Jaymie's fitness journal :)


I don't know what strength patch you have but perhaps it is too much nicotine for your tolerance.

Don't be so down about how hard quitting tobacco is. I know because I have quit multiple times. Each time you learn a little more. The most important thing I have learned is to not give up. If you fall off the wagon get up and climb back on. Do you really want your kids growing up watching you smoke. I guarantee it will make them more likely to smoke. Also figure up just how much you are spending on tobacco and just image the other things you could use it for. There are all kinds of little tricks that these that helps.
Wow, I'm sorry you had a rough weekend. However, keep it going trying to not smoke...even if you have some outbursts, not smoking in the end is what's important for you. And I agree with Greenetuckian about it being important to have a mom who doesn't smoke. I grew up in a house where both my parents smoked, which caused me to get asthma. That caused rage problems of my own in my youth, because I hated breathing in the smoke (geez, weren't they watching the NYS public service commercials about 2nd hand smoke?!), and I'd flip out whenever I smelled it, which was always because I has a super-sensitive nose. That caused a ton of family fights. Furthermore, I just hate knowing that my (future) kids and I are going to have to watch their health horribly decline and deal with that pain due to lung cancer, which they have because of their own stupidity. I've never had respect for my parents because they were nicotine slaves. It may take you a while, Jaymie, but just keep persevering and I'm sure you can do it:D ! You've made tons of other progress over time:) ! You've overcome speed, anorexia, etc., and have been a real inspiration to all of us!
It's called the "I don't give a damn pill." My friend was on them. Sorry you had a breakdown. Here's a hug anyway (((((((Jayme)))))). I know it's not alot, but I hope it help somewhat.
sounds like a really terrible day, jaymie...i'm so sorry that you've been through so much. i used to smoke too and i know how important that cigarette can be when life just starts to slip away from you and it's all just too much to handle. quitting is REALLY hard and you don't have to "fix" everything in your life all at once. yes, it's important for your kids that you don't smoke, but it's more important that you are kind and loving towards them and that they don't see you throwing things and going into an out of control rage. i think seeing that kind of behavior would have a longer lasting and more detrimental effect on their health then if you go outside to smoke a cigarette. that's just my opinion though...
you'll be able to quit smoking at some point, but honestly 4 cigarettes a day is not that bad at all. maybe try to taper it down to 2 before you try quitting again...
the ' i don't give a damn pill?' lol ! yeah ,

Well, it works for me tho. when i have those attacks.

I don't know what I'd rather do. But I don't smoke around the kids tho. Actually ... 2nd hand smoke may have been better for them than watching their mom punch herself in the face and break their toys in front of them tho.


Not justifying anything. I am STILL disgusted in myself for all of that and for smoking too. But mainly for turning into that ugly monster I hate more than for smoking. I HATE letting my kids see me do that..its more disappointing than anything when I wake up the next morning and realize it wasn't a bad dream.

So about the water and sodium intake--I been doing pretty good on that. Drinking lots of water. Sodium is only whats naturally in things. I don't add salt to anything or eat lunch meats or prepackaged stuff.

And about the pills I take. I'm still stuck at about 2.5 to 3 a day depending on if I'm working out that day or not. If I'm working out then I can do 2 sometimes and be okay. But it is like after I work out and sweat it is the worst come-down ever. Its like you come down from sweating out all the medicine and at the same time from your adrenaline rush. Then you just feel like ****.


Boy I'm an idiot. I need a vacation to clear my mind. Seemed like this weekend flew by

This is what I did tho.


worked in the yard trimming trees and raking for about an hour


went to the gym :) and did arms and elliptical for 40 mins.then tread for 20 uphill

then swam for 30 min utes then the sauna

then went home and did calisthenics for 15 miutes and yard work for an hour


woke up and rode the bike 2 hours 15mph and we nt to church
then yard work for an hour and half

If you can just keep your mind off things and go one day at a time, hopefully all will be ok. Just remember hugs and loves from me.
thanx girl :)

Yeah I just went to Target to walk around and buy some water shoes for my lunch break.

Started feeling dizzy again..but not near as bad as last time. Really, I have felt EXTREMELY hungry all day. This is what happened last time I was cutting calories and my body literally makes me eat or I'll pass out. :(

So I bought this Ghirardelli dark chocolate little thing and ate one square FitDay says it has 50 cals and 4 grams of fat....i didn't want to eat a meal though. That would have made me feel worse I think..

So this dark chocolate made me feel all 'tingly' !! It was cool, but its kinda gone now. lol.

not the chocolate but the feeling

so anyway , I wonder what the hell is going on with me lately? I think I may need to go to the doctor AGAIN...jeez, i never visited or had to visit a doctor hardly ever and now I'm going all the time it seems.

And its not like my stomach is growling but it just feel totally empty. and i feel light-headed all day. But I am not going to eat anything until I'm scheduled to eat. I'm tired of eating all day long and not ever feeling full.

But I've done good though it is 1:20 pm and I've only had 720 calories. :)
That's good on the calories. Hope the doctor can find out what is wrong. Have you ruled out the patches yet? If not, it might be them. Have you had one on lately?
nope no more patches for me...I know that was it .

Yeah still doing good on the calories. Its 4:30 and I've still only had 1100. :)

Dinner's gonna be something simple though. I will probably have some more lentils and protein of some sort. I reckon I'll swing by the store and get some eggs for egg whites and some FF cheese for a yummy omelette to reward myself tonight! Some mushrooms too :)

I know what I'll make:

a mushroom, cheese, onion, spinach and pimento omelette mmmm......

I think I might try something new too like some tofu or something. I got some one time but it was expired....so I didn't like the way it smelled at all. I'm going to get some fresh maybe today.
I've never had it, so let me know how it tastes and whatnot. I think I heard somewhere that it doesn't have a taste until you mix it w/something.
Jaymie, Do you drink a lot of coffee or are you taking any kind of stimulant (i.e. diet pill)? I get dizzy and nausious if I drink cafeine without eating. Then I have to wolf down something sugary to get the feeling to go away.
well I didn't get the tofu hence ! it was like 5 dollars a package ???!!??? EEEK! So I just got the omelette stuff instead but without the cheese and olives...I managed to only have 1600 calories yesterday..how'd I do that?

Well, today started off to a better start though I had about 500 calories for breakfast and lots of real good protein to have throughout the day here at work. Since today is going to be leg/cardio day instead of thursday b/c I went in the gym on Saturday to do arms.

So my short term goal is to get enough calories on the days I work out so I don't splurge on the days I don't work out.

My knee has been bothering me again :( b/c I hit the knee cap on the elliptical machine while getting off of it Sat. they put those things so CLOSE together! It made me mad at the gym when I did it!! LOL but I got over it now it just aches not bad.

So I'm gonna take it easy on it.

yeah I know you gotta put some spices or something else in your tofu if you're gonna enjoy it ;) but its too expensive to be TASTELESS!! I will pass...

I did eat some SF and FF 'pseudo-' ice-cream again. :)
Hope the bathroom isn't your friend again today?:D I keep thinking about the tofu, but I'm like you, too expensive for the taste.
no bathroom isn't my friend today, but I am feeling wierd again and its like at the same time my vision goes a little blurry and I get a headache over my left eye....I don't know.. but its really getting annoying..
Get better soon. Do you get migraines? OMG, I hate them. I was prescribed Imitrex, but it's toooo expensive for 9 little pills ($145), so I take Excedrin Migraine ($5 at Dollar General). It works the same and less expensive. If I don't take anything in time, I'm done until it goes away. The worst thing about them is the sensitivity to light and sound and don't forget about the vomiting. When I get one, I want Greene to hold me, but he would rather leave me along until I feel better. I swear I can't win.
She47441 said:
Get better soon. Do you get migraines? OMG, I hate them. I was prescribed Imitrex, but it's toooo expensive for 9 little pills ($145), so I take Excedrin Migraine ($5 at Dollar General). It works the same and less expensive. If I don't take anything in time, I'm done until it goes away. The worst thing about them is the sensitivity to light and sound and don't forget about the vomiting. When I get one, I want Greene to hold me, but he would rather leave me along until I feel better. I swear I can't win.

i get migraines too she4!! oh they are AWFUL. i take imitrex when i can get free samples, but you are right, those little pills are so expensive. and excedrin is definitely the best OTC thing for it...
do you find that certain foods trigger your migraines? for me it's definitely alcohol, cheese, nuts, chocolate...all the good stuff!
sorry for invading your journal jaymie...i hope you can figure out what's making you feel so strange, it does sound a little like you might have migraine. but you've been having all sorts of symptoms though, with the going numb and blacking out and stuff...i'm worried about you! can you go see your doctor about it?
i get migraines too she4!! oh they are AWFUL. i take imitrex when i can get free samples, but you are right, those little pills are so expensive. and excedrin is definitely the best OTC thing for it...
do you find that certain foods trigger your migraines? for me it's definitely alcohol, cheese, nuts, chocolate...all the good stuff!

I'm not sure what sets mine off anymore. It used to be cigarettes. Either too many or not enough. Since now I only smoke here and there, haven't had one lately because of that. Funny thing is, I had one this morning and then Jaymie wrote that she had a headache over her left eye. Maybe I'm feeling her pain too, LOL:D