isn't it funny that when women get jealous they always ask you 'whats wrong' or 'why you mad?' LOL
What a bunch of miserable people they are sometimes.....: /
eh, in MY world today , everything is peachy. I am drinking my second cup of coffee. So begins another epic day of mayhem !! LOL ! ..... or if we're lucky......boringness : /
So to give a quick forecast of today's events....I will is going to be a good day
oh you wanna hear something funny? When my coworker who sits in a cubicle next to my office said..."why you lookin' mad?" this morning.....I said," Because you're ****ing pissing me off ! LOL !"
....well.....I didn't literally say 'L O L ' of!!
oh that is SO hilarious !! LOL!
okay thats enough
Well . I was 'joking' of course.....or WAS I ???????
I guess we'll never know.....
So today's gonna be a HOT one up to about 102 d'grees. Why does the keyboard on the computer not have a 'degree symbol' ? It has that little pointless damn squiggly line but not a 'degree symbol' ??? This makes no sense..
I am so going to get in trouble for my outfit today.....oh well....its showing my shoulders OMG :S
yesterday night I had to eat what there was in the house which consisted of a concoction of tofu, egg whites, spice, squash slices, sautee'd onion, a LC tortilla, and a salad with tomatoes , lettuce, cucumber, celery, and carrots...and sour cream on the squash with jalapenos, and...what else...oh SF chocolate skim milk...
I ran 4 miles on the tread after work yesterday and did all legs exercises except the squat bar because that same guy was on it doing bench presses again..... :S and he does them FOREVER not to mention......its not like he's doing sets and reps , he is just pushing that damn thing up as many times as his body could allow him....haha....
well yeah. Then I got home and made all that wierd crap and it was good don't get me wrong...
This morning I was so hungry!! I had 1.75 bowls of Total with 2 bananas one in each bowl ... and then I had like two servings of natural tortilla chips with reduced sodium ... they had 8 grams of fat and only 1 gram sat. fat per serving
So I should be good till lunchtime and I'm sure that fat in the chips will keep me feeling satisfied for a few hours. I don't have a whole lot of food for 'me' at the house....its mostly all very nutrtitious..yet FULL FAT items....that my kids can enjoy and grow on ....but me? I don't think I need to grow lol .
I am just trying to be smart with what I got and not get all yippity about the stuff I 'should' be trying to get right now. Such as low cal and no carb. and all the stuff that has less material in it that actually costs more than something thats been through about 17 different factories before reaching my neighborhood grocery store..........s.o.b.'s ........and I am not being bitter!! LOL !
I'm just complaining is that a CRIME !?!
Well, heheh, tiem for work now....I have been typing for-EVER and I'm sure I need to get off here so bye...
-love- ME