Cate's Diary

Thanks, Em. I tested negative myself this morning & rang the dentist. They prefer to wait a week so we cancelled tomorrow's appointment & I have another Wednesday next week. I registered G in a COVID home care program & also rang our GP to book him for a telehealth appointment to get anti-virals. I'm keeping him dosed up with painkillers. I think he's about to fall asleep again so I thought I would catch up with the forum quietly. Poor G.
Poor G indeed but at least he has a dedicated nurse by his side!
Thanks, Llama, Tru & Marsia :grouphug:
I hope I don’t get it either 🤞
I haven’t felt great today, but am hopeful that I won’t go under.
I won’t go anywhere until G is well. I have him enrolled in a covid at home program & also a Telehealth appointment tomorrow for anti-virals. I need to do a couple of things on Friday & will take him for a drive.
I promise I’ll look after myself 🥰
Thanks, Llama, Tru & Marsia :grouphug:
I hope I don’t get it either 🤞
I haven’t felt great today, but am hopeful that I won’t go under.
I won’t go anywhere until G is well. I have him enrolled in a covid at home program & also a Telehealth appointment tomorrow for anti-virals. I need to do a couple of things on Friday & will take him for a drive.
I promise I’ll look after myself 🥰

When I had it I was a home hospital patient with the hospital calling each day to check on me, I had it bad but nobody else in the house caught it so there is a chance you may not catch it.
Sorry to hear about G, hopefully he will be recovering quickly. Having had the vaccine seems to keep the disease less powerful. And I hope you don't get it. It is not uncommon for some folks to get it, but not others in the same household, hope you are one of those.
I have him enrolled in a covid at home program & also a Telehealth appointment tomorrow for anti-virals.
It sounds like you have a better program than we do, the "covid at home" thing sounds like a really good idea. I got the anti-virals when I had it and my bout was short and mild. Hope his is too.
That covid at home program does sound really good. I'm glad you are testing negative so far and hope it stays that way.
Thanks, Tru, Rob & Liza. We have been sent out a pack from the covid-at-home people & it should arrive today & they will check up on him every day by phone. He will be getting a call from our local medical centre soon to get a script for the anti-virals but apparently, that could have been via the covid at home program.
He's a little better this morning but not great.
We are both having to juggle entries & payment for the golf tournament, which is only two weeks away from today. It's always a headache, even without covid *sigh*
Sorry to hear you're having to deal with paperwork on top of G's sickness :grouphug: I wonder what will be in the pack: information, drugs, something else?
Thanks, Llama. I feel a lot better this afternoon after cancelling (postponing) our family lunch next week. It made it all feel a lot easier—anything I can do to make life easier between now & the tournament I will. G had the telehealth appointment today & I drove into town & got them, went out to the golf club to charge my buggy battery ready for the weekend as I'm lending it to D, A's son. I did the vets' banking & a very brief shop for some leg ham to make life easier the next few days.
The pack has clear instructions & information, a smartphone, a fancy forehead thermometer & an oximeter to measure his blood oxygen levels. They are synced & the info loads directly onto the phone. He's to do this once a day for a week & then we send it all back. A nurse will ring at some time each day for a video call. I'll be with him each time. He's not great with technology.
He's feeling quite a bit better today & now I'll have to stop him getting out & about before he should. The covid at home program may not have been necessary, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
The covid at home program may not have been necessary, but I would rather be safe than sorry.
Of course it's the right thing to do! And I agree with Llama canceling your family lunch makes a lot of sense.

Back when we first had covid restrictions we were advised to quarantine if a family member had covid, even if we did not. Not that many paid attention... When my wife had covid I was more careful, and always wore a mask when out amongst people. When I had it I followed the rules. However our "rules" were always just advice, nothing mandatory and little or no enforcement... they were largely ignored.
Glad to hear that G is feeling a lot better and yes far better to get the covid at home program than really does sound like a great little program!
Thanks, Llama, Rob & Liza.
We don't have mandatory restrictions now, but I'm glad we did before people were able to have vaccinations. I'm positive they saved many lives. I was very careful when I was out yesterday. I'm keeping G at home until he tests negative. It's not fair to knowingly risk other people's health.
He's no better today, but no worse either.
I have awful hay fever but have been testing negative to covid. 🤞
I think I can say that G is well & truly on the mend :svengo:
He's out brush-cutting! I will definitely have trouble keeping him home this weekend. If he wants to keep brush cutting I'll let him that's for sure. The place is a bit of a jungle at the moment. He just went roaring past, with a big grin on his face.
:rofl: From a therapist's perspective I say he should take it easy because of potential after-effects (same as if he was going to the gym right after having the flu) but as a random onlooker I think it's hilarious and I'm glad he's feeling better.
Oh boy that's great that G was feeling up for work already! I do hope he won't overdo it of course, but excellent that he is already feeling that much better!
He just went roaring past, with a big grin on his face.
That is adorable. 💓