Floater's diary

great that you made it to the gym. you should see weight starting to peel away if you keep it up
I´ve been keeping it up consistently for almost two years now haha but thanks. Aiming to gain muscle at the gym. Weight loss happens in the kitchen and the swimming pool for me.

Going for a run this afternoon. I noticed a happy thing about my stretch marks: since Dec 2022 they have gotten lighter in color but I´ve seen very little improvement in the skin thickness. Now I´m noticing that some of the scares are starting to go from / / to # , like there´s thicker skin growing inside the indentations. Of course the stretch marks will never completely fade but when they start to go from straight lines to kinda shorter and squigglier it means the skin is starting to patch itself up and I´m so happy to see improvement even so long into the healing process.

Run plan for today is that there´s a stretch of running track with a little hill close to my home, and I´m gonna run from crossroads to crossroads and up and down the hill, and then walk back 10 times. This is going to give my legs and feet a lot of stimulus but the walking in between will allow for a bit of rest/cooldown because I´m in my mid thirties and avoiding injuries is important. I was also happy to notice that while I may not look very good in them my belly still fits inside my old exercise tights haha.
Completed the intended run! Out of the 10 stretches I intended to run I ran 7 without any walking at the steepest point so I´d say that´s a decent first try. I think I´ll stick to doing running conditioning on the hill until my joints have adjusted so that there´s no discomfort during this kind of an exercise. Trail running is definitely much harsher on my left knee (which I have damaged the cartilage in when I ran like a zealot in high school) than running on a treadmill. Also getting adjusted to a thicker sole after mostly using barefoot shoes might take some time. I´ll definitely choose a thicker sock in the future.

I think I´ll do the same thing tomorrow but I´ll run the flat portions criss cross. Probably too dangerous to run elevations or go downhill that way yet but the whole point of conditioning is to increase the agility which will in turn help prevent injury.

I wore a stupid-looking paintball tacticool vest on top of my hoodie to keep my chest from jiggling. Definitely got stared at by a jogger, but I hate high support sports bras (they don´t feel like they really support that much, they just pinch) and the vest is way superior in the support it gives. Also I can clip my keys onto in with a carabiner so that´s a big plus.

Didn´t get much of a runner´s high from this but I feel ok and not too tired. The entire thing took me 55 minutes from the moment I left my home to when I got back so that´s a decent amount of cardio. I have gym planned for the evening. Today is 10x10 squats and 10x10 overhead DB presses. Gonna be harsh after running, but hey, I want to see if I can pull it off.

I have about two weeks until my next tattoo appointment. After that it´s three days of rest and a week off any strenuous exercise to ensure the healing goes well. I also won´t exercise the day before the tattoo because I don´t want to be healing form exercise while getting wounded haha.
Hitting the gym. Had Taco Bell because right now fed is best. Tomorrow I'll clean up and food prep whole foods dishes. I'll get groceries on my way home.
enjoy your grocery shopping. I hate going there myself. always feels like I overspend every trip and always walk out with more than I intended. also not to mention the crowds. speaking of Taco Bell ive been craving chipotle steak burrito.
enjoy your grocery shopping. I hate going there myself. always feels like I overspend every trip and always walk out with more than I intended. also not to mention the crowds. speaking of Taco Bell ive been craving chipotle steak burrito.
Yeah I like to go grocery shopping in small stores or late at night when there are no crowds. We don´t have Chipotle in Finland, I bet that a steak burrito tastes great. We only have the option of greasy Taco Bell minced beef, so I always opt for grilled chicken when I eat there. Pulled pork used to be an option and it was scrumptious, but it was discontinued.

My grocery shopping didn´t end up as much of an accomplishment because I went in so tired that I only managed to buy microwave stuff and protein drinks. Well, it´s better than not having food at home of course.

In hindsight I overdid training yesterday because I had a crying fit last night. It resolved when I took a migraine spray. I´ll still go for the criss cross conditioning run at some point today.
I started to menstruate which would explain why I have cried for three consecutive nights beforehand. I am starting to doubt whether it was a good idea to have the IUD removed. My mental health has plummeted since. I very rarely used to cry.

I have no idea if running is a good idea under these circumstances. In a way, I feel better now for knowing that my mood and energy levels should pick up over the next few days. But menstruating is still hard for me mentally and physically.
Slow morning but slept relatively well. I think I'll have a shower and hit the gym. I'll eat something in the city before gym. Gotta clean the chinchilla cages tonight.

Mentally starting to feel a bit better.
Gym was good, no complaints. Did DB chest flys 10x10 with 8kg which felt appropriately tiring but did not hurt my joints. I did the first 5 sets of bent over rows with 30 kg and the remaining 5 with 25.

Had a little stress cry while walking home. Bought microwave soup and protein drinks because honestly I´m just too fucked up to cook right now. Also bought chocolate because GVT takes much more energy than normal gym stuff and I´ve noticed that the extra energy is much needed, in moderation of course.
Feeling quite overwhelmed. Not going to go for a run tonight. Did half of the indended cleaning up, I think that´s enought for today.

Oh, btw, my mattress has mold and I guess I need to start saving up for a new bed because the current bedframe is a DIY plywood nonsense thing that looks pretty on the outside but clearly forms a health hazard. I´ll try to find something with the option of a payment plan.
So I woke up at 5AM today and can't fall asleep. Therapy at 10.30AM, so I could theoretically hit the gym beforehand. I would be pretty tired in therapy, so that's a factor of course. Especially as it would be session four which is deadlifts and front raises. Hm hm. I could go for a run I guess. More time-effective. Yeah I'll do that!
OK found a solution to my moldy bed problem for a price that will take some planning but is doable so, hey, could be worse!
Feeling scatterbrained today, hence the many posts. Heading to the gym now. Deadlifts today. Therapy was good!
Gym was good. 10x10 GVT deadlifts with 35kg for the first 5 sets and 40 for the remaining five. Front raises 10x10 5-4-4-4-4-3-3-3-3-3 kg.

Having super spicy noodles to help with congestion. I settled for a new mattress and now I´ll sleep over the decision and order it tomorrow. Only drawback is that I need new struts as well and the only option IKEA has now is flimsy looking. I need to decide if I´ll wait for the sturdier option to get back in stock or what.
God damn I just realized that I haven´t eaten any fresh vegetables for two days and only bananas for fruits. Gonna have some red bell pepper after making myself a cup of coffee. Got chinchilla cages cleaned, and ordered the mattress, because the sale was for a limited time only, and some of the stuff on sale had sold out already.
the chinchillas must have been very talkative and happy that everything was clean. dont forget veggies. you can eat lots of them and still have very low calories. I busted my diet by eating a wedge of pound cake which is like 400 calories for a single slice.
the chinchillas must have been very talkative and happy that everything was clean. dont forget veggies. you can eat lots of them and still have very low calories. I busted my diet by eating a wedge of pound cake which is like 400 calories for a single slice.
The chinchillas were very happy indeed :) While I was cleaning his cage, Heikki climbed on top of my plant stand and nibbled at my Nanouk. (I didn´t think he could get up there at all. It an be dangerous for chinchillas to taste houseplants because their digestive systems are very sensitive, so I need to be ore watchful the next time.) Naughty! When I noticed him, he bounced off quick as a lighting. It´s hilarous when chinchillas move quickly because they are so fuzzy that they look very fat. But there´s an athletic little critter underneath all that fur.

Sucks with the pound cake! Sorry to hear that. Yeah veggies should be the cornerstone of a good diet and I usually enjoy eating veg and fruit but sometimes when I get very stressed I get the palate of a fussy child and forget to eat them. I had lentil soup and ham for breakfast this morning. Looking forward to this day. Gonna go for a run in the eveningIf I´m feeling particularly energetic I might consider washing the floors today because it´s been a while since I did that and I like a clean home. Unfortunately the weather is now too cold to wash the windows anymore so I´ll have to spend the winter looking through dirty windows. Well, I guess I could wash the windows if I can handle the migraine from the draft. I could go pick up migraine spray from the pharmacy in advance. Gotta think about it a bit first it´s a big task anyway.
Incline bech press and lat pulldown day at the gym today. The weather has been awful for a while now and is a reminder that I need to get myself a water proof backpack for the winter. The one I have now was marketed as such, and yeah sure the fabric is coated with plastic, but the zippers are NOT waterproof at all. They have little guards inside the zippers that keep light rain out, but when it´s raining for real, they are useless.

I think I´ll take a body comp reading and then have lunch in the city. I already had a breakfast so the readings aren´t going to be fully accurate but I´ll get the general gist of things. I do find it interesting that my body comp has improved when I had my IUD removed despite me not having been super diligent with my diet. So the synthetic progesterone was probably messing with my metabolism a bit
Body comp machine said that my weight has stayed the same, muscle mass has increased and fat mass decresed so I'll keep doing what I'm doing.