Well today is MUCH beter
My Dad called my fiance and talked to him w/out me knowing and they went and talked to a friend of my Dad's and now he finally has a CAR !!!!
I miss him so much, I haven't seen him ALL week. Now he is SO happy
Thats just great! Thank you to anyone who may have prayed for me. I appreciate it. Things are great now
well, besides the fact that I was constantly falling asleep at the wheel driving to work this morning...but its b/c i haven't had my medication (zoloft) in 4 days b/c the pharmacy is always open during my work hours and closed right when I get off! So I 'm going to get them today tho b/c i get off @ 4:00.
So glad its Friday..sheesh...its been a long week...
Well I did 6 miles on the elliptical in 45 minutes...level 10-12 average watts was 173 watts. Said i burned 580 cals.
Then went to the grocery store. then came home and made
1/2 cup brown non-instant rice
1 cup chopped up chicken (diced i guess lol)
1 WW tortilla
3 diced up really small tomatoes
and some steamed green sweet pepper and onions w/buttery spray
salsa and 2 Tbsp. FF sour cream
then I had 10 huge green seedless grapes.
and 1 strawberry
1 cup skim milk
Still haven't had any sweets! i.e. processed sweets like ice cream and whatnot
almost bought some at the store tho last night! But I steered clear..the kids still have lots of stuff to munch. I was going to use them as an excuse to buy the ice cream .. but they have got an endless selection of fun stuff to eat at the house...
Still no smoking!!
and no wierd dream last night, the one Wednesday night was a were zombies ripping peoples insides out and hanging them from the roof of a church and i turned into spiderman and was trying to save the world!!! *dun-ta-DA!!*