Jaymie's fitness journal :)

You're doing all that on 1600 calories? Dang... Well, we all here on the forum knew that the flirty trainer was full of crap anyhow - glad you finally see him for what he is. And keep up the good work.
I wish I had that energy for 1600 calories. :D
Wow, Sheri how did you know I call my Nanny nanny ???? Wierd!!!


cool :)

Well thanks you all, thank you thank you very much *bows*

I'm stupidly blah now....
She47441 said:
I rembered you calling her that before in another post.:)

My mom and dad are memaw and papa.

My mom and dad are Mamoo and Papoo to my son. Don't know why I wanted to tell ya that.. but.. lol.. bored.
Mamoo and Papoo eh!??!! LOL


Hey...does anybody know how all those stars got next to the title on my diary thread??

I must be SPECIAL to somebody out there !!

well, Hey Sheri did you have a good weekend?

Mine was really great :)

Did so much and had so much fun all weekend especially yesterday.

So I went to the gym on Saturday and did legs and then I RAN again! and this time went 6 MILES ! and then I swam about 20 minutes or so


and I think I have lost like an inch in my waist somehow...all my pants are hangin' off in that area wow, I guess my bad day wasn't bad for me after all. I feel stupid for complaining so much that day so sorry ... : /

Saturday night we went to the lake and swam too, and then Sunday I rode the bike for 2 hours and I don't know how far it was but I think it was about 20 miles.

Ate incredibly clean all weekend. I really did I think..

so today is going really good and all that.

Well better go now. :)
Jaymie, need to post new pics!

Wow soooo has anyone else noticed the pattern this girl has? She bikes for insane distances, She swims, she now RUNS (and not just a little!) my friend, you should look into some triathlons! I'm sure the sprint distances would be a BREEZE for you! I still cannot believe how much cardio you do on a normal basis. And running 6 miles...without even hardly trying?! :O you're amazing!

Wish an inch would just magically vanish of MY waist!

WELL! would ya look at that !!

I was a winner of the most replies ! woohoo!!

Alright! Well, that was a rush .. lol ..

So Sparrow thank you very much for what u said ;)

I am actually looking at a piece of paper right now about White Rock Lake here in Dallas where they have a women's bike night (bicycle lol) every thursday and all. So then they have a calendar of all the biking events they will be doing in the near future.

So definately going to see where I fit into all the mayhem!

I got this stuff from the 50 cent machine.....its called..FLOAM...its like foam...but not...kinda like playdough...but not that either...and kinda like Gak ... but with styrofoam in it....hence...its called floam...and its REALLY cool !

So today was a really good day. I am looking forward to getting outta the office I gotta skee-daddle to the grocery store.....i can't believe I just said that lol....I'm a nerd :-B <----oh man! its that face again!! AHHAAA!!!

oh and then I have to get out real fast and go get this stupid money order.... :/ I hate doing that. I don't like trading my money for a piece of paper.....

Then I gotta get HOME.. and COOK...n do laundry...and dishes....and .....oh yeah! I gotta EAT !!!!!

*ding ding ding!*

So last night it was salmon and scalloped potatoes with a squash casserole gralic bread and corn on the cob for the 'men' and I just had baked salmon sandwich WW bread with mustard on it , sprouts, and etc..oh ITS TIME TO GET OUTTAZ HERE !! SEE YA !!
a salmon sandwich? EWWWW! I like salmon with the rest of them...but how was a sandwich with it?!

Awesome about the biking thing. I bet you'd love being part of something like that!

I've played with that floam stuff before. They sell it "in bulk" at Target :) its realllly fun, but messy as most kid things are :(

Good job on everything Jaymie! Really proud of you!
I'm happy for you too. Good to see you are always in a good mood lately. I had a good vacation. Floam looks fun. Ash always wants it everytime she sees the commerical.
Floam is a type of like play-medium like sculpting type stuff...it has little foam balls in it...and goo like ....ya know halloween goo...like slime or something...and it doesn't stick to your hands......crap !! HOW THA HELL DO I EXPLAIN THIS STUFF!! LOL !

Its...just .... FLOAM ! :)

Well College Girl whats up ? Hows uh.....college? lol

and Sheri ;)
what up wit it? Hows thangs? I'm about to check you out on your journal here in a sec. I'm here early today.

I'm such a good employee! I should get a flipping award or something geez....the honesty I portray ! The dedication I carry about ! and ...the aura of employee-ism...ah*hem....radiates! From my spirit!!

Okay cut the crap :p

I hate this place.. : /


But I AM a good worker Dost though protest??????

I will provest thine employee-ism through random acts of office-ness......

OKAY...CAN WE SAY " TOO MUCH COFFEE??? " .................

Wanna guess how much coffee I've had?????????

I'll give you a hint. Its not 0 !!! LOL !

Dangit I got so carried away in that other crap I was talkin' about and I forgot to write this ::

Salmon sandwich are freakin good ! You put FF mayo on the bread with some pepper and I had sliced pickles , alfalfa sprouts (lol ) , tomato, and onion, on WW bread and kinda smushed the salmon on the bread and smushed it all together...

I like it smushed.....

lol, talk to ya in a bit I'm gonna check yall out when I get time ...
JaymieB said:
Wanna guess how much coffee I've had?????????

I'll give you a hint. Its not 0 !!! LOL !

Hmmm, judging by your post (which almost made me fall off my chair btw) I would have to guess at least 50!!!

Employee of the month spends a lot of her time posting on this here forum, doesn't she?! ;)
oh haha very funny Mister!

lol, thanks Chris haven't heard from ya in along time ;)

Yeah I know but the REAL number of cups of coffee I had this morning was only 2 seriously !

The last few days have been AMAZING. I don't know how this happened but I somehow got on top of this cloud and looks like the rain can't get me up here!! LOL !

I like it :)

So what am I doing differently???

WELL, if I told you......I'd HAVE to kill you.......

lol !

my fiance moved in !!!!!

We are living together now, which by some peeps' standards might be considered 'wrong' and whatnot....look...you GOTTA test the waters before just JUMPING in . You never know how a person really is until you live with them . Then , you can get to know each other for REAL instead of jumping beneath the pressure of marriage and not knowing who this person really is....alot of people do that ...

Tradition is what people do.....LOVE is what God does....


Right now I'm having my lunch.

Its a tuna sandwich, FF mayo about 2.5 Tbsp. and sprouts, tomato, pickle slices, black pepper, WW bread, and a mango....

And hey SHERI !

I bought some freakin' TOFU!! LOL!

I think I really like the stuff! I kinda spray some of that cooking spray with no calories the virgin olive oil kind, and then fry some onions diced, put the tofu in there in little cubes or whatever..and then I put some jalopeno slices!! and then a little bit of Worcestershire sauce (sp?) and some of this Mesquite Chicken spices just a sprinkle...then what I did last night was kinda wierd,,,,I put FF cottage cheese in the pan...and it MELTED ! It melted and made cheese...now I'm not an idiot.. I know cottage cheese was always cheese...but it melted...lol....and it was actually really good.
Then I heated a tortilla on skillet with small spray of nonstick spray, made it taste so much better than raw....then put strip of shredded lettuce, the filling, and FF sour cream, salsa, and um.......pickle relish.....lol...


You have to try it it is so good...

no my lunch was really good too I'm full,

oh btw, not going to the gym during lunch today, but will go after work and do arms and something else probably stair stepper or running....sauna....and shower.....
