
And I dont understand why people do this on the internet? No one can prove their case, only say this is true... yes it is... believe me... shut up... this is how it is....

The purpose is to provoke thought through discussion of alternate approaches, which is why this thread was started in the first place and why it deserves to be continued.

I agree with one earlier poster that we may not capable of conceptualizing god in his true sense. If you go back a few 100 years to before the "industrial revolution", it would have been impossible for our forefathers to comprehend or even imagine our world as it is today, so as we double our knowledge base every decade, it is interesting to try to predict where we will be another 100 or 1,000 years in the future... Will we one day learn to control virtually every aspect of our existence and comprehend things like time and matter in new ways that allow us to become "god like", and is that what religion is predicting metphorically as "heaven".
However, I'm sure you would agree, this " no signs of ever having cancer " certainly isn't ' evidence ' of the existence of GOD.

Perhaps not. But I think he would say that it shows that the power of prayer came into play here. And to him: answered prayers=the proof of God working.

I always enjoy when doctors are baffled by mysterious accurances that should not have happened or that are impossible to happen.

The doctor asked him what he did. He said he prayed and believed God would heal him. The doctor laughed at him and said that cancer does not cure itself. Gramps shrugged and said he agreed but that God cured cancer.
It's always interesting to see people who look at things like that, and come up with some other explanation (like it was a mis-diagnosis, or electrical currents from the microwave shrank the cancer...)

It just goes to show that to some, nothing could be considered "evidence" - b/c even if God Himself came down and said, "Hey, everybody, here I am!" - some people would still believe it to be a mass hallucination, or a conspiracy planned by GW Bush.
Perhaps not. But I think he would say that it shows that the power of prayer came into play here. And to him: answered prayers=the proof of God working.

Fair enough.

Given his background.....if he wants to believe that...and it helps bolster his faith .......I can see that.

Then again, if the cancer had NOT left, then I suspect Gramps would simply have said had in fact God had heard his prayers, BUT it was " God's intention " that the cancer not be cured.

People can spin things any way they want.

I always enjoy when doctors are baffled by mysterious accurances that should not have happened or that are impossible to happen.

The human body is a lot more complicated and full of surprises - that even doctors may appreciate I suspect.:)

The doctor asked him what he did. He said he prayed and believed God would heal him. The doctor laughed at him and said that cancer does not cure itself. Gramps shrugged and said he agreed but that God cured cancer.

Gramps should be able to believe what he wants.
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I actually do have a question about all that.

I understand that there are still those who practice the traditional ways of things (with the covered head to toe, walk behind the men, can't speak in public, etc) As for mainstream, modern Islam - are the women still separated from the men in religious services? To what extent are they allowed to be involved in the running of things in a Mosque?

Basically, what are some of the differences between the traditional ways, and the more modern ones?
Christianity and Judaism also limit women in the traditional sense. I know in Catholicism, women can't be priests. In most protestant churches, women can't be pastors. I think only the methodist church allows that, and the methodist church gets all sorts of criticism because it condones homosexuality. As for Orthodox Judaism, I believe that women cannot be Rabbis, but in Reform Judaism they can.

My point is, most other religions and society in general demean women. It's not just Islam.

I actually do have a question about all that.

I understand that there are still those who practice the traditional ways of things (with the covered head to toe, walk behind the men, can't speak in public, etc) As for mainstream, modern Islam - are the women still separated from the men in religious services? To what extent are they allowed to be involved in the running of things in a Mosque?

Basically, what are some of the differences between the traditional ways, and the more modern ones?

Women are still seperated from men in Masjid's, and there is a reason for that. Women pray in back of Men not because men believe they are better, because so men would not get distracted from prayer. If Men prayed behind women, then most men would be too busy checking out their asses, know what I mean lol. I'm not sure if women ever could have complete control over the Masjid, because in traditional Islam most people still believe a gender sphere. The women would be more responsible for Islamic school in the mosques over the weekends, arranging dinner at the mosque's on saturday night, while the men take on other responsibilities.

Any other specific question since were on the topic
Christianity and Judaism also limit women in the traditional sense. I know in Catholicism, women can't be priests. In most protestant churches, women can't be pastors. I think only the methodist church allows that,
Not true

and the methodist church gets all sorts of criticism because it condones homosexuality.

Perhaps certain churches condone homosexuality. But most churches, regardless of denomination do not condone homosexuality-Methodist included.

My point is, most other religions and society in general demean women. It's not just Islam.

It was a joke towards Phate, not a statment of attitude towards women. Although in retrospect I can see how some might take it that way.
Religion has not caused us a crisis. People have caused the crisis. Everyone wants an excuse for their actions. Some just choose to guise it under the pretense of religion.

Faith is powerful enough to immunize people against all appeals to pity, to forgiveness, to decent human feelings. It even immunizes them against fear, if they honestly believe that a martyr's death will send them straight to heaven.

Everyones an atheist in some respect, you dont beleive in thor do you, but others just take it one step further. I assume your relgious beliefs are what your parents are, most likely. If you were born in india you would be hindu. The indoctrination of children is a powerfull tool kind of like hard wiring the childs brain that is gullible to beleive in something, acting kind of like a mind virus that keeps getting passed on generation to next, memetic.

All races had gods, its just a natural thing to explain something because i suspect that we human have a need to understand and that god fufills this role.

We are trying to understand how we have got a complicated world, and we have an explanation in terms of a slightly simpler world, and we explain that in terms of a slightly simpler world and it all hangs together down to an ultimately simple world.
Now, God is not an explanation of that kind. God himself cannot be simple if he has power to do all the things he is supposed to do.
-- Richard Dawkins, "Nick Pollard interviews Richard Dawkins"
Well well done to your relgious group.

I know he may seemingly come over as strong. But it just critisizm of something that for thousands of years has been void of it, if he were talking about poolitics or a football team it would seem all very mild.

He's just passionate about the truth.
Oh quite the opposite, he knows he will never change most beleivers minds, but there are a lot of people out there who are not sure, and exceptionally explains how we can come to exist without the need for a conceptional god and that we can still live a morally, fullfiled, intelligentive life.

And no, he does not prey on children and have strict dogma in preaching his beliefs like radical relgionists. He rather puts the facts out for you to make your own decision.
Similar to me believing in a tooth fairy. You may have all the logic, reasioning etc but i can always prevail because it is impossible to disprove my belief, i can beleive in it if i want and no matter what you say it wont change my mind, and therefore could go on infinetly ;p
Similar to me believing in a tooth fairy. You may have all the logic, reasioning etc but i can always prevail because it is impossible to disprove my belief, i can beleive in it if i want and no matter what you say it wont change my mind, and therefore could go on infinetly ;p

when you say that they play the so called "faith" card.. very annoying
i think alot of people believe just because its been beaten into their skulls as a truth there whole lives and they're not willing to accept truth..please enlighten me people who believe in god because i don't understand