Cate's Diary

Don't we all, or most of us here? I can't ever recall craving a light salad or not eating...
Never! Something that your body is allergic to though is just plain stupid. Oh, well. I won't buy anything with MSG in it again.
Here's to the T lady! And ladies!
Thanks, Rob. We won't have a chance of winning, but there will be a strong chance of having lots of laughs & that is way more important!
I agree with what Marsia said in your diary-
"I think you do amazing with what you are facing as far as intense cravings. I hope you acknowledge how far you have come as far as exercise, eating well, and taking care of your health generally, and that there is now figuring out how to not believe the cravings, but wow, you have accomplished a lot."
You also are very supportive in the forum & that lightens the load for all of us.

I had a really good day today. I have been stressed about having too many things & got a call from the dentist needing to add another appointment to redo the cast for my crown. Instead of stressing I then switched a few things around & now have the week before Christmas free. Next week will be very busy but is doable.
G & I got so much done today & I even put up some Christmas decorations and the tree is out in the living room. Our tree brings me joy. G's siblings will be here for lunch tomorrow & his brother & SIL bought or made most of the decorations on it. I'm happy with how the house looks & G even did some brush cutting & has most of the food ready. We made life easy by taking out a large casserole(peppered beef & veg) that we had frozen. It will be served with stuffed potatoes, which will be second baked in the oven (topped with parmesan & olive oil) & he will wilt some spinach & asparagus in the morning. He has pre-prepared a fancy bread & butter custard with stewed peaches & apricots, We will have a couple of freshly shucked oysters beforehand. We're having some tonight for our dinner.
That lunch sounds amazing!
I think I crave stuff I know is not good for me. It is very weird!
i think it's the other way around: the food industry takes food that's already delicious and engineers it to be more irresistible, in part by adding things that are hard on some bodies.
Also: I've definitely craved light, healthy, balanced salads while traveling. My body may not understand "too much sugar" but it definitely understands "too much stodge".
Oh nice to hear about your very good day!
And lovely that you could go with the flow on the added dentist appt and just move things around a bit to allow for a nice amount of down time before Christmas.
We won't have a chance of winning, but there will be a strong chance of having lots of laughs & that is way more important!
laughing definitely way more important than winning in my books too!
That lunch sounds amazing!
G is such a good cook. I'm glad we only have them here once a year though.
i think it's the other way around: the food industry takes food that's already delicious and engineers it to be more irresistible, in part by adding things that are hard on some bodies.
Also: I've definitely craved light, healthy, balanced salads while traveling. My body may not understand "too much sugar" but it definitely understands "too much stodge".
It has been 10 years since I travelled to Europe, Llama & longer again when I was in the US, but I sure missed healthy salads & veg when I was there. Asia is wonderful for food. Mostly when you travel in Australia you can get nice, fresh, healthy salads, but good, cooked veggies are harder to find.
Oh nice to hear about your very good day!
And lovely that you could go with the flow on the added dentist appt and just move things around a bit to allow for a nice amount of down time before Christmas.
I felt that way yesterday but woke this morning with terrible anxiety/worry about money. Our savings are dwindling.
laughing definitely way more important than winning in my books too!
Way more!
Edit: I don't think I can blame the crackers (MSG) for my Asthma. It's terrible this morning. It was a foggy night & I had to get out of bed early as I couldn't breathe lying down.
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:grouphug: Sorry to hear about the asthma.

I agree about cooked veggies: unless it's a stir-fry it's generally lovelessly microwaved straight-from-frozen sadness.
Oh, no, sorry to hear your asthma is so bad. I hope there are things you can take to feel more comfortable. I understand about money worries - I've been feeling them acutely, too. I hope you can find a really nice solution where you don't have to worry anymore. I have been thinking that if things really don't work out financially, I'll buy a cheap multi-family house and rent out part of it. I hope you find a nice solution that doesn't crimp your lifestyle. Thanks in advance if you do think to ask your dentist about cold sensitive teeth. I love the 3 Ts! Long may they tee off together!
Sorry about the asthma, I know that can be awful. Hopefully it has passed.
Mostly when you travel in Australia you can get nice, fresh, healthy salads, but good, cooked veggies are harder to find.
It can be hard to find good, greaseless, cooked veggies here. Ate out for lunch today and the veggies were some very nice looking green beans, dripping in oil. I was tempted to ask that they be taken back and washed, but just pushed them aside. The salad was good.
I felt that way yesterday but woke this morning with terrible anxiety/worry about money. Our savings are dwindling.
Are you spending too quickly? In retirement you are supposed to start spending your savings down, but not so fast that it runs out before you do. Have you done some planning to figure it out? My wife also stresses over our spending, so I put some spreadsheets together to show her where we are, and that we can't spend all the savings unless we live to over 100...
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Rob.
My Asthma has been awful today & I have also developed a very sore throat. Maybe covid has compromised my immune system. I think R is the same.
The family lunch is done & dusted & I'm glad about that. The food that G prepared was delicious.
G's sister, L asked me if I had any seeds & then ended up going through all of my seed packets (some unopened) & taking lots. She can be very annoying. I felt quite cranky & am glad they have gone home. G & I will never live near his brother & sisters. I love them, but they see one another all the time & we like our privacy. I am always exhausted when they're here. Well, it's probably L that exhausts me. She is very much like their mother.
I think downsizing would be the smart thing to do as it would free up some money. We're not quite ready yet, but I'll keep de-cluttering & maybe talk to a real estate agent sometime to get an idea of what we might get for this place. One of the golfing women has just moved into a house in our local town that didn't even get onto the market so I think it pays to have the conversation. I don't want to feel pushed into anything.
Rob, I thought we were doing ok but this year has been expensive. If we do downsize we'll be ok. We have never earned big money & we do spend beyond our means.
I hope your throat and asthma get better soon.
That's tough about all the money worries. There seems to be a lot of that these days for sure. Hopefully you can figure something out that helps you feel it's more managed. I know how you love your place so I can imagine that would be hard to think of letting that go.
Thanks, Liza. If anything my Asthma is worse this morning. I think I have Bronchitis. I started taking Echinacea last night & hopefully, it will clear & not develop into a chest infection.
I do want to stay here as long as we can. I would have to fall in love with another house to want to move. I'll just keep looking and keep my eyes on what's about.
I'm going to golf today as I would be letting down T & P if I didn't go.
Oh, Em. I'm so glad I made someone laugh. I feel like such a grump!
I'm feeling really sick & I'm very, very grumpy.
I played golf today with T, who I love & P, who I felt like strangling at one stage. We thought we would be able to play in a group with G, T's husband & M, which T & I would have enjoyed a lot more, but were put with the only other group that had 2 women in it. I would rather play with total strangers. I will never invite P to play in a group with me & I do not want to go out on a Saturday & play with my least favourite women. I would rather stay home & pat our dog. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.
I won't go back & delete this. You're seeing me at my worst.
That’s nothing! I just remembered something else. D & J said they are going on a road trip next year all the way to Queensland for a few weeks & L said “I’ll go with you.” :svengo:
:rofl: God, that's so bad! I could understand "ooo, can I come?!" As a sign of enthusiasm more than anything else. But just inviting yourself? There's a Captain Awkward column about someone going further than that: Some people...

How strange that you can't just play golf with the people you want to play with!
:rofl: God, that's so bad! I could understand "ooo, can I come?!" As a sign of enthusiasm more than anything else. But just inviting yourself? There's a Captain Awkward column about someone going further than that: Some people...
I can understand the "Ooo, can I come?" too, but I probably would never ask. I read the Captain Awkward link. L assumes that everyone would want her along & everything she ever suggests should be OK. I find it utterly exhausting. I think I am a kind person but maybe I'm not as kind as I would like to be.
How strange that you can't just play golf with the people you want to play with!
I know, Llama. I think some men assume that women would prefer to play with other women. 🤷‍♀️
I don't like myself when I feel like this.
Oh, Em. I'm so glad I made someone laugh. I feel like such a grump!
I'm feeling really sick & I'm very, very grumpy.
I played golf today with T, who I love & P, who I felt like strangling at one stage. We thought we would be able to play in a group with G, T's husband & M, which T & I would have enjoyed a lot more, but were put with the only other group that had 2 women in it. I would rather play with total strangers. I will never invite P to play in a group with me & I do not want to go out on a Saturday & play with my least favourite women. I would rather stay home & pat our dog. Grumpy, grumpy, grumpy.
I won't go back & delete this. You're seeing me at my worst.
Oh dear Cate. I am glad you didn't delete that as I'm sure we can all relate to feeling like that at times. sending you a big hug :grouphug:

It's really too bad that you ended up having to play with some of your least favorite people especially when you weren't feeling good to begin with. Staying home and patting your dog does sound so much better.
Thanks, Liza. That big hug is very welcome. I don't feel as grumpy today, but I sure am not well. I did get a decent night's sleep though which was a surprise. I am so congested. I might try a steam bath for my head this morning. I may risk a single drop of eucalyptus oil in it.
We're meant to be going out to lunch with friends up the coast today & we just had a conversation about it. G is going to go on his own.
If I feel how I feel today when I wake up tomorrow I'll ring the dentist & postpone my appointment on Tuesday. There's no way I could sit in a dental chair for ages again while another impression is being made. I have a temporary tooth in place now, but even if I end up without a tooth over Christmas/New Year I can live with that.
Now that I know I don't have to go anywhere I can get dressed in my around-the-house comfy clothes & snuggle up with Archie with a book. I'll drink lots of tea.
I said that I wasn't feeling as grumpy, but I take that back. I did manage to pull out a whole heap of spinach so that we could plant some more tomatoes in that bed. It took me ages to pick all of the good leaves off & wash them. I'll shred it all soon & then maybe freeze it.
I feel that I have a chest infection & I'm about to have a big pot of herbal tea. I made myself a garlic sandwich for lunch. Well, I did put other things in there too, but there was loads of garlic & chilli, along with avocado, a little cheese, spinach & a little bacon. It was delicious. I then had some watermelon & an orange. I really am craving fruit!
I don't know whether to ring the doctor tomorrow or not. If I'm sure that I have a chest infection I'll ring to get some strong antibiotics.
I hope G has a lovely lunch as I know I have been really grumpy lately.
:grouphug: I'm sorry to hear you're still struggling my friend and I hope you feel better soon. Definitely call the dentist if you have a chest infection to see if they even want you to come then.