
how is it preposterous? If god exists and he can do anything, he could easily have created the evidence. Or do you not agree with that?
no i dont agree because god doesnt exist. I assume your a theist, what makes you beleive that there is a god, inspite of absolutely no evidence.
I'll start this post off by saying I'm a Christian... I don't expect any of you to beleive what I do, I don't care what you argue to make me believe what I believe, because you can't do it...

and I didn't read the entire thread, I'm just gonna post my thoughts here. No science, just my faith.

To those who claim "If there is a God, why is there so much strife in the world"... If the world was nice and warm and cozy all the time, everyone would believe in God. He wants to be loved regardless of what he has or hasn't done for the world.

What non christians seem to say is "show me proof that God exists"... well show me proof that he doesn't. Use the scientific methods, logic, physics, whatever you want (which is a man made process, which can't be perfect) and show me that he DOESN'T. You can't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt anymore than I can prove that he does. However I still believe, thats called faith. I know what the Lord has done in my life, and thats all I need to know.

If I'm wrong, and all the rest of you are right, then nothing is gonna happen to me correct?

If I'm right however, and you're wrong.....
Kind of funny considering your name is evolution,

Id think youd benefit from knowing more about the subject then ignorantly "refusing" something that has enourmous evidence, quite the contrary to the god hypothesis.

A belief in God has nothing to do with facts, proof, logic, ' evidence ' or rationality etc. etc. .

It is a belief based on faith - and faith alone.

Facts, logic,' proof, evidence ' or rationality are irrelevant.
no i dont agree because god doesnt exist. I assume your a theist, what makes you beleive that there is a god, inspite of absolutely no evidence.

you don't have to believe in God to agree with what I said. I don't believe in god and I agree with what I said. IF there is a god, he could have placed the evidence there. Saying that this is true doesn't mean you believe in God, it simply means that you acknowledge that IF there was a god, the evidence of evolution could still be there.
yeah, and it's YOUR belief, you can do what you want with it. I can say I believe God created the first cells on earth and had planned how it was going to evolve. Someone might say "but in the bible it says God created Adam and Eve" but it's my belief and I can do what I want with it. It's also a question of how you interpret what is said in the bible/any other religious book.
There is a god. We dident just get created out of nothing. I also think its wrong for some one to go to hell for eternity...i wouldn't give a fook if some one raped and killed my own mother!!!!!That is pretty dam bad i know but Me being a normal sane human being wouldn't want that person to be put threw hell for eternity. I beleave if there is hell at all it is you get judged for the crimes that you comited on earth and it is not flames but a place where nothing you enjoy or love or get happiness from exists. here you will contemplate what you did wrong until god deems you have been changed and become a true normal person. Every person is capable of being a good human being but it is society and the situation they are born into which they did not choose...its simply not fair so i think it should be fair that everyone goes to heaven no matter what :)
I believe there is a god, but I think we as humans are not capable of understanding the nature of god and organized religion is an artificial creation.

...as far as evolution, it doesn't require my belief, it's a fact. I'm aware of evolution. The process by which it works is the theoretical part (which is still incredibly well supported with evidence)
Its the only logical thing...matter can not make itself...

My mum once sead to me...Who are you and i sead Julian and she goes no your not thats a name i gave to you...who are you...:confused: i was 8 but i was like woa thats deep :p
I believe there is a god, but I think we as humans are not capable of understanding the nature of god and organized religion is an artificial creation.

...as far as evolution, it doesn't require my belief, it's a fact. I'm aware of evolution. The process by which it works is the theoretical part (which is still incredibly well supported with evidence)

yeah i was gonna say that about god as well ;)
I have no idea if god exists but I live my life as if it doesn't. There isn't a compelling reason (IMO) to live otherwise. When I was five years old, I decided that if not believing in god means that I'm going to hell then I was just going to have to suck it up in hell. I just never believed in it, even though I was technically raised Catholic. Heaven and hell seemed ridiculous along with all the other bible stories. As I got older, religion played no role in my life and I realized that regardless of whether god exists, I'm pretty sure that god wouldn't want me living my life worrying about it.

Also, religion (apart from the concept of god) serves a purpose that I have no use for.
Matter cannot make itself from nothing. But what was before god? And don't say god has been here for eternity, because then I'll say "so has matter"
Our minds can not comprehend.

Matter cannot make itself from nothing. But what was before god? And don't say god has been here for eternity, because then I'll say "so has matter"

Bingo! I went to Catholic school as a youngster. And I asked that question: 'how long has God been here for?' and was told 'forever'. So 'how long did he sort of hang around before he created the earth?' and was told 'forever'. So, (getting myself in trouble now with the nuns), 'so, if I had some magic vehicle, that could propel me backwards in time, say 1million years a second, I could go back in time for trillions of years, and still find God waiting to create the earth?' I got a detention.

But IMHO, Phate hits it for both the creationists, and the 'big bang' believers. There can be no beginning of time for either of these to be true. Our minds simply cannot grasp the concept that time is circular, no beginning or no end. Both beliefs fall apart when applied to the constructs of time.
Kind of funny considering your name is evolution,

Why is that funny? Why can't one believe in God and evolution? Certainly God would create entities capable of evolving with time? My name had/has nothing to do with religious purposes. You know what I think is funny? You bringing up a thread that's a year old.

Id think youd benefit from knowing more about the subject then ignorantly "refusing" something that has enourmous evidence, quite the contrary to the god hypothesis.

What evidence? Here, I'll give you this wonderful piece of modern science working over faith in God. My grandfather had cancer. He refused the cancer treatment and decided to put his faith in God to either cure him or he decided it was his time to go. Albeit he was a preacher and he's in his late 80s. So after prayer and belief, he went back in for his check up. Guess what? He has no signs of ever having cancer.
that really just preposterous. I think beleiving in a god is a delusion.

I couldnt really care what people beleive in. it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world.

Science proves and disproves itself all the time. So you believe in one thing and then its proven wrong. Does this make believing in science delusional? I don't get why believing in a higher power makes on delusional. I think not believing in a higher power and we just die and that's that a bit anti-climactic, pessimissitic, and delusional.

Not to mention the crisis religion has caused for our earth. There will always be good and bad people, but for a good person to do bad things takes relgion.

Religion has not caused us a crisis. People have caused the crisis. Everyone wants an excuse for their actions. Some just choose to guise it under the pretense of religion.
What evidence? Here, I'll give you this wonderful piece of modern science working over faith in God. My grandfather had cancer. He refused the cancer treatment and decided to put his faith in God to either cure him or he decided it was his time to go. Albeit he was a preacher and he's in his late 80s. So after prayer and belief, he went back in for his check up. Guess what? He has no signs of ever having cancer.

However, I'm sure you would agree, this " no signs of ever having cancer " certainly isn't ' evidence ' of the existence of GOD.