Jaymie's fitness journal :)

lol, you're feeling my pain, man!!


Well I went to do legs at the gym on my lunch break feeling MUCH better now and about to have a snack. So I'll update later on. and YES I had a migraine for 3 straight days in and out of the hospital but nothing made a dent in the pain not even and IV with demerol in it. 3 different doses...finally stopped the throbbing but my whole head was just aching to the touch and I felt SO sick...

But no this is FAR from a migraine I can tell you that. I wouldn't be here if I had one. It was anxiety attack I had Friday and Saturday. Now just woozy and my breasts hurt this morning and the milk is still coming out alot ... it even ... um..squirts.... :(
okay I had some kettle corn with no butter or salt and .5 cup FF cottage cheese and a tomato for PWO snack.

Before I go do cardio I'll probably have oatmeal and a piece of toast. I don't have an apple or orange today so that'll have to do I guess.

Seems like I go through a tub of FF cottage cheese a day now ! LOL ! Is that normal? haha! Like I"m 'normal' anyway .

Well after work I'm gonna go probably do some cardio I guess.
Seems like I go through a tub of FF cottage cheese a day now ! LOL ! Is that normal? haha! Like I"m 'normal' anyway

Maybe you're not normal with the cottage cheese, but I go through the fat free dairy products like they're going out of style, too.:)
Yes honey it's normal for the dairy products. Cottage Cheese lasts 2/3 days tops in our house. OMG, I love it. I could eat it at every meal or more like every 5 minutes.
Well its better than what I USED to do tho.....

I USED to go through a BOX of cheerios cereal a day....I thought it was better than binging on something else like I really wanted to , but I'd throw in something new every time I ate it like nuts, and coconut shreds lol, all kinds of crap...

But when I was eating cereal all day long was when I lost the most weight but then it just stopped working....actually I lost all my weight the fastest at first by eating cereal with skim milk for every meal and then drinking a bottle of vodka every night....I do NOT recommend this...and I have no idea how I was still losing weight .. I was probably having about 3000 calories a day and then I stopped eating the cereal and stopped drinking about the same time and then dropped 15 pounds within 2 weeks like it was nothing...I guess because my metabolism got real good at burning all that sugar and then when I cut it out and started having close to no calories I just shed weight like I was inhuman. It was insane...everyone freaked out on me bad.

Then all of a sudden I started GAINING weight when my calories reached the LEAST amount..and the most cals I'd have a day was about 300-700 and wouldn't eat anything past like 5:00pm when I left work.....I have no idea how I did this looking back on it now....

how the hell did I survive like that??


What in the world was I trying to do anyway????


....So then when I had gained 12 pounds I decided this was crazy and I was crazy and it was all just....crazy and stupid....and I wanted to stop without making my body flip out and gain all kinds of excess weight...and

how the hell did I get into talking about this??--oh yeah the cottage cheese deal....

....well anyway, so then I came here and read stuff and thought new stuff and then did stuff and stuff happened and I've lost 4 pounds ...

so the moral of the story is.....

well...I guess the moral of the story is that a tub of cottage cheese a day never ruined anybody !

Take care now..bye bye then!
Long way to get to the point, but it worked anyway. Go cottage cheese! Go cottage cheese!

Not to turn religious on you, but a higher power let you live thru that so you could tell your story to other people.
You know, I was always creeped out by cottage cheese, but now I'm inspired to try it:) . Maybe I'll go for one of those ones with fruit for my first attemp since I'm weird about food (very picky, easily grossed out by rambling thoughts).
HA! College Girl, you are easily grossed out by rambling thoughts on cottage cheese?? ew!

Thanks Sheri, I know God was the reason and answer for it all, I never found the help I needed until I prayed for it. ;)

Well I am in a good mood today I came to work with 'Our Lady Peace' (band) and some other stuff blaring and I was singing my butt off.

I SO didn't do the cardio I wanted last night :(

I ended up getting winded...like ... that NEVER happens..but today my chest feels heavy and feels hard to breathe....i think its allergies again..I'm allergic to some sort of pollen and the pollen count was horrible yesterday and today is even worse so I guess that explains it???

Hope I'm not getting out of shape?????!!!???:confused:

So I could only do 20 minutes level 10 on the stair stepper burning 200 cals

Then 25 minutes treadmill burning 200 cals and 2 miles

and then I did the elliptical b/c my knee started hurting and did 300 cals on that.

then went home and had :

1 WW tortilla
.3 cup chicken
1 jalapeno pepper
.2 cup salsa
buttery spray

then I realized I'd still only had 1400 calories so I needed to eat something else...waited like an hour and a half and ate :

3 egg whites
.5 cup diced onions and mushrooms
1.5 cup fresh spinach
2 carrots
1 tiny squash

....then after this I had still only added about 40 or 50 calories to the daily total....

So I was totally not hungry but I decided the only thing I could eat or could have appetite to eat would be ice cream so I had like 1.5 cup of the FF SF pseudo-ice cream again...so its all gone now... and one bite of a choc. chip cookie..well not even a bite really kinda like 2 crumbles of one. (i shouldn't have even put that nonsense on here lol) but w/e....

So then I am out of cottage cheese .... AGAIN! It just can't survive around me.

I had no protein with my breakfast this morning. just Total/ raisins/ and banana with skim milk and like a very small handful of Kix cereal to make sure it wasn't stale for the kids this morning. (<---that is an excuse) lol
Dang Jaymie, Your diary wears me out! haha I guess I'd gotten a little behind and reading all that made my head spin! How is yours btw?! I hope you're feeling better. I'm sure all these weird physical symptoms just have to do with trying to quit the nic. and detoxing yourself in that way. I'm sure thats pretty hard on the system.
I'd love to eat like you! I still feel like I can gain weight at the drop of a hat. I hate it.
I do what you do with the cereal. lol
I agree, it might be the coming down from pills and nicotine. Hopefully it'll all go away soon and you'll be back to normal, whatever that is for you.:D

I love cereal. It's the snack that you can eat either plain or with milk and even make cereal bars out of.
Well after a day of being sick yesterday...ah-hem....playing hookie...ah-hem!
I had a blast btw ! :)

I went to the gym and had a fitness assessment and body fat test but they didn't get my percentage it was entirely hectic in there for a thursday morning lol, plus i wasn't a paying customer...just taking advantage of a flirty situation i guess *wink wink*
But it was all good. I told him i had a fiance and was happy and he was still trying to flirt with me. But oh well . I got the whole deal for free and also about 2 hours with him in a personal training session. He taught me how to actually use the free weights and bench press and some wierd ass stretches on this roller dealy. And he says I;m in excellent shape :)

So anyway.

Thanks Sparrow yeah I'm doing real good after my day OFF yesterday. I went to the gym and then after that took myself to eat at Jason's Deli again and got the snack bar..and then this random girl at the checkout told me my beverage was 'on her' and winked at me with that click sound ya know?ahaha! I don't know.. yesterday was a trip/.

I went to the mall and walked around for 4 hours straight and went in EVERY store!! LOL

and then I helped this woman find her vehicle lol, she was walking around and I was like whats up ? and she said " I can NOT find my truck! And I told her the other side of the st ore looks the same as this one and she said.."you know wut? You is right! Girl! I came in on the other side of the store!" lol, and that was cool.

The mall was my house yesterday and I went in walked around, ate , talked to people, went to the bathroom, hung around the lounge, went in some more stores, compared prices on some perfumes I really REALLY wanted but didnt' buy...

all of this was absolutely FREE! except the food. of course.

Then went to the store and did the best bargain shoppin EVER .
Went home and made the best c hicken burritos on low carb carlic tortillas EVER and jalapenos. I learned some Spanish yesterday.

Then I got a new tire.. that wasn't that exciting...

Then went and cleaned out my car and washed it....gave some change to a bum who looked sincere and then saw him at the local crackhouse right down the street...what a jerkoff...

anyway, then went and hung out with my grandparents and fiance and ate some canteloupe and then went home and had some pseudo-ice cream but it was Brownie swirl vanilla ice cream !!!! YUM!!!!! I had 2 servings it was 180 cals. no fat.

um...lets see...then I took a shower and did my finger and toe nails...was going to pluck my eyebrows but was too tired

Watched the Devil's Rejects and then fell asleep on the couch .....ZZzzzzZZZ...

What a great day. :)

This morning I fit back into my size 1 jeans ... and they are actually loose on me now.

Everyone is eating donuts! I hate donuts and they are all like..why don't you eat a donut??? Have a donut they are hot and fresh yadda yadda.. I never liked donuts.. and they are making fun of me now saying I'm a health nut and someone called me an anorexic Bitch.. screw them..

i dont' let stuff like that get to me...

whatever..I am not going to let it ruin my day !

:) <---take that evil doers!
This morning I fit back into my size 1 jeans ... and they are actually loose on me now.

Now we know was size you wear...:eek: Fat people hate people like you..lol, but in all honesty, I'm very happy that they are loose.

Glad you had a good day. You are entitled to it now and then.
yeah, just don't go calling yourself fat Jayme! LOL I hate when skinny girls call themselves fat, half of me thinks they're fishing for compliments, of course we are our worse critics!
went and got the results of the body fat percentage on Saturday..... this trainer actually told me it was now... 21.6 And it was 17% like 3 months ago. I've LOST weight not gained and I know that I am more muscle than anything else and don't believe it .... no seriously I DON'T BELEIVE IT. I think it was wrong because the guy who did the test and gave me the results thought it was dumb that I even wanted to know my percentage AND he was flirting with me hardcore and then when he told me the percentage he immediately asked me if I'd like to come in Tuesday for a session with him so he can 'show me what i'm doing wrong' .....

Whatever wierdo....I really don't like that guy.....I'm not going to go to his little 'session' :/

Screw him !!!!! :(

Well I'm not going to let that ruin my day or week or whatever, I think I'm doing good and I don't think I'm 21.6 % body fat for a mi nute there is no friggin way I've gained that much fat when I haven't even gained any weight at all... bull****..
Yeah, I definitely say that your results could be skewed because of Mr.Hot Stuff Trainer's cockiness and him trying to promote his little session. If I were you, I'd ask to have my bf% redone by another trainer because it sounds like that young lad was totally unprofessional.
Well tomorrowis the fourth of July !!!!


and we are having a cookout at my house with my family !
But it sucks b/c my fiance has to WORK....ugh!! What a dickhead his boss is....makes me rather angry...but he will be getting off in time for our cookout anyway.

We are going to grill some chicken and some pork ribs, potatoes, corn , hot dogs, maybe hamburgers too, we are gonna have some watermelon, canteloupe, fresh homegrown tomatoes, MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!

and I am supposed to be making the dessert so its gonna be a sugar free cake with strawberries and blueberries on it (my papa is diabetic and I don't eat sugar ) so it works out good for both of us to have a sugar free thing we can both enjoy :)

Tomorrow I'm off work, so I'm gonna get up and start cleaning the yard and raking up all the crap we've been pulling out of the trees out there, then clean and do some laundry . Gym is closed tomorrow :( So I'll have to do something else for exercise like swimming or something.
Well I really ate ALOT yesterday.....I had a bunch of potato salad, banana pudding, TEQUILA....I drank a pint by myself...yuck.....I also had likd 3 chicken legs and a slab of brisket, and some watermelon and canteloupe and tomatoes, and baked beans, and that was just the cookout! LOL! I had a tuna sandwich and an apple, yogurt, cereal, bananas, and a cereal bar I made myself with raisins, FF cottage cheese.....AAAHHH!!! :(

This is making me feel fat just talking about it all....:(

But Monday I rode my bike for 2 hours about 30 miles, so Fitday says I burned like 1000 cals just doing that. So it was really crazy cuz yesteray I got up and weighed myself first thing in the morning and it said 120 lbs. Then so I weighed in last night after all the eating and it said 128 !! :( :(


Is that enough frowny faces??? :(

dammit, the wierd thing is that I never actually got 'full' ....

Someone else make me feel better please!! Tell me what yall ate for Fourth of July so I know I'm not the only one who had 4000 calories in one day !!! LOL!!
haha! look at all those frowny faces! lol!



I friggin had fun so there :p