Jaymie's fitness journal :)

Glad you liked to tofu. Will have to try it now. Congrats on you and your fiance. One more big step to go if it works out. We want to see you in the slinky dress that you're working towards, right?;) It's hanging. That's about it.
CollegeGirl said:
And She, what the heck is floam?

(hee hee, this reminds me of the movie Envie, have you guys seen it? They're all excited about flan and the boy says "what the heck is flan")

Ok, seriously It's a royal pain in the a$$, that's what it is!

How do you get it to stick?

Oh, yeah, CONGRATS! on the moving in!
JaymieB said:

Dangit I got so carried away in that other crap I was talkin' about and I forgot to write this ::

Salmon sandwich are freakin good ! You put FF mayo on the bread with some pepper and I had sliced pickles , alfalfa sprouts (lol ) , tomato, and onion, on WW bread and kinda smushed the salmon on the bread and smushed it all together...

I like it smushed.....

lol, talk to ya in a bit I'm gonna check yall out when I get time ...

I still say...in my humble little sparrow voice, EWWWWW!!!!! :D
Employee of the month spends a lot of her time posting on this here forum, doesn't she?! ;)[/QUOTE]

You said it Chris...not me :D
what's with all the fine print!? Yall know how dedicated I am :)


Welp I'm waiting for a call back from my coworker. My little office co-habitant! Work was SO boring without her in here yesterday :(

The day just DRAGGED yesterday.

Today is starting off great yesterday was great and everything is great!
Well ,,, ya know all the problems still exist but my mentality is up and happy.
and that is really good.

So hmm...I'm all caught up on my work and there's going to be not much to do today....which SUCKS.

But hey, I'm getting paid for this. So yeah.

I am kinda not awake yet! LOL ! I need a cup o' coffee. Then I'll have more exciting stuff to say and maybe some better punctuation..lol..

will be back...
OMG , I have been SO hungry today. Like every 2 hours I'm hungry ! The bad thing is I don't have anything but a package of lunch meat, pickle slices, and some bread and FF mayo...I just don't really like the lunch meat :p

..but its Turkey 95% fat free so it says....well I'm all caught up again ! here at work. So now.....what.

its only 12:30. My coworker isn't going to be in at all today. So its boring again...

so far I've already had 956 calories and its only noon. man!

Well I guess I'm going to get out of here for my lunch break and go walk around or something somewhere and get me my favorite diet soda in the world to enjoy :)

Its Diet Big Red ! lol, or Diet Sunkist...hmmm...which one...

Decisions decisions.

Welp, be back. Glad you got a laugh from what I said in your journal Sheri !
well now its about 4:00 and I got real hungry wallago and now I am up to 1256 already...

I finally quenched the hunger tho. So, I should be alright once I get home and all...

Der....I am SO tired. I'm ready to blow this pop stand....

I still have an hour and a half.....dammit, I smoked like 5 cigarettes today...no more for me...I don't even want to smoke any more today.

I hate these kind of days....seems like so much sitting around I just hate sitting around like this. Not much to do but make copies of crap..my fiance won't be home until late.. He has a home visit from his P.O. and that would be his Mom's house.


I miss him.

I miss my kids I wanna get HOME!!! WAAAH!!!! :*/

No I'm alright, just feeling lazy and blah and tired and anxious and ....... tired of being at work with nobody to laugh at me and talk to me .....

Tonight I'm going to kinda relax since my muscles are pretty sore from yesterday and tomorrow is legs at the gym. So I better let my body rest. I did the stair stepper yesterday and it kicked my @$$ , it was a new one. They had all new steppers in there.

Well, my mind is on stand-by...I'm not very interesting right now :p

bye bye talk later or tomorrow idk..
ahhh you're always interesting Jaymie :D I'd think we'd all agree to that!

Works sounds like a drag, sorry :(

Kinda nice to relax when the day is done and not rush to the gym tho huh? I'm like that today too. just taking the day off. nice. The morning and afternoon were SOOOO busy I'm still spinning.

So are you affected by high sodium things like pickles and lunch meat? I can hardly get away with that stuff. Turn into a puffer fish like on nemo. lol

how are your kids? When you gonna post more pics?!
Kids are great ! Everything is good ! posting more pics...is a problem since I can't send or receive pis off my phone anymore....wait a minute....hahaha ! I said 'piss of my phone' ...........


I wonder if its actually going to put that word on here or make it little asterisks or whatever ;? <---ha! what was that supposed to be?! LOL !

Last night ended up being wierd.....everything was great...almost TOO great....it was wierd......and then I started having an anxiety attack or something and couldn't function all of a sudden I had to sit in the corner of the kitchen floor and my head was spinning with negative horrible thoughts that came from NOWHERE......

I took a valium.....ate some squash and onion sautee' I made.....and fell asleep in the bed somehow......?????My fiance put the boys to bed and then I don't remember actually falling asleep..but I sure did sleep GOOD !!!!


Yeah, I'm so glad I didn't have an outburst of some kind like I usually do.....that is so embarassing especially the next day or so.......its like .. 'who the hell was that last night??'


So anyway, this morning I ate cereal and banana for breakfast , didn't have a protein source available that didn't require baking or TIME!! Because I was SO late this morning...I didn't hear the alarm and then all of a sudden I woke up and it was just baarely beeping the little s.o.b. grrrrr.........

So I had to rush with the underwear and socks and with the shirt that wouldn't go with the pants and then the shoes I couldn't find...and all that crap that happens when you're in a hurry...lol.

So finally get to approach the door when my dad shows up and is talking to me about stuff and I'm all like....Dad! I gotta GO !! ...so he was like....okay see you later...and then we got in the car and to the daycare and in the daycare and then me in the car again ..

Me and my fiance are eating lunch together today and I had remembered everything except my MAKE-UP BAG ........

geezus H. Cryst man!

So now I look like crap in the face....

okay wait....

he just called and said he can't come for luinch :( WWAAAAHHHH!!!!! :*(

Why why why. .....

he is in Ft. Worth today and not Mesquite....dammit..

Well that just totally killed my plans...

I oh and sodium..yeah....I AM a pufferfish of somewhat lol ! I did retain some water last night and htis morning...but I made up for it by not really having dinner. I just ate squash and onions...didn't I already say that somewhere in tis horribly long post??????????????

okay thats enough
You poor poor woman..it'll be ok. I love your posts. They put a smile on my face and a good laugh when I need one. Yes, we're laughing at you, not with you...lol. Love ya woman. Keep the posts coming.
HAHA funny day Jaymie.
I like your posts too..they make me feel like I'm more human than I percieve myself :)

Thanks for your post too. I know whats coming when I put up how I feel like that....but I suppose we all just want a swift kick in the butt when we do that...we WANT IT, so thank you :) My toosh is sore now.. :D


I DID Post pics you weirdo :D I put new ones up like sometime last week. They say something like "after 10 weeks". I needed to see for myself if there was progress because my own eyes in the mirror obviously lie to me...and the scale obviously lies...and...hmm who else lies??!!

Well I'm just waiting for my husband to get home so I can GO WORK OUT. errr I'm dyin here. I have a great workout planned and afterwards I'll be in a much better mood.

I really enjoyed that post. I felt as if I was you in the morning. Anyways, I also must note that I thought you said you ate pufferfish. I was like WHAT?! :eek: Jaymie, my fellow gal who despises the random MSG-y oriental foods ventured into puffer fish land? I felt betrayed. Until I realized you merely felt like a puffer fish. In that case, carry on! And good luck on continuing to manage those anxiety attacks. I used to get them in (seriously) high school math class during the timed tests. My hands would shake so bad that I couldn't use my calculator or think properly! And your dad bein irksome when you have stuff to do...are you sure that wasn't my dad?!:)
isn't it funny that when women get jealous they always ask you 'whats wrong' or 'why you mad?' LOL :)

What a bunch of miserable people they are sometimes.....: /

eh, whatever..so in MY world today , everything is peachy. I am drinking my second cup of coffee. So begins another epic day of mayhem !! LOL ! ..... or if we're lucky......boringness : /

So to give a quick forecast of today's events....I will say....today is going to be a good day :)

oh you wanna hear something funny? When my coworker who sits in a cubicle next to my office said..."why you lookin' mad?" this morning.....I said," Because you're ****ing pissing me off ! LOL !"

....well.....I didn't literally say 'L O L ' of course.....lol.....hahaha!!

oh that is SO hilarious !! LOL!

okay thats enough :p

Well . I was 'joking' of course.....or WAS I ???????

I guess we'll never know.....

So today's gonna be a HOT one up to about 102 d'grees. Why does the keyboard on the computer not have a 'degree symbol' ? It has that little pointless damn squiggly line but not a 'degree symbol' ??? This makes no sense..

I am so going to get in trouble for my outfit today.....oh well....its showing my shoulders OMG :S

yesterday night I had to eat what there was in the house which consisted of a concoction of tofu, egg whites, spice, squash slices, sautee'd onion, a LC tortilla, and a salad with tomatoes , lettuce, cucumber, celery, and carrots...and sour cream on the squash with jalapenos, and...what else...oh SF chocolate skim milk...

I ran 4 miles on the tread after work yesterday and did all legs exercises except the squat bar because that same guy was on it doing bench presses again..... :S and he does them FOREVER not to mention......its not like he's doing sets and reps , he is just pushing that damn thing up as many times as his body could allow him....haha....

well yeah. Then I got home and made all that wierd crap and it was good don't get me wrong...

This morning I was so hungry!! I had 1.75 bowls of Total with 2 bananas one in each bowl ... and then I had like two servings of natural tortilla chips with reduced sodium ... they had 8 grams of fat and only 1 gram sat. fat per serving :)

So I should be good till lunchtime and I'm sure that fat in the chips will keep me feeling satisfied for a few hours. I don't have a whole lot of food for 'me' at the house....its mostly all very nutrtitious..yet FULL FAT items....that my kids can enjoy and grow on ....but me? I don't think I need to grow lol .

I am just trying to be smart with what I got and not get all yippity about the stuff I 'should' be trying to get right now. Such as low cal and no carb. and all the stuff that has less material in it that actually costs more than something thats been through about 17 different factories before reaching my neighborhood grocery store..........s.o.b.'s ........and I am not being bitter!! LOL !

I'm just complaining is that a CRIME !?!

Well, heheh, tiem for work now....I have been typing for-EVER and I'm sure I need to get off here so bye...


-love- ME
Jaymie, your fiance moving in has made you sound soooo HAPPY lately :D

I love reading your posts, its a little ray of sunshine which brightens up my day....I'm so pleased that you're in a happier place nowadays.

Hope it lasts forever for you.
Regarding the overpriced light foods, I noticed that all of the varieties of Snyder's tortilla chips now have less fat that tostitos or the generics because Snyder's changed their cooking oil. So, since it's all the varieties that changed, they're still the regular price. Not that the switch will affect your entire grocery bill, but just a little insider know-how from this grocery store associate (randomly, we're "associates," not "employees"). :) And in your words, I hope your day continues to be great-o-rific! :D
AW MAN.... i just wrote this really long reply in here and then deleted it.....DAMMIT.

I don't feel like remembering it all now :p

that sucks.

Well here's a summary of it all. I went to Golden Corral and ate all this stuff and it was good , with my dad, had a good time, ate pretty good, talked about stuff, had some SF dessert, blahbity blahbity blah .....

I can't freakin' remember it all !!!!!! LOL !!!


well , I'm gonna go away now I'm pissed off! LOL !

not really....

Jaymie, I just love your posts. I hate that stupid squiggly liine! It's supposed to go over letters in Spanish, but you can't put it over a letter, you can only type it itself!
