Oh that Archie growling you back into the shower-- I probably would have sent him out and stayed in bed!Thanks, Rob. I have been taking it easy. I went to get in the shower this morning & instead crawled into bed. Archie wasn't impressed & growled at me, so I very reluctantly crawled out & had a shower. He doesn't seem to be able to jump up on our bed easily any more, but he also doesn't like a change in the routine.
I haven't had any energy at all, but have re-read To Kill A Mockingbird. It was my original book from High School, which I first read in 1968.
I will be happy when I feel well again. I managed to re-schedule my dentist appointments & hair appointment yet again.
I am so sick of being at home.
Sorry to worry you, Marsia. That's just a common expression I use. I'm not that bad.Wow, sorry you are so sick you are crawling places.
T is dropping some books off for me at the golf club this morning so G will bring them home tonight. I think I'll work my way through all of my books & see if there are any I can discard. I can get most books online from the library, but I really like reading physical books.I hope someone can bring you nice library books soon so you aren't so restless. Also I don't know if your library does this or not, but some books from my library can be checked out electronically through their website. I never checked to see if any of them were books on tape, but I imagine so, as I bet those books are only downloadable files or on a website and streamable now. I read To Kill a Mockingbird when K was assigned it for school. Such a sad book.
I've been thinking of something like that. I'll start keeping an eye out.About how old is Archie now? When my cat got older we put a little pouf that you put your feet on by the bed so she could jump onto something soft and then down to the floor. Anyway, I hope you can sleep this off soon!!
I know. He's a cute, little, bossy boots.Oh that Archie growling you back into the shower-- I probably would have sent him out and stayed in bed!
I'll get there, Liza. I feel a little better this morning I think, but will have another quiet day.Having such low energy isn't fun at all. Feel better soon, but yeah don't rush it and keep resting lots like the doctor says.
You just made me smile. I'm re-reading a novel from my bookcase. I only keep books that I think I will want to read again & from now on I will put the date I read it like my Mum used to do.Good, I'm really glad you aren't crawling to the shower, and that you'll get books hand-picked by T. I hope by the time you are reading this you have a nice new book started!
Wonderful to hear you got such a great night's sleep!Thanks, everyone. It really is nice to get such lovely messages.
I had the best night's sleep for ages last night. I slept in the same bed as G, but this time he didn't snore or toss & turn or kick his legs around & I must have crashed. I didn't nap during the day or evening either which helps.
It's funny, but it's 8.40 am & I still feel I could go back to sleep. Sleep is the best healer.
Interesting cravings...but yeah maybe just looking for a quick energy boost. I know with me if I'm not feeling well, I eat whatever feels right. Do you take your blood pressure at home?Thanks, Liza. I am still really lacking in energy & have been feeling quite woozy at times. Maybe the antivirals (or Covid itself) are interfering with my blood pressure meds. I have been taking it easy. I hope I feel a bit better tomorrow. I have been craving sugar like you would not believe. I would love some aniseed rings! I haven't had any for years! I'll have some fruit soon & that will just have to do. I rarely eat or want lollies *sigh* Black jellybeans, aniseed rings, jelly snakes..........