Jaymie's fitness journal :)


"yesterday night I had to eat what there was in the house which consisted of a concoction of tofu, egg whites, spice, squash slices, sautee'd onion, a LC tortilla, and a salad with tomatoes , lettuce, cucumber, celery, and carrots...and sour cream on the squash with jalapenos, and...what else...oh SF chocolate skim milk..."

ohmigosh there you go again :)
yesterday night I had to eat what there was in the house which consisted of a concoction of tofu, egg whites, spice, squash slices, sautee'd onion, a LC tortilla, and a salad with tomatoes , lettuce, cucumber, celery, and carrots...and sour cream on the squash with jalapenos, and...what else...oh SF chocolate skim milk...

Sounds good. It reminds me of a hangover pancake:D Will have to come over so you can fix it for me.:D
Welp, here I am....at the desk again....

OMG, no one is going to believe what i did on Saturday night!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay here goes....


Seriously I did this. They offered me a job to work there! My fiance let these two photographers take pics of me up there and I was dressed extremely hot I'd say. I took some shots of Jose Cuervo and we ate some real good Mexican Food afterwards..but I had the freakin' TIME of my LIFE!! :)

My fiance has been staring at me like a lovestruck puppy dog for the last couple days ever since that ! LOL!

So he took some pics on his phone but they were blurry and dark and you can't make out anything on em really.. I hope yall believe me I really did and I danced pretty damn good if I say so myself. The entire bar was bunched up all around me and it wasn't like old bar-folk it was so cool LOL !

Okay well there was my excitement for the weekend. I had alot of fun. So !

Yesterday was SO hot here in TX it was 104 and today tis going to be 106 and it feels horrible outside..I went outside yesterday to go swimming in the heat of the da y and it was like boiling water in that pond...I got out and felt good for like 2 seconds then I was sweating bullets again....I laid out a bit ....and then went to the store...Saturday morning I went to the gym and did stairstepper and elliptical, then went to the pet store to get sponges for the hermit crabs, almost bought two cats...but restrained myself ! They were SO cute...they were rescued from hurricane Katrina and needed homes and had shots but they weren't cheap...40 dollars for two cats.


So then Sat. night I danced (lol) and then probably didn't stop moving the entire day...I didn't sit down except when we were eating.

So hopefully the cake I ate yesterday won't matter....I had a piece of this cinnamon roll cake I made and I felt real bad about it ..acutally it made my teeth hurt :( So I won't be eating any more of it ! Obviously I have sugarred my sweet tooth to permanent decaying process...oh well....

So I better get to work now..I'm pretty thirsty.....I'm gonna get something to drink now...

You go woman. Dance your little heart out. Glad you had a good time and lots lots of compliments.

I believe your piece of cake will not bother you. As much as you did the other night, probably won't even notice that you ate it.

It's gonna be another hot day here too. Another over 100 w/heat index:eek: I hate the dog days of summer.
okay.. correction.....

The heat index for yesterday was 114..the prior heat index was given by my own personal meteorologist, my fiance, Robert , lol..he can be a bit of a ding-bat sometimes...but i LOVE him!!!!

He cracks me up...just thought about something he does all the time.....LMFAO! ...HAHHAA!!!

He does this things where when I tell a story and I make like....'enthusiastic faces' when I'm explalining the story, he makes them at me while I'm telling the story and doing them , i.e. mouth open....raising the eyebrows.....lol..

man, me=BAD this morning.....for breakfast I had a piece of cinnamon roll cake WITH icing on it mind you.......and a bowl of cereal....I know I know...bad,bad,bad.....

Well today is gym day hopefully though because my son has fever and I don't know if I'll be able to go after work...but at lunch I'm gonna go...he has a low grade fever its 101 but the daycare is not freaking out on it so he's still up there.

They will call me in one hour to tell me whats up and the status of his fever.

I'm so asleep this morning...lol, my coworker just flipped me off...lol..


I feel so loved!!

Well, I'm gonna go get some coffee now. Gotta go be back later.
Hope your son feels better. I hate when my daughter is sick, but she sleeps all day, so it's peaceful.
man, me=BAD this morning.....for breakfast I had a piece of cinnamon roll cake WITH icing on it mind you.......and a bowl of cereal....I know I know...bad,bad,bad.....

Sounds soo good. You're making me hungry, better get a snack before I die of hunger.
yeah I added it up on FitDay and it was 253 cals. eh, not good but DEFINATELY controlled!!

Its been forever since I've had what you would call a 'binge' which is what I did in the latter phases of the anorexia....I think my body likes this weight I am right now..because I'll want something...I'll eat it if I really want it....and then I go on with my life! LOL!

Its not like some kind of 'comfort seeking' experience with eating anymore nor is it like an 'involuntary spasm of uncontrolled hunger' .... I am seeing something I want...I think to myself ... I have worked out every day that was planned and then some .... and also that I am NOT gaining weight..my body I think has come to an agreement with my mouth lol.

Because tomorrow, I won't be hungry just watch..I'll eat alot (well about 2000 cals is my 'alot' ) and then the next day I'll be SO not hungry I'll have like 800 calories and not have any cravings or anything at all. Just like protein..then one day I'll be like..I have to have something sweet in my mouth or I'm not going to be happy for the rest of the day....which is kinda wierd but that's the way it is..

so anyway,

I don't feel bad about the cake..I would have back in the day of course, but it was like, it was there, i ate some of it, I stopped eating it and felt great, then I documented it in my daily intake!

I feel pretty good about it. ;)

..I mean the way my way of thinking has changed is becoming apparent. Its nice to have self control. I'm so glad I took those first steps to change ! :)
I mean the way my way of thinking has changed is becoming apparent. Its nice to have self control. I'm so glad I took those first steps to change !

I'm so happy that you finally found yourself.:D It feels good, doesn't it!
thanks Sheri!

and I would like to rent your 'space' lol, here's my offer.... $ .05

let me know something please I am reallly needing it!!
Oh jaymie love love love your posts and your attitude towards life
when i was reading your posts i felt really happy:)
i am gonna stop in here more often to get some inspiration that how to livee happily:)

Thank you Sadie :)

That made my heart smile

Stop by any time ;)

Well I'm not the most stable person in the world mind you,,,,I have really up days and then somedays you may not want to read some of the stuff I say.....it can get depressing sometimes, but I try to throw in at least one joke lol .

Well yesterday was horrible..I just had a bad bad day so many things went wrong.....and then this morning I have had horrible cramps.....my little co-habitant is getting her time of month and I blamed her for her 'Damn contagious hormones!' HAHA!

So its subsided a bit as of the moment.....I'll keep you posted ;)

Well haven't eaten much today :(

I had cereal and 2 small bananas......yeah.....that was it..... :(

My whole abdominal region and lower back have just been killing me....I just have been in constant pain...feels like labor pains....seriously...

I'm drinking water but can't stand the taste of anything right now...bleck...


Well I am going to get some more water....
JaymieB said:
...Me and my fiance are eating lunch together today and I had remembered everything except my MAKE-UP BAG ........

Jaymie, keep a lipstick and a mascara in your desk. They've worked wonders for me, I don't wear a lot of make up to begin with (no face make up or powder or stuff like that) so when I've ran late I rub lipstick on my finger and then rub it on my cheeks and eyes...then a little mascara and lipstick on my lips and viola! You look done up :)

I also keep deodorant at my desk, I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten cuz I get dressed first cuz I don't want to get the funny deodorant lines on my shirt (you know the ones you notice AFTER you've put it on and it sits on the sides-I hate that! LOL)
I also keep deodorant at my desk, I can't tell you how many times I've forgotten cuz I get dressed first cuz I don't want to get the funny deodorant lines on my shirt (you know the ones you notice AFTER you've put it on and it sits on the sides-I hate that! LOL)

OMG, I hate that too. They make new new degree for woman that don't give you the white line on your little black dresses, but I've seen that it's a little high in price.
Jaymie - you are hilarious girl! I needed a good laugh today and your posts set me straight! LOL...keep up the good work.
ugh, well thanks all for your replies , you know this forum really brightens me up some dark days....like today.....like yesterday.....like its been lately....

I'm not going to be very positive in this post please be warned....

I was only able to sleep last night in 2 hour intervals ... between horrible lower abdominal, back , and thigh pain....It was like there was no possible way to lay, sit, stand, anything to get the pain to give even a little bit....

I felt like 'something is wrong'....something is probably wrong ... its bad today I couldn't get out of bed, can't eat , makes me sick to eat, I don't feel hungry, but I feel weak....

I have burn marks all over my left hand, my face looks delapidated or something, I'm hunched over my desk and I know that once this pain medicine wears off I am not going to be able to move nor think about anything but the pain,,,,,

And even more so...my fiance called this morning at work to tell me the cell phone bill is $775.00 . I got depressed thinking about how we have no food at the house and I've been living off of what was left in the fridge and little vegetables and stuff that were in the crisper drawer....

I talked to his mom (who is my supervisor-imagine that ) and then she is never able to talk without people always there beside her, but I had to tell her how stressed out I was before I went insane or something..my stomach would stab me in the back every time I thought about how things have changed lately :( So I told her about what was going on with the phone bill, and she asked me if I've been eating and that I look really skinny again....so I told her I have been eating a little bit but have been stressed and not able to eat without getting sick.....and that I've been giving the kids all the food I had in the house...so then .....the lady that was around her at the time just went and called MY FIANCE and told him that I said there was no food in our house.................................

You all know what I've been through with CPS??????!!!!?!?? Why would this woman do this to me???I'm so ****ing mad at her I can't even look at her or ai'm going to blow up on her and everyone else in this damn place.....Then he CALLS MY DAD...and tell him too! That ass hole just beleives anything people tell him and then he wants to chew me out like I made him look like some kind of loser or something...and now everything is just ****ing great today.....

I want to get the **** out of here befoer I kill someone....

I am suffering now financially, physicall, and mentally, also you could say somewhat spiritually since all I have been doing is praying,,,but the hope fades soon after talking to God....why can't I fix it? But the return of this horrid stomach cringing is making me just feel like crap.....and now my mind is running away with me ...... running ......running ......flying now....

What happened?

It was almost like I dreamed about, it was almost without this mental heartbreak about how I almost had things....now its getting farther toward the horizon ..it was within my reach just a short time ago.....how did it happen so fast? Where did my stability go....

I thought things were getting better....it looks like they did .....and without our acknowledgement,,,,the tables turned on us and now its back wards.....without us knowing why...and we are both blind and dying inside all of a sudden......

I bought him a stainless steel type of engagement ring yesterday and thought he would just love it and he did ., but , it was like he has been so dull lately the last few days....ya know before that it was great, he had this new found interest in me! B/c of what happened at Coyote Ugly Saturday night, and then now,

............Point blank...........he is making me drain my bank account and has seriously put me in a real bad and dangerous financial situation,and now instead of acting like a man and handling it , he has put the stress on me, asked to borrow money, he wants me to call the phone company and talk and arrange and see about payments,,,I don't want the phone anymore, and I just ...I just can't do much more of this ya know??????


I need a break I need an outlet ....I need to get my **** back straight......I need some time to figure it all out......I am shaking and I'm going to explode I have to get out of here.

My Dad says he is coming at 1:00 to eat lunch with me and talk to me and he doesn't know what happened up here about the woman telling Robert there was no food and what I said...my dad thinks he is being crazy and Robert is getting on my Dad's nerves today;...so we are going to go to Bennigan's and sit at the bar and have a drdink and talk about life...

I can't wait for that i love my Dad he has always been there for me! :)

I will let you all know but thanks for letting me unload on here .....

Luv you all and take care to whoever took the time to read this piece of crap post..thanks to you.
Ah Jaymie honey..I'm so sorry about this. You were doing so good. I know you love your fiance but I would tell him to go take a flying leap. You don't need this right now.

You're in my thoughts. Hope all goes well w/your dad.