Cate's Diary

Oh Cate so sorry you are continuing to feel rotten :grouphug:
Your food sounds perfect for good healing. May you feel better soon!
Yes, so glad you are staying home and taking care of yourself. I think anger is a perfectly valid emotion when people step on your boundaries, and I hope you don't feel weird about healthy anger. I would be so upset with someone taking my seeds without asking, and it's amazing she invited herself on someone else's trip. Wow! And then you had to play with another insensitive person while sick, too! So glad you are staying home with a happy dog for company!! Hugs and more hugs!!!
:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear you're still struggling my friend and I hope you feel better soon. Definitely call the dentist if you have a chest infection to see if they even want you to come then.
Thanks, Llama. I feel even worse this morning & have a chest infection. I'll ring the dentist at 8.30 & the medical centre at 9. I'll need antibiotics that target your lungs. When I'm better I will ask for a referral for a chest x-ray. I'll mention it today. Hopefully, I can get an appointment, even a phone appointment.
Oh Cate so sorry you are continuing to feel rotten :grouphug:
Your food sounds perfect for good healing. May you feel better soon!
Thanks, Liza. I usually leave my diary until last & seeing your messages this morning had me teary.
Yes, so glad you are staying home and taking care of yourself. I think anger is a perfectly valid emotion when people step on your boundaries, and I hope you don't feel weird about healthy anger. I would be so upset with someone taking my seeds without asking, and it's amazing she invited herself on someone else's trip. Wow! And then you had to play with another insensitive person while sick, too! So glad you are staying home with a happy dog for company!! Hugs and more hugs!!!
Thanks, M. I know I do feel weird about getting angry. L asks in a way that you feel that you can't say no. I'm grateful that we don't live close to her.

I used to get chest infections regularly & haven't done for many years. I woke up this morning with a rattle in my chest & was so wheezy. I got up as I couldn't breathe for the muck & went & made a steam bath with eucalyptus oil. I wasn't sure how I would go, allergy-wise, but I was OK.
Archie is booked in for his annual vax this morning & I will go in with G. I can be with Arch while G does some shopping. We could go to the off-lead dog park afterwards so I didn't have to walk much.
I have a feeling I won't get through today without a good cry as I feel like one now. Thanks everyone for being so thoughtful xoxo
:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:! I hope you can take it easy and just get over the chest infection. It sounds like you tried to do too much when not feeling up to it. I just had a good hard cry, and it helped immensely. You just need to sometimes!
Oh, M. Sometimes, you do just need to cry & I just did. You are probably right about doing too much when I wasn't up to it. I know I shouldn't have played golf on Saturday but I didn't want to let the other two down & it would also have messed up the numbers for the comp as they had limited them. I should have postponed lunch with the family, but I wanted it over & done with. I'll just have to do what I can to get better & I promise I will take it easy.
More hugs for you Cate :grouphug:I hope you can find some proper rest time and that the antibiotics help.
It's hard to say no when we feel like we are letting people down, but really the best choice sometimes.
Thanks, Marsia, Llama & Liza. I got G to ring J1 yesterday to say I was unwell & wouldn't be coming to the Christmas break-up tomorrow. I just didn't have the energy to talk to her. I'm rattling at the moment. I had to get up early again as I can't stay horizontal for long. 4.30 am is when I start coughing, but at least I have been sleeping until then (from about 11 pm).
I have been doing steam inhalations & they seem to help a bit. It's only 6.30 am & my head is hurting. I'll try for a nap at midday.
R has his puppy full-time now as he is no longer working on the oyster lease. He is a very chilled puppy. R worked on building a new fence yesterday with his new tenant. I don't think he'll spend much time down at his place in the NY, but it will be good to have his & the pup's space separate from the house.
I can hear G up & about so will come back later.
I really hope the nap helped and you feel better very soon. It's natural to be grumpy when you're unwell - give yourself a free pass for that one. x
:grouphug: ! Glad G called for you and you didn't have to deal with J1. I've heard that singing or humming in the shower helps if you are congested, but not sure if this helps for asthma. Hope you can rest and are feeling much better. Ugh!
Thanks, M. Nothing seems to be helping with my Asthma or my headache, but I'm hoping I'll wake up feeling better soon. I seem to be able to get the muck up but it also seems endless. Yuk!
It will be good to feel well again & I am going to make the most of it.
When I was a kid our GP had a paper pyramid on his desk that said something to the effect that "stuck" coughs are generally harmless but a cough that feels productive because you're getting the goop out are a reason to see a doctor.

Sorry to hear you're so unwell. Don't be annoyed with yourself about it on top of already feeling crummy: you deserve kindness and understanding from yourself as much as from others.
I like your attitude of making the most of it once you're well. I hope you get really good rest, and please don't be fooled if you are feeling a little better into going out and doing all sorts of things for other people! I think you keep getting sick because you go out and do stressful things while your body is still trying to recover. People will understand that someone who tends toward respiratory issues needs more time to mend from something as pernicious as Covid!!
Thanks, M. Nothing seems to be helping with my Asthma or my headache, but I'm hoping I'll wake up feeling better soon. I seem to be able to get the muck up but it also seems endless. Yuk!
It will be good to feel well again & I am going to make the most of it.
That all sounds so hard. I also hope you feel better soon. Did you talk to the doctor yet?
When I was a kid our GP had a paper pyramid on his desk that said something to the effect that "stuck" coughs are generally harmless but a cough that feels productive because you're getting the goop out are a reason to see a doctor.
I knew that I had an infection, Llama so that's why I had an appointment with a doctor on Monday. I used to get them regularly but hadn't had one for four years. I'll need to make another appointment tomorrow to get another script as the one he prescribed he couldn't give a repeat & he said to ring him back to get a new one. I always needed 2 scripts but that AB has been discontinued.
Sorry to hear you're so unwell. Don't be annoyed with yourself about it on top of already feeling crummy: you deserve kindness and understanding from yourself as much as from others.
Thanks, Llama. I have been feeling very down on myself for a while now. Did you hear my negative self-talk? I really can't wait to feel well again so that I can do something about getting back to a place where I am happy about my body.
I like your attitude of making the most of it once you're well. I hope you get really good rest, and please don't be fooled if you are feeling a little better into going out and doing all sorts of things for other people! I think you keep getting sick because you go out and do stressful things while your body is still trying to recover. People will understand that someone who tends toward respiratory issues needs more time to mend from something as pernicious as Covid!!
Oh, M. I am so looking forward to feeling well again. I want to make 2024 the year I got myself back on a path to good health. I am going to make that my number one priority. Having Covid has set me back a lot. When I am better I will contact the Asthma Foundation to get some advice on building my lung strength. They were a great help when R developed Asthma as a small child.
That all sounds so hard. I also hope you feel better soon. Did you talk to the doctor yet?
Thanks, Liza. I think I will get better soon. I'll talk to the doctor again tomorrow & get another script. I do feel a little better this morning & managed to not cough until 6.45 am, which was a big improvement on the last few nights. I sucked on lozenges during the night. I think I have strained a muscle in my back from coughing as it hurts every time I cough.
I'll keep doing steam inhalations today. They just make me feel better. I'll also go for a short walk with G & Archie. Arch is booked in for a haircut tomorrow afternoon & I'll get another script then, after having a telehealth ap't in the morning.
I believe 2024 will bring great things for you when it comes to your health and weight loss Cate. This is the dark before the dawn, but it sounds to me like you're turning a corner with it. Take care miss. x
Sounds like your fighting spirit is coming back :grouphug: