Cate's Diary

Thanks, Liza. I logged in yesterday and only had a 126 deficit, but I did remember to log in during the day. I have done today's already but I don't know what we're having for dinner.
I'm off to golf soon.
We just got our first ever invite to D & T's house (their new one) for Saturday lunch. G is now in a quandary. He has won the monthly medal at the club twice this year & the yearly final is on Saturday. He wants to be in two places. Today is the final of our monthly medal & I won my first one at the start of November. 🤞
Ooh. I would probably go for the golf and ask them to move the lunch to another day, especially if I have a chance at winning. But that's just me. ;)
Em- I think they have invited us this Saturday because R is coming up for a visit. G will play golf & I'll go along with R. I think G is so torn because we have never been invited before. I hope their buying a house together will be a turning point in our relationship with D's wife. It feels like it. I would love that.
Great news- R has found a new dog. He sent me a photo today of a border collie puppy who will be ready to leave his mother around Christmas. It's right near C's house. He is still coming up this weekend. He seems to be in love with the puppy already & said he's really sweet & "smoochy". Just like him :beating:
I didn't win the monthly medal, but played with T & K, my two favourites. K won :)
I have had such a good eating/exercising day.
I had oats etc for breakfast, a cup of soup & a banana for lunch & a prawn stir fry for dinner with a mini ice cream.
I have way too many calories left.
I will need to have some more protein. I might have some biscuits & cheese or ham a bit later.
It felt good to play golf again.
Splitting up for Saturday sounds like the way to go and I hope you're right about their buying a house together being a turning point. How lovely that R has found a new puppy!
So good you are out playing and enjoying golf again!
And so lovely R finding a new puppy to love :)
Nice job on the good exercise and food day--I love those days when I feel I did really well!
Yay to new puppy, getting invited to D and T's, and having a great day with T & K golfing! I agree about logging being all or nothing - it's so hard to remember to do, I do have to be a little obsessive about it. You did really well when you input what you were having at the beginning of the day, but that's hard if you don't know yet. I have trouble with impromptu dishes where I throw a bit of everything in, and if I don't log them, I just start slipping and forgetting to log in general. I hope we do figure out how to stay consistent with that!

Lovely that R got a new pup, and that he'll have a wonderful Christmas with his new dog!
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Marsia :grouphug:
It did feel great having a really good, healthy & active day. I didn't have any wine yesterday, even though I feel golf day is a day where I could. I did have 4 crackers (2 with blue cheese & 2 with leg ham & hot mustard) & a kiwi fruit, a piece of licorice & 4 squares of dark chocolate. I still ended up with a 640 deficit (470 of that from exercise).
R is so excited about his puppy. He has sent me more photos. I'll find out more when he gets up here tomorrow night.
We're going into town today to do some shopping for the vets Christmas break-up day & our social golf Christmas break-up day this Sunday. I'll take my glasses back & we'll do some shopping for ourselves. I don't want to go back into town again before Christmas.
Going into town between everyone getting their Christmas bonus (late November) and actual Christmas tends to be hell here unless it's very early in the day.
Those crackers sound delicious right about now!
I hope you have a lovely visit with R! I was surprised how atrocious traffic is here at all times of day now that it's nearly Christmas. We wanted to go downtown to see the fake snow and activities there, so I think we'd better do it early in the day to not get stuck in awful traffic.coming home. Wonderful you're having big deficits and not feeling deprived at all. That's the best!
Wow nice deficit!!
I had a dream that i went to visit you Cate! In the dream I couldn't believe that I had flown all that way just for a one day visit but it was lots of fun. We went to a really cool bar/cafe type place where there was this excellent piano player and he played a song I'm working on learning in real life! haha
Going into town between everyone getting their Christmas bonus (late November) and actual Christmas tends to be hell here unless it's very early in the day.
It is usually hell here too from now on.
I hope you have a lovely visit with R! I was surprised how atrocious traffic is here at all times of day now that it's nearly Christmas. We wanted to go downtown to see the fake snow and activities there, so I think we'd better do it early in the day to not get stuck in awful traffic.coming home. Wonderful you're having big deficits and not feeling deprived at all. That's the best!
Thanks, M. I'm looking forward to R getting here, especially now he has a puppy lined up. At Christmas time people go crazy. There's too much pressure to see everyone, spend too much money....
Golf day is the best day to have a deficit.
Wow nice deficit!!
Thanks, Liza. I need a couple of these a week I think.
I had a dream that i went to visit you Cate! In the dream I couldn't believe that I had flown all that way just for a one day visit but it was lots of fun. We went to a really cool bar/cafe type place where there was this excellent piano player and he played a song I'm working on learning in real life! haha
I love it! You're welcome to visit anytime. I'll make sure we see some live music :)
Just a quick check-in as I am feeling unwell. I have a splitting headache & an upset stomach. G Is off at golf & R just left to go to his brother's. I'm babysitting his puppy. He is a very chilled puppy luckily. I have just given him a dog toy that Archie never plays with. I would have preferred R take him as I want to curl up & sleep & I'll have to keep an eye on him, but D & T have 3 poodles, one of which is a puppy too & it would be chaos.
Please excuse me for not commenting on diaries. I'll just have a quick look xoxo
I hope you can take something and feel better fast. Sad you have a puppy to play with but aren't feeling well. I hope this doesn't mean that you missed the first invite to your other son's house. Hugs, and please don't worry about diaries!
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Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Cate :( I hope it passes quickly. Not fun especially right after getting over covid!
Thank you, Em, Marsia, Liza & Llama. You are all very sweet. I think it's possibly a follow-on from having COVID and/or the anti-virals. I have felt off-colour for a few days really, but yesterday I had diarrhea & felt queasy. I slept for 2 hours after R went to lunch at his brother's. Luckily both dogs also slept. R was back at 3 pm. He wanted to get back to his puppy I think. When I rang D to say that I wouldn't be coming to lunch he told me that T had just taken her youngest daughter to hospital with what she thought may have been kidney stones. G & I will visit them together another day.
Today I had been going to play golf, but I knew yesterday I wasn't up to it. Instead, G drove the 2 hours to get there on his own & I got R to drop me there on his way back to Hobart & then I drove G back home. As much as I love R it was an exhausting couple of days & I'm pleased to have peace & quiet again.
I feel OK, but I do not have an appetite. Yay for that!
Glad to hear you're feeling ok. I've heard of people's sickness rebounding after they came off antivirals: maybe the course isn't always long enough or something.
I hope your DIL's kid feels better: it clearly wasn't the right weekend for this visit!