frustrated with himself and ME for not being able to understand him......
oh boy! what a ****ing day!!
This should be great! All I need now is to get pulled over for having no insurance or registration on my car and just go to jail! lol
Then they can ask me about all the self inflicted wounds I have...........
and call the state on my kids again...yay.....
I think I am gonna tell Mr. Frivolous to stay away from me for a while and let me sort out the mess he has made for all of us to live with...
That should be lots of fun.....
I sware if I hear any more consoling type words from people who aren't taking me seriously I am going to puke and die...
I got a 200 cal bar while at the gas station and ate that s oall in all I've had about 300 calories today...woohoo...
There will be no gym today....today is not a day to feel 'better' today is a day to make things better.
I can only do what I can do and that is what I have to do...because there is 2 kids counting on me to make it for them and its making them suffer for me to be doing this any F.U.C.K.I.N.G. more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!