Glad to hear you happened upon a doctor who took the issue seriously. Between steroids and a strong antibiotic you should feel better soon.
I think I got lucky there, Llama, after a lot of driving backwards & forwards. I liked his manner & his duty of care (using the term in a genuine sense). He could have just issued me a script the same as my original one, but he wanted to ensure I had the right one. I will ask for a chest x-ray when I am better as I would like to know how my lungs are.
So good you got into that doctor! He sounds really good. I hope this prescription makes all the difference!
It made a difference to me mentally, Liza & I think the drug combo will work. If not his offer for me to ring him if I'm not better in 5 days was genuine.
I haven't told anyone, including G, but I have had a hospital bag ready since I got Covid. I have imagined dying from this. My sister died from lung cancer & it was awful. She was on oxygen for a long time.
I have been tracking my food & drink again the last couple of days & had got on the scales on Monday I think. I was surprised to see a drop. Because I have been feeling so ill I thought I may as well turn it into a positive & cut down my food intake as I also have not been very hungry. I get hungry & then feel full quickly. I'll weigh again in the next few days.
I just went back & double-checked my logging for yesterday & put today's in advance. I do feel more positive about everything so I think I'm starting to feel better physically as well as mentally.
I just got side-tracked sending C a message. She's looking after R's puppy today while he works at a cafe near her house for the first time. They have offered him a job for as many or as few days as he would like. I would love it to work out. They set up a baby monitor in her living room last night. I hope he didn't chew any of her furniture. He does like to chomp on wood.