Thanks, Llama xo
Excellent about getting a few things done. Always a good idea to try to not think about all the things left waiting to be done!
I think so too. I might make my New Year's resolution to make sure I space things out better.
Wow, you are doing so much while still trying to recover. I hope things calm down soon so your body can catch up. I hope R is feeling better, too. Probiotics really help us when our stomach is off - hope they help!
Too much, M I know. I'm starting to feel stronger physically but have Asthma this morning. I think I know why though & it's my fault. I have a weakness for salt & vinegar flavoured anything & had bought some salt & vinegar rice crackers & yesterday ate about 20

Of course, they will have MSG in them, which triggers my Asthma. Sometimes we do things we know we shouldn't. Lesson learned- again.
Are you feeling better Cate? Sounds like a busy schedule but manageable. I hope you're feeling okay after the dentist visit.
I am, thanks Em. My teeth have been very sensitive after the visit, but feel better this morning. I'll be pleased when the job is finished (the 14th). Hopefully, it will be quick. My dentist said this will last 20 years. You would love my dentist. We have some great conversations.
You'll be happy to know I had a cracking day out yesterday. I had a net 67 & played to 7 shots better than my handicap, which on most days would win easily, but my friend, T had an even better day out with a net 64, also 7 shots better than her handicap. It was a stroke event (our monthly medal) but if it had been a Stableford I would have won on a countback. We both had the same stableford points. If I am ever going to be beaten I am happy for it to be by T. She was so chuffed & so was I. We're playing in a team of 3 together on Saturday & I think this means both of our handicaps will have come in quite a bit. I just had a quick look & we have both lost one shot. Yay! She'll be happy. Apparently, our rounds were both considered exceptional & you get cut an additional shot.
OK- I had better start doing some housework!
Thanks, Blue