Cate's Diary

oh dear about poor R and his new dog friend...I hope everyone's ok....sounds so stressful.

I hope your glasses get sorted ok...and that work is never fun, and never cheap :(
Oh, poor R and doggo! That's awful, and just as they were getting settled together.

I love your heart stories, and I'm wondering what could be my equivalent. Probably amigurumi, of course, but I've criminally neglected my crocheting for 10 days so at this rate none will get made at all!
Thanks, Vic, Tru, Liza & Llama :grouphug:
R rang me last night to say that he brought his doggo back to C's & he seemed okay. C was going to keep an eye on him for a few days while R went to work. They gave him a dose of seizure medication in case he had another one. They think it may be a small tumour in his brain. R messaged me goodnight last night & then about an hour later messaged me again to say he had another seizure & that they administered the medication & had no more. Apparently, if it's not given within 5-10 minutes the dog usually dies. I have not heard from him since. I hope he is euthanised today. I hope R will be okay!
I'll try wearing the glasses today & if they're no good for me I'll take them back. My tooth (cap) is going to cost $2K.
I'm going to golf today. I need it.
I ordered some more heart cut outs at 6.30 am today as she reopened her etsy shop for just one week. The Indigenous ones had almost sold out!
2k for just one tooth cap is a lot of money! Not being able to leave your dog alone for 10 minutes knowing it might be dead because you weren't there to give it a pill is no life for master OR dog.
Thanks, Vic, Tru, Liza & Llama :grouphug:
R rang me last night to say that he brought his doggo back to C's & he seemed okay. C was going to keep an eye on him for a few days while R went to work. They gave him a dose of seizure medication in case he had another one. They think it may be a small tumour in his brain. R messaged me goodnight last night & then about an hour later messaged me again to say he had another seizure & that they administered the medication & had no more. Apparently, if it's not given within 5-10 minutes the dog usually dies. I have not heard from him since. I hope he is euthanised today. I hope R will be okay!
That does sound best for the dog, but I know how hard a decision like that is to be made. I know we have probably waited too long in making it for our pets. Without quality of life I think they are happier going. Wish people could make such a decision for me when the time comes.
I'll try wearing the glasses today & if they're no good for me I'll take them back.
What I did was to have the people put dots on my old glasses where I felt comfortable with the line being. As I said it is lower and smaller than the standard. Then they measured it and since then I always ask for that. It's lower on my sunglasses than indoors.
My tooth (cap) is going to cost $2K.
Yep, I had 3 bad molars in the back on my lower jaw. Too many root canals, caps, etc. After spending a lot of money on them and enduring a lot of tooth aches I just had all 3 pulled. Replaced the forward most one with an implant, the other two at the back I didn't replace at all. The implant cost something like 5k, and the process took a while. However, it has been well worth it, just like a normal tooth but without any risk of cavities or other problems. Haven't missed the back molars, they are not real important teeth. Now I wish I had done it a lot sooner, would have saved a lot of toothaches and probably money.
So sorry to hear about R's dog. He must be heartbroken. My crowns are also costing $2K a piece. I wonder if it's the custom fake top that has to be ordered from somewhere? I just watched a short documentary on how the aboriginal people in Australia are from the oldest culture on earth. It showed what the animals were like when their tribe started, and they were huge, ferocious animals. Have you ever visited an aboriginal tribe? I would so love to do that! Glad you can get more heart material. I love how happy it makes everyone, including you!!
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That all sounds so hard with R and the dog. Wishing them both the best.
I hope the golfing helped ease some of your stress.
Thanks, everyone. I really appreciate your thoughts & support. I was just a little bit overwhelmed last night to reply. I'll try to be brief. I got a message from R on my way to golf & checked it when I got there. It said that he B had another seizure & had to be put down. I briefly replied to R, saying that there could not have been a dog that was more loved in the time that he had him & I told him that I loved him.
I thought about going back home but decided I needed to play golf. I had to play with J1, plus the woman who hadn't spoken to me until recently & A who I get along with reasonably well. I played well & won my division, the monthly medal for the best net score & won nearest the pin. I got on the green in one on the 4th hole & again the second time on the 13th. I was about a metre close to the flag & got the putt. I haven't done that in over a year. I got along well with all three women. J1 was shocked the first time I outdrove her. To give her credit, she said well done when I played a good shot. I always do that with others.
I had decided to call in to see my friend, T, as her husband died a year ago yesterday. I had packed two piccolos of bubbly in ice bricks & 2 plastic flutes. We sat & had a lovely chat in the sun. We talk about everything. I really love her & don't see her very often. She used to work with us & we were close.
R rang last night & told me what had happened.
R's dog, B had a third seizure again about an hour after they had administered his one & only lot of medication & he was obviously in agony. R couldn't see him suffer for a minute longer & euthanised him himself. It was very traumatic. I had to ask him not to tell me any more as I was too upset & I knew I wouldn't sleep. C has asked her kids' dad if he can have them tonight & she is going with R down to his house to take a break together & to finish off some things that need doing to his house as he's renting it out from next week.
I suggested to R that he didn't give himself time to grieve over the death of his last dog & he said he knows that now & will wait. He has lost three dogs in just over two years. He also told me that he realises he is a lot more resilient these days. I am very proud of him & his self-awareness. I am also really pleased that his older brother called in to see us yesterday, I told him about R's dog & he rang R as soon as he got home.
So, yesterday was a mixed bag, but what I will take from this week is that I am very lucky. I have a lovely family, a lovely home, a lovely dog, lovely friends & a good life.
yesterday was a mixed bag, but what I will take from this week is that I am very lucky. I have a lovely family, a lovely home, a lovely dog, lovely friends & a good life.
Not a bad thing at all! Good for you.

Here is a picture of my solution to the bad teeth problems, the implant and missing tooth behind. Best thing I ever did was getting rid of those teeth and the implant works great. Just wish I had done it year earlier.
A mixed day indeed. Poor R, but it does seem like he and C are a good team and he'll find a way to process.
I love that you visited your friend like that: I often hear that the hardest part of grieving is after a couple of months when the wave of visits and support dies down and people expect you to just be ok again.

Also: congrats on the great golf!
B had a third seizure again about an hour after they had administered his one & only lot of medication & he was obviously in agony. R couldn't see him suffer for a minute longer & euthanised him himself. It was very traumatic.
I am sure it was, but it was the best thing for B. I have thought of doing it myself with some of my pets but never could bring myself to do it. Traumatic as it was R must be a brave guy. It may not have been the best decision but he did give B a few more months of a good life.
So, yesterday was a mixed bag, but what I will take from this week is that I am very lucky. I have a lovely family, a lovely home, a lovely dog, lovely friends & a good life.
Those are all really good blessings in life for sure!

Sorry to hear about the sad ending for R and his dog, but it is good to hear he seems to be dealing with it all really well and seeing himself as resilient. These hard things will always happen in life so it is just good when we can see that we can deal with it.

I played well & won my division, the monthly medal for the best net score & won nearest the pin. I got on the green in one on the 4th hole & again the second time on the 13th. I was about a metre close to the flag & got the putt. I haven't done that in over a year.

A big congrats on the golfing win! You must be very proud!
So happy to hear you are feeling gratitude and doing so well at the club, too, both as far as socializing with women who are hard to socialize with and doing so great on the course!! Your friendship with T sounds so precious and wonderful. I love what Llama wrote about visiting friends way after they lose their loved ones. I am always surprised how you can keep track of everyone's anniversaries of losses. That's such a lovely thing. So glad to hear that R is doing better, in general, too, and that he has C to help him through the loss. Nice you took an evening out from the forum to have time for yourself, too!!
Thanks, everyone :grouphug:
I feel that friendships are a bit like gardens & need to be nurtured. I make notes on my paper calendar, in my phone & on my laptop & try to remember to make contact with the people I care about on important anniversaries & birthdays. It's just always been a thing I care about. I don't make a big fuss as I hate anyone making a big fuss over me.
R rang me last night & he & C are making plans together to do fun things. A musician we all like is doing a tour to promote her new album & is having a concert in our local small theatre. R suggested if it's a weekend that C doesn't have her kids they will come up together & go with us. I checked out her kiddy roster (I have it on my calendar) & she does have the kids that day. I said to bring them too & we'll all go & G & I can help with the kids. The show is from 2-6 pm on a Sunday. I'm about to book.
R would have taken his dog to the vet to have him put to sleep rather than doing it himself but he was in absolute agony & he didn't want to prolong it any longer. It was very brave & unfortunately, he will always remember the feeling.
I was really happy with my golf game. I have just missed out on winning the monthly medal at least 3 times this year, usually by one of the Js & by only one shot.
G & I played again yesterday in the chook run as one of the vets who is a favourite of ours rang to ask if we would play with him & we have discussed that we should do fun things with the people we really like while we can. He's 89. We rang, I, T's husband & he played with us. G won a chook & I missed out by only one shot.
I am aching all over today though. I have a 30-minute doctor's ap't at 11.45 this morning to check out my sun spots again & I am going to ask her if I may have Fibromyalgia. I get aches & pains all over my body & they move around. I wonder if there are different pain meds that I might be able to take. I made a longer appointment just to discuss my general health.
Sorry to hear you are aching all over--I hope you're feeling better today...Is that an ongoing daily thing where you get aches and pains all over? I hope the doctor has some insights and solutions for you...
That's great about the plans for the concert-sounds like it should be a really fun time.
I like the friendships as garden idea--so true. You do sound like a wonderfully nurturing and caring person!
R would have taken his dog to the vet to have him put to sleep rather than doing it himself but he was in absolute agony & he didn't want to prolong it any longer. It was very brave & unfortunately, he will always remember the feeling.
He will, but if he'd taken him to the vet instead he'd always remember the feeling of letting a helpless animal suffer. I think he did the right thing, as awful as it is, and I hope he'll be able to see that even on bad days.
Thanks, Liza & Llama. I had all my sunspots burned again & had a good discussion with my doctor. I'll call her my doctor now as I'll stick with her as long as she stays at the practice. She is very thorough & seems lovely. My pain is almost certainly osteoarthritis (more of a mechanical thing) & I am going to start taking more slow-release paracetamol (2 at midday as well as 2 in the morning & 2 at night. I start playing golf feeling good & get stiffer & experience more pain as I go. She seemed quite sure that is what I have. I can't take any anti-inflammatories as I am allergic to the NSAID family. I think I will see if I can get a massage soon. I used to go to a woman who gave a tough massage that I liked. I'm not sure she's still doing them. I'll ask around.
I'm playing golf today with G, T's husband I & A's son, D. It should be fun. They are all good players, but I am really comfortable with them. D has a bad back (a bad skiing accident when he was quite young) & he is going in my cart (which was once his Dad's) & tomorrow I will go in his. A whole weekend of golf! Archie will not be happy.
Glad you are enjoying the golf so much and won the monthly medal. Well done Cate! All those hearts you are giving out are coming back to you in other ways!

Sorry to hear about R's dog but I think euthanising the dog himself shows massive resilience. I hope he finds a nice (young) dog in a couple of months.
Thanks, Em. I have been hoping to win the monthly medal all year & keep just missing out, usually to one of the Js. I love my hearts. I love making them & I love giving them.
R needs a dog, but I really hope he waits at least a couple of months. He needs to grieve. It must have been incredibly traumatic for him to euthanise his dog. I don't think that I could have done that.
We had a pretty good day today, but we are both very tired. I was in a fair bit of pain towards the end of the game. Probably 4 games of golf in 5 days is being a bit ambitious. I'll see what tomorrow brings. I'll be playing with the same people but in an individual comp, but one where you can just pick up your ball if you can't get a point on the hole. It's about an hour's drive each way.