
I dont think that he read it from the bible because i remember my brother telling me they were discussing it in christian studies once, and not once did they mention the bible saying anything about how old the earth is. As i said could be millions and trillions of years old.

I have to agree with you i find it hard to believe that two people could populate the whole earth, but the bible doesn't say otherwise, though the bible speaks metophorically, so there could be another explanation, but for now, I believe that they did it, but thats just because its my belief.
thatozzieguy said:

Ozzie if it's dinosaurs that you find intriguing then check out this link:

It will help clarify where a true Orthodox Christian stands on dinosaurs and the Bible. No they were not put on earth to test our faith. I have no problems with dinosaurs and the Bible. Infact Job talks about and describes one of them.
Tim_14 said:
No one knows that. It could be millions of years old. Coz if you think about it, it would have taken millions of years for Adam and Eve to make this many people.

lol - I don't think anyone is saying that Adam & Eve parented ALL of them by themselves!!

As for my views on God, I am an atheist so, I don't believe in him/her/it/them at all, not even a little bit...
shapeshifting said:
I'd consider myself one of the earth based religions....I like the idea of seeing what I believe in like the sun,moon etc....I don't believe in one supreme God.

ok. i can understand where you are comming from. its hard to believe in something that isnt tangable. but let me ask you this, "Have you ever seen God? Have you ever seen Him? Well, ive never seen the wind. ive seen the effects of the wind, but ive never seen it." Does not mean it does not exist.
Its not about who can see what or who is right with their beliefs mustangdan,there is no rights or wrongs it personal preferance...Just because I dont believe in God doesnt mean I think others shouldnt as well...
Same as I wouldnt ever try and push my beliefs onto others....I can see the moon I can see the sun these are the deitys I choose...Same as others choose God as their Deity...
shapeshifting said:
there is no rights or wrongs it personal preferance

So let's say that a person's religion requires them to go and kill Muslims in the crusades. Is that wrong? I think that when it comes to a person's beliefs there is definitely a right and wrong. Was it right for certain infamous Christian preachers to teach that 9/11 was caused by homosexuals? Being a Christian I specifically point out the mistakes that some in Christendom have made that are wrong. Fortunately the Bible does not endorse what fallible man has done in the name of it. Just because some error terribly in the name of Christendom does not mean that it is Christianity that has the problem.
Does god exist?

Well if god exists then where the **** is he (assuming he's a guy). I mean, no offence people but i don't get why some waste their time on church and **** for something that clearly isn't real. All this **** about jesus coming back from the dead is just a stupid legend.

BUT. I do think things happen for a reason. Like bad things happen to us so that we learn from our mistakes. I recently got sunburnt really really bad, i was actually sick for a few days because of it and my entire front of my body is almost purpilish (like i've been slapped real hard a few hundred times). So now i know to ALWAYS wear sunscreen. Also, i think everyone has a pre - determined life span and things like that. It's all very strange and i probably shouldn't be discussed because people are likely to get offended by people saying stuff like i just did.
Streamline said:
Does god exist?

Well if god exists then where the **** is he (assuming he's a guy). I mean, no offence people but i don't get why some waste their time on church and **** for something that clearly isn't real. All this **** about jesus coming back from the dead is just a stupid legend.

I guess it just ain't so "clear" then. There's more to the concept of God than what predominant religions and religious people do.

Let's put it this way. You said "things happen for a reason." To many, that would be divine intervention, or God acting.
LeiYunFat said:
I guess it just ain't so "clear" then. There's more to the concept of God than what predominant religions and religious people do.

Let's put it this way. You said "things happen for a reason." To many, that would be divine intervention, or God acting.

Yeah i know that's why i said it's a touchy subject. If i have doubt in my mind about something existing (ghosts, ufos, god, etc.) i tend to lean towards no until i see it. All of this stuff i've heard about jesus coming to back to life is beyond laughable to me. I don't mean to offend anyone, it's just my opinion. The thing is none of ever know for sure until we die. Granted in 50000 years we'll either be living forever, cloning humans from the dead or both.
Streamline said:
Yeah i know that's why i said it's a touchy subject. If i have doubt in my mind about something existing (ghosts, ufos, god, etc.) i tend to lean towards no until i see it. All of this stuff i've heard about jesus coming to back to life is beyond laughable to me. I don't mean to offend anyone, it's just my opinion. The thing is none of ever know for sure until we die. Granted in 50000 years we'll either be living forever, cloning humans from the dead or both.

I don't think we'll be around for another 50000 years...but lol, wouldn't that be funny if Jesus showed up late and everyone was all dead from the nukes? LOLOLOLOL
LeiYunFat said:
I don't think we'll be around for another 50000 years...but lol, wouldn't that be funny if Jesus showed up late and everyone was all dead from the nukes? LOLOLOLOL

what would god say if jesus where late saving earth when he was off somewhere getting high?
LeiYunFat said:
I don't think we'll be around for another 50000 years...but lol, wouldn't that be funny if Jesus showed up late and everyone was all dead from the nukes? LOLOLOLOL

I was rather impressed with peoples intelligent responses, nice to see no flame wars. Also I am agnostic.
I find it unnerving that the concept of God is, for many of us, inseparable from organized religion. It's like there is some copyright on God...For someone that was never raised around a specific religion, like myself, I find it second nature to formulate my own ideas about the matter, yet find myself struggling with accepting why not many else do. Unnerving. And yet, so very appropriate.
"I find it unnerving that the concept of God is, for many of us, inseparable from organized religion. It's like there is some copyright on God...For someone that was never raised around a specific religion, like myself, I find it second nature to formulate my own ideas about the matter, yet find myself struggling with accepting why not many else do. Unnerving. And yet, so very appropriate."

Lei, I always found it particularly bemusing why so few of us do. I've settled on the conclusion that it's either ignorance or a conscious choice to avoid the questions that so often weaken the foundations of belief.

Personally I'm more interested in exactly who Jesus was and what he did and said than in whether he liked to smoke the stickiest of the icky. :cool:

Being able to see for myself the true nature and powers of the supposed messiah would be a significant spiritual experience that would probably shift my views on a lot of things. There are only two problems with this:

1) If I(we) knew for a fact that, and I'm only using the christian faith as an example here, god or one of his aspects existed and exhibited godly powers, then faith would no longer be a part of the equation. Would this then mean a shift of spiritual focus to something else, with the universal acceptance of monotheism?

2) There's no real evidence that what we can perceive with our very limited human senses is a reliable source of information.

Given those two caveats, I tend to wonder if there's any real choice in belief systems. It would seem existentialism is the only one of which we can be somewhat certain. Even that, however, is based on the assumption of some merit to our sytems of analytics. Having had that thought, I immediately change my mind and begin to wonder if nihilism isn't the answer.

It seems to me that it's easier, in a lot of ways, and perhaps more advantageous to simply stick to what you believe in. Nonetheless, I'd still like to "know" the answers.