Cate's Diary

Those of us that are moderators here have no ability to fix this, all we really do is keep on top of spam, we have had no response from Admin, we have not had an Admin reply to any issue for quite some time.
Those of us that are moderators here have no ability to fix this, all we really do is keep on top of spam, we have had no response from Admin, we have not had an Admin reply to any issue for quite some time.
Tru, have you heard of other users of this site having problems?
Tru, have you heard of other users of this site having problems?

There is an occasional notice from people attempting to join that have not received an email, all moderators have been able to do is assign the case to an admin, then it sits there because they are not active and mods cannot do anything.

I have suggested an alternative to cate (I can install a replacement forum software on my hosting account) as a last resort if we are unable to get anywhere. Without access to admin functions moderators are not much different to normal members without any ability to sort out more complex issues. The forum here will die if new members cannot join and old members loose access.
Cate, maybe keep trying to become a new member? Liza said it took her a couple of tries to reset her password. I wonder if you could try using a different browser and seeing if maybe it's a case of browser incompatibility? I was considering trying to make a new member account and giving you the user name and password, but now I am afraid to log out. I hope Tru's method works if not!!!

Trusylver, if you install forum software on your hosting account, are you making a new forum and you'd have to maintain that forever? That sounds like a ton of work, so if you are doing that, I'd volunteer to keep on top of spam.​

Cate, maybe keep trying to become a new member? Liza said it took her a couple of tries to reset her password. I wonder if you could try using a different browser and seeing if maybe it's a case of browser incompatibility? I was considering trying to make a new member account and giving you the user name and password, but now I am afraid to log out. I hope Tru's method works if not!!!

Trusylver, if you install forum software on your hosting account, are you making a new forum and you'd have to maintain that forever? That sounds like a ton of work, so if you are doing that, I'd volunteer to keep on top of spam.​

I am paying for the hosting anyway and using free forum software, If I can get the signup procedure working correctly cate will be joining tomorrow and work the rest out from there. I will be at Uni in the morning my time but will do more when I can.
I am paying for the hosting anyway and using free forum software, If I can get the signup procedure working correctly cate will be joining tomorrow and work the rest out from there. I will be at Uni in the morning my time but will do more when I can.
Wow, that's amazing Tru!!! Thanks so much for doing this!
I am paying for the hosting anyway and using free forum software, If I can get the signup procedure working correctly cate will be joining tomorrow and work the rest out from there. I will be at Uni in the morning my time but will do more when I can.
Fingers crossed that will work--thanks for all your work on both this issue and just in general in keeping the site running as smoothly as possible when the admin is so challenging/impossible to reach.
Cate I don't know if you are still reading posts here, but I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for all your support and friendship over the years. So frustrating that this forum made things too difficult to continue on here esp with the final lockout!
I might see you in the other forum in the next few weeks. But if not, then it's been lovely getting to know you online!
I registered. The forum I was on previous to this one had a similar story....a Mod who kept the thing going in spite of indifference or support from the site owners. Then one day they sold the entire thing to A Major Brand and the Mod had to beg and plead to get our diaries reinstated for like 30 days till we could all find a place to land (and download our content). I'm so sorry Cate, it is a huge jarring shock to just lose access to your online community - escpecially when you are recovering from surgery. I hope to see you soon on "the other channel".
I registered. The forum I was on previous to this one had a similar story....a Mod who kept the thing going in spite of indifference or support from the site owners. Then one day they sold the entire thing to A Major Brand and the Mod had to beg and plead to get our diaries reinstated for like 30 days till we could all find a place to land (and download our content). I'm so sorry Cate, it is a huge jarring shock to just lose access to your online community - escpecially when you are recovering from surgery. I hope to see you soon on "the other channel".
I sent this to Cate in case she isn't checking her diary here often.
Cate is now a member of the new forum in development

it is admin approval to join so it doesn't matter what email you put in e-mail field during sign up as no e-mails will be sent

Still mostly vanilla out of the box but will evolve based on community input which will take some time.
Hi Tru, I tried to join by clicking the link but it didn't work. I suppose that is what admin approval to join means! Sorry I am kind of rubbish with these things. May I be allowed to join the new forum?
Done, yes admin approval means joining is not automated