Jaymie's fitness journal :)

oh and when i go to the gym on my lunch, i usually don't take a shower unless I'm really sweaty which is why i do weights during the lunch break I just wipe off after that, then after work i do cardio and def. take a shower after that .
Keep your chin up. It'll get better.
That's kind of the way my schedule's turned out - weights at lunch mon, wed, fri, then cardio after work... on Tu and Th unfortunately I have spinning after work so cardio needs to get done at lunch (or before work).

I'm sorry about the really hard day and the passing of a loved one. That is SO hard no matter what. I was certainly impressed at your determination to rise above the situation and recognize your potential weakness in times of stress. Thats awesome girl!
very cool about the whistle too ;)
You do some killer weight on leg press. Thats insane.

Well today is MUCH beter :)

My Dad called my fiance and talked to him w/out me knowing and they went and talked to a friend of my Dad's and now he finally has a CAR !!!! :)

I miss him so much, I haven't seen him ALL week. Now he is SO happy :)

Thats just great! Thank you to anyone who may have prayed for me. I appreciate it. Things are great now

well, besides the fact that I was constantly falling asleep at the wheel driving to work this morning...but its b/c i haven't had my medication (zoloft) in 4 days b/c the pharmacy is always open during my work hours and closed right when I get off! So I 'm going to get them today tho b/c i get off @ 4:00.

So glad its Friday..sheesh...its been a long week...

Well I did 6 miles on the elliptical in 45 minutes...level 10-12 average watts was 173 watts. Said i burned 580 cals.

Then went to the grocery store. then came home and made
1/2 cup brown non-instant rice
1 cup chopped up chicken (diced i guess lol)
1 WW tortilla
3 diced up really small tomatoes
and some steamed green sweet pepper and onions w/buttery spray
salsa and 2 Tbsp. FF sour cream

then I had 10 huge green seedless grapes.
and 1 strawberry
1 cup skim milk


Still haven't had any sweets! i.e. processed sweets like ice cream and whatnot

almost bought some at the store tho last night! But I steered clear..the kids still have lots of stuff to munch. I was going to use them as an excuse to buy the ice cream .. but they have got an endless selection of fun stuff to eat at the house...

Still no smoking!! :) :) :) :)


and no wierd dream last night, the one Wednesday night was a hoot...lol....there were zombies ripping peoples insides out and hanging them from the roof of a church and i turned into spiderman and was trying to save the world!!! *dun-ta-DA!!*

That'll do it. I don't remember all the weird dreams I had. Supper sounded good that you made. Will defintely have to try it sometime. Greene is going to the store tonight.
hhmmm..well I need to calm down now..

lol, just got done posting this long@$$ reply to the helping the anorexic girl post on the lounge part of the forum...

I think I got the point across...not sure...

well, so I have had some major blood sugar issues today.
It just keeps dropping like a stone. I weighed 120 this morning :)

So I had my usual

B-Total w/skim milk , sprinkle of raisins, med. banana / .5 cup yogurt

S-.5 cup FF cottage cheese and med. apple

then my head and hands went numb and i almost blacked out about an hour and 45 minutes later...my stomach was about to take lift off it was making so much noise lol... so I HAD to eat again...dammit...

L-Tuna sandwich w.hot sauce and 1 Tbsp. diet mayo and some mustard on WW bread....

S(haven't had yet)- apple and oatmeal with SF apple cider spice in it

S(haven't had yet)-
hey jaymie,
i'm new to the forum, but i've been reading your diary for a couple weeks now. your story has really touched my heart and i hope you are able to continue making all this great progress in your life. you're really an inspiration :)

btw i also always feel like i'm going to black out when i stand up if i've been cutting back on calories. it's not even when i'm cutting back a lot, just when i'm sticking to a good diet plan. it feels like my own body is working against me! totally unfair!
Sorry to hear about your friend passing away. I can't imagine how hard it must be :(

(I started to read your anorexic girls answer but I only scanned it LOL-it is kind-a long :p)...
I haven't had those symptoms, just more hungry the last two days. Maybe lack of calories??? Just do the best you can and go on.
congratulations on the no smoking! i know you had a stressful week and thats a real test of willpower...usually people cave and smoke when they have troubles but you didnt and thats awesome....keep it up girl.
congratulations on the no smoking! i know you had a stressful week and thats a real test of willpower...usually people cave and smoke when they have troubles but you didnt and thats awesome....keep it up girl.

I second that! If you cheat, just pick urself up and go on. It happens to the best of us.
oh boy....
I was just at Garden Ridge and on my lunch break..I had eaten my tuna sandwich at about...uh...11:30am and went on lunch totally not hungry or anything @ 2:10pm and went to Gard. Rid. and was walking around looking at their huge sale they had . Then suddenly, boom, I got HOT....and then started shaking and then there goes my left arm going numb again and then my head felt totally woozy...and I felt like I was going to have a panic attack...my blood sugar felt extremely low all of a sudden and it scared the crap out of me so then I started having a panic attack. I felt like I wasn't going to make it to the car...and then in the car .. felt like I wasn't going to make it back to work...now I"m sitting here eating an apple and oatmeal..but my body is telling me to eat chocolate...but I will NOT eat chocolate...

I'm doing so good I'm not going to screw it up just because I think for some reason chocolate is going to save me now or something....my body wants sugar...but I will not give it pure sugar...its going to be oatmeal with no sugar and apple and a little bit of chicken i guess...but I am so NOT hungry right now....its making me sick to eat this...my ears are ringing and I can't feel my hands and arms typing this right now.I i will be off work in 30 minutes and I feel like I'm not going to make it home :(

I just wish I was home right now :(

But there is still SO much to do today before I'll ever get there....

I really need to lie down...I feel so sick...just wish I was home :(
My mom carries orange flavored sugar tablets with her just incase she has a attack. Not sure what they are called, but you can get them at the pharmacy or around that area. That would be easy incase you have an attack when you are away from work or home and in the car.
Jayms, you drinking plenty of water? How is your sodium intake? Do you take any sups or meds?
Are you still taking those pills your trying to get of off? Maybe the withdrawals have something to do with it.