Cate's Diary

Sorry that you still have to take it easy, but glad you noticed how tired you are before going out and stressing out your body. :grouphug:
I'm glad you are at least testing negative. I am sorry to hear you are still feeling the total lack of energy though. May it all return to you soon!
Thanks, Llama, Marsia & Liza.
I think it will be a gradual recovery. I have a constant metallic taste & smell, which I will be glad to get rid of. Apparently, that's common too. People are pretending that covid isn't about & playing down its effects, but last week seven people died in Tasmania from it.
It was good to get out yesterday. I slept well last night.
We have this big tournament happening on Thursday & no one is available to do the bar until 2 pm when about half a dozen people are :svengo: They are either working or playing until then so I am needed from about 8 am. I don't feel up to this at all. G has asked so many people & they all say the same thing.
We are having so many problems with it all & it's a headache. I hope I feel a hell of a lot better by then!
R definitely has covid too & was feeling pretty awful yesterday. He's all by himself down in his cabin.
That's awful that you might have to work while recovering from Covid. If no one will help, you could just go buy a few "wine in a box" and have it be self serve!! Sorry that R has this, too.
What Marsia said. Or don't open up the bar until noon so you'll only have to do it for a short time. Sensible people will understand and the others can go sit in an icebath. No event is worth risking long covid. I hope R feels better soon.
That sucks to have this stress of tournament planning happening right as you are sick :( I agree with the others. I wouldn't bother opening the bar until there are available volunteers to do it. People generally understand that people get sick and have to cancel things.
Sorry to hear R has it as well.
Sorry to hear you’ve got sucked into bar duty again. If you really don’t want to do it, you should tell them that. It’s hard though, I know.
Thanks, Marsia, Llama, Liza & Em :grouphug:
I don't know what to say. I'll do the bar on Thursday morning & am hoping I feel a lot better by then. Having Covid has made me feel sorry for myself & down mentally. I won't do what I used to do & madly wash glasses, clean up behind the bar, stock the fridges etc. I'll do the bare minimum. G will be there at the start & A will be there selling raffle tickets. He hasn't done the bar there before, but if I feel terrible I'll ask him to help/take over.
We will do some things today that will make Thursday morning a bit easier, like setting up the urn & G can stock up the fridges, & do a tidy-up.
I messaged C yesterday (R's partner) & we had a couple of lovely exchanges. I had a little cry & told her how much it means to me that R has her to love & be loved by. The cry did me good. She says it's important to feel all of the feels. She is very special & I love her. R was coming to her place last night & will be there when he wakes on his birthday tomorrow. This makes me feel so much better.
:grouphug: Glad to hear you're taking it as easy as practically possible :grouphug: Fingers crossed it'll be easier than we all think. It's so nice to hear that R has so much support in C and that he won't be alone on his birthday while already feeling crappy!
Yes good to hear you have a plan in place to make it as easy on you as possible. Hopefully your energy will be better by then too.
So nice that R and C found each other! They sound like a lovely couple!
Thanks, Llama & Liza :grouphug: I'm feeling a bit better again today & not so stressed about tomorrow. I think we have done as much as possible to get ready for it. We'll go out there this afternoon & get the cups & urn etc out.
I want this tournament to be over & it soon will be. I am really bloated & uncomfortable at the moment & am desperate to lose weight. Hopefully, when I get some energy back I will be able to.
That constricted feeling really is the worst. I hope that after the tournament you get some peace and quiet to work on your goals.
Thanks, Llama (& Vic) xo
I'm feeling better about tomorrow as we are as ready as we can be I think. I'm also feeling a bit stronger physically. I won't push myself tomorrow. I will do the bare minimum.
I won't be here in the morning as we will leave home at about 7.30 a.m., & I probably won't be home until 5ish.
Glad you are feeling up for the event Cate. It sounds like a long day. Hopefully you can set up a nice comfy chair to rest in when it's quiet!
Thanks, Liza & Llama :grouphug:
We were ready early so had a chance to do the diaries while I was drinking my coffee. I like starting my days in the same way. I call it easing into my day.
I woke in a panic during the night & told myself, "You'll be fine. It will be fine." & I am feeling OK.
Thanks, Liza & Llama :grouphug:
We were ready early so had a chance to do the diaries while I was drinking my coffee. I like starting my days in the same way. I call it easing into my day.
I woke in a panic during the night & told myself, "You'll be fine. It will be fine." & I am feeling OK.
How did it go Cate? I hope it all went well and that you didn't get too exhausted (and maybe even enjoyed it??)
Thanks, Liza, Llama & Em.
The day went really well & yes, Em I actually enjoyed it. I didn't try to do what I used to, as I got dizzy easily & I sat down on a stool between serving people. Usually, I am so obsessive about how everything looks in the fridges & behind the bar, but yesterday I just did what I needed to do. It was crazy how hard I worked myself before. I used to clean everything- glasses, benches, sink & tidy up everywhere, madly restock the bar etc. Yesterday I had no nervous adrenaline. I was relaxed.
We had problems with the greens & the committee wanted us to cancel the tournament at the last moment. Between us (the committee & G & I), we came up with an option to refund part of the entry fee if anyone was unhappy about the course. I had the idea to suggest that if after playing 9 holes of golf anyone wanted $10 back to ask at the bar to get it. The committee had been appeased with this idea. They were embarrassed at the state of the greens & were worried that people would complain. No one asked for $10. Not one person out of 84 players. I think this really helped with goodwill between the general members of our club & the veterans. It was excellent that our visitors were very understanding of the situation. There were a lot of good-natured jokes, advice & a general feeling of support.
G & I were out there from 7.30 am until 5 pm. I was relieved from bar duties at about 1.30 pm by the vice-captain of the club who is also the bar manager. I didn't feel stressed all day. Even when the guy who was meant to come & call out players & sort them all out rang at 7.45 am to say he couldn't come. Our friend, A who was coming out to sell raffle tickets stepped up & his friend, L sold tickets. They are both members of the club, but L has only played a few games. Hopefully, he will come more often. He's a lovely guy.
G is just doing the paperwork now. I have sent all the results off to the papers & the golf groups. We're not going anywhere today. We'll just have a quiet day.
The women did a great job in the kitchen. J 1 & J 2 were in charge & they did an excellent job.
Last night G & I both got messages from the president of the club(who is now a vet) & the captain(who wasn't there yesterday) thanking us for holding a really successful tournament. The club has really turned around & there is such a different culture. The us & them seems to be fading into the background. Being thanked by committee members for doing something we have done plenty of times before without comment was such a lovely change. G & I both feel respected.
Wonderful to hear you weren't stressed and took the rest you needed! And absolutely lovely that the club culture changed so much ❤️ Saying thanks doesn't hurt and it can make such a big difference.