Floater's diary

I´m still good doing the GVT program for a few more cycles I think, but after that I need to start mixing things up to not make my workouts stale. Obviously flat bench instead of incline, but I´m also thinking lat prayers instead of lat pulldowns for a meso.

Gonna get another body comp scan towards the end of next week. I´m ovulating (based on bodily symptoms, the tests still don´t work...) so my fat has that cottage cheese look from fluif retention that I don´t love but the fat pad on my belly keeps shrinking slowly but steadily. Did some scar care on my stretch marks last night, and more of them are getting sturdier and losing that papery thinness so I´m every happy about that. TBH it´s probably time and weight loss that plays a bigger role in this than the scar care but it´s nice to compare the fresh ones to the ones I got in puberty. The fresh ones will never be as smooth as the puberty ones due to my collagen being of worse quality now that I´m middle-aged but that doesn´t mean there couldn´t be improvement.
Did 10x10 squats with 55kg today. Had to take 2min breaks instead of 1min between last sets. Overhead DB presses 6kg. Third day of GVT in a row.

Rest day tomorrow.
Rest day almost over. Tomorrow is bent over rows and DB chest flys. Got a migraine today. It resolved with a migraine spray, NSAIDs, and electrolytes.

On one hand, good thing I can recover this quickly from GVT, on the other, tells me I gotta reprogram soon.

Dysphoria was bad last night. Took a lot of photos of problem areas. It's not helpful.