I don't know what strength patch you have but perhaps it is too much nicotine for your tolerance.
Don't be so down about how hard quitting tobacco is. I know because I have quit multiple times. Each time you learn a little more. The most important thing I have learned is to not give up. If you fall off the wagon get up and climb back on. Do you really want your kids growing up watching you smoke. I guarantee it will make them more likely to smoke. Also figure up just how much you are spending on tobacco and just image the other things you could use it for. There are all kinds of little tricks that these that helps.
I don't know what strength patch you have but perhaps it is too much nicotine for your tolerance.
Don't be so down about how hard quitting tobacco is. I know because I have quit multiple times. Each time you learn a little more. The most important thing I have learned is to not give up. If you fall off the wagon get up and climb back on. Do you really want your kids growing up watching you smoke. I guarantee it will make them more likely to smoke. Also figure up just how much you are spending on tobacco and just image the other things you could use it for. There are all kinds of little tricks that these that helps.