I'll start this post off by saying I'm a Christian... I don't expect any of you to beleive what I do, I don't care what you argue to make me believe what I believe, because you can't do it...
and I didn't read the entire thread, I'm just gonna post my thoughts here. No science, just my faith.
To those who claim "If there is a God, why is there so much strife in the world"... If the world was nice and warm and cozy all the time, everyone would believe in God. He wants to be loved regardless of what he has or hasn't done for the world.
What non christians seem to say is "show me proof that God exists"... well show me proof that he doesn't. Use the scientific methods, logic, physics, whatever you want (which is a man made process, which can't be perfect) and show me that he DOESN'T. You can't prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt anymore than I can prove that he does. However I still believe, thats called faith. I know what the Lord has done in my life, and thats all I need to know.
If I'm wrong, and all the rest of you are right, then nothing is gonna happen to me correct?
If I'm right however, and you're wrong.....