Cate's Diary

So happy to hear that. I'm never sure if I should say something or leave people alone: I do mean well but it's 100% ok to tell me to back off.
I appreciate your advice, Llama. I think we all mean well towards one another & I love that it’s such a comfortable space.
I hope you're feeling better from the allergic reaction thing. I wish I didn't eat things (mostly sugar) that upset my system, too. So strange that's hard to resist! I am thinking of having an estate sale before we move and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I know of people who do that when they downsize in retirement. I think it's great that you can distribute some of the family treasures ahead of time to your sons. It was so much work sorting out both my grandma's and my mom's estates. It would have been so nice if they had slowly downsized instead. I hope G gets to spend a lot more time with you this coming week!
Sorting through stuff and possibly getting rid of stuff-either through selling or giving away always feels good to me. It would certainly make any future move a lot easier if it can be done a little at a time. I remember when we sold our family home years ago and there was so much stuff to go through all at once!
I hope you're feeling better from the allergic reaction thing. I wish I didn't eat things (mostly sugar) that upset my system, too. So strange that's hard to resist!
I am thanks, Marsia.
I am thinking of having an estate sale before we move and getting rid of a lot of stuff. I know of people who do that when they downsize in retirement. I think it's great that you can distribute some of the family treasures ahead of time to your sons. It was so much work sorting out both my grandma's and my mom's estates. It would have been so nice if they had slowly downsized instead.
We have a crazy amount of stuff & they may as well have lots of it now. How many old bottles can you have displayed & how much joy do they bring? Not many & not much. I probably won't get much for any I try to sell, but at least they would be gone.
I hope G gets to spend a lot more time with you this coming week!
He will. Next weekend we'll be playing golf together all weekend! Saturday I'm in a team of him & 2 other men (T's husband, I & A's son, D in my cart) which will be fun & on Sunday I'll be in D's cart, playing with G, D & one other (maybe I again)
Sorting through stuff and possibly getting rid of stuff-either through selling or giving away always feels good to me. It would certainly make any future move a lot easier if it can be done a little at a time. I remember when we sold our family home years ago and there was so much stuff to go through all at once!
I'll keep working on it. We have so much stuff! I'm glad I said no to Mum's stuff & told my sister she could have it all.
I'll try to do this in bits so it's not so daunting.
Hey Cate, I hope your house hunt goes well, its a big deal. You are fortunate to have the luxury of time and no need to do anything, if you so decide.
A lot of people make an offer subject to finance and/or subject to selling your place. It's food for thought anyway.
A friend of mine recently bought a house with a contract to rent it back to the sellers for 6 months after the sale. Not sure how common that is, but would something like that work for you? It would give you the financing to do a more leisurely search. A good real estate agent could advise you, if you have one you could trust. Problem is a lot of agents say yes to anything to get you to sign with them...
I'm never sure if I should say something or leave people alone.
I hope you say things more often than not. Your advice is always good, and most people here understand how its given and know how to take it.
That sounds so festive, all driving around in a cart together getting lovely exercise and fresh air and conversing. Here people take their golf carts around locally to shops and restaurants, and it looks so fun bopping around with friends on a golf cart!

I really like Rob's idea of renting back once the house sells. You could have it written into your contract with your realtor if you wanted to do that. I agree with Rob that we know that Llama's advice comes from the heart!!
We have a crazy amount of stuff & they may as well have lots of it now. How many old bottles can you have displayed & how much joy do they bring? Not many & not much. I probably won't get much for any I try to sell, but at least they would be gone.
It is amazing how quickly stuff adds up especially when you have the space for it. Being in a tiny place now, I'm sort of forced to continually get rid of stuff and am not tempted to accumulate--I'm forever saying 'no' to people offering me stuff--even things like books--everything takes up space!
Thanks, Llama, Vic, Rob, Marsia & Liza. My house "hunt" will be very half-hearted as I would prefer to stay unless a house comes up that I think I could fall in love with. I have heard of people renting their houses back after they sell until they buy, but I don't think it's very common. I think I would want to find a place that I knew we would love, make an offer, subject to us selling ours & then hope. I'll give it more thought. Meanwhile, I'll keep trying to declutter.
We're off to town today to do some shopping & have lunch for our wedding anniversary.
I weighed this morning & have lost nothing more.
Happy Wedding Anniversary!! 🥂How many years it is now Cate?

I have made a big start on sorting through stuff I might try selling again. Our sons want to check it out before I sell anything.

This made me laugh. I am the exact same whenever my mum wants to get rid of things or simply put them in the attic. Lol.
Thanks, Rob, Llama & Liza (& Em). 52 years together is amazing, especially these days. I didn't say much yesterday because I had a grumpy day. Getting on the scales wasn't a great idea to start off with. Then I went to get my new glasses & I don't think they will work. They seem to have put too much space for reading. I had said I wanted them specifically for golf & for walking around outside & would use my others for inside & for reading. I had said I only needed a small reading part for reading my golf card & text messages. There is a strong line too far up where the reading part starts & it is very disconcerting. The woman suggested I try them out on a sunny day & to come back if they don't work for me. She also said to be very careful on steps. I was really upset about them & wished I hadn't ordered them.
G & I had a successful shop for his vet's tournament. We're putting together 7 hampers & we found some good things for them & nice baskets, all within the budget. We then had lunch at the Indian restaurant that I & T go to regularly. It was nothing fancy but the food was good.
On the drive home, I rang my dentist as the tooth he re-attached in May this year has worked itself loose again & has a sharp edge on the back. The last time this happened I left it for weeks & only just caught the tooth before it went down the plughole as I was brushing my teeth at night. I was given an appointment time for 11.15 today. I stressed that I didn't want to be without the tooth for a week like last time & she said they would ring the technician to see how quickly it could be done. I was so close to tears. Getting older is fine, but all of these little things can get you down. G reached his hand across & just gave my hand a pat.
We had a light dinner & then went out to the golf club for the AGM. We haven't been for years but we both felt like going to show that we think they're doing a good job & to say so. It was a funny wedding anniversary really. The main thing is we are happy together still.
I need to get through to G that my meals have to be much smaller than his. This morning I had a breakfast half the size of his. I told him I just wasn't hungry. He doesn't know what I weigh at the moment. He just loves to cook for us both. He's a nurturer.
Happy Anniversary! Wow, 52 years!! Do you reminisce about your years together on anniversaries? I bet you have so many lovely stories to tell. That stinks about your glasses and your tooth. I do not like the bifocals I got either. Mine have a tiny strip for reading which makes it so you have to look down to read, and it makes the ground look like it's swaying. I hope the dentist trip goes well and isn't painful to reattach the tooth.

Can you dish up your own portions of food instead of having G do it? I got myself another cup measure that is just for measuring out food, and that works well - I keep it washed and dried and ready at all times.
I went to get my new glasses & I don't think they will work. They seem to have put too much space for reading. I had said I wanted them specifically for golf & for walking around outside & would use my others for inside & for reading. I had said I only needed a small reading part for reading my golf card & text messages. There is a strong line too far up where the reading part starts & it is very disconcerting. The woman suggested I try them out on a sunny day & to come back if they don't work for me. She also said to be very careful on steps. I was really upset about them & wished I hadn't ordered them.
I wear bifocals as well, I always specify the height of that line and make it lower than standard. Except when reading I think it works better. My prescription sunglasses have a very small close up area. If you are not happy take them back and get what you are happy with, the whole try them and bring them back thing always seems to me to be a way to get you out of the place and hope you don't bring them back. Happy or not!

Sorry to hear about the tooth, that is irritating...
Getting older is fine, but all of these little things can get you down.
G reached his hand across & just gave my hand a pat.
Better than all those little things, I think. You are a lucky lady.
I agree with Rob: bring the glasses back and get them to change them to what you really want. It's hard to be an assertive customer sometimes but life is expensive, money is limited, and companies have options in how well they listen to their customers the first time round.
Happy anniversary !! What is secret to that long marriage?
I honestly don’t think there’s an easy answer to that! Luck comes into it. I worked with my husband for 9 months & got to know him before we started going out. I was only 17 when I met him, 18 when we got together.
I wear bifocals as well, I always specify the height of that line and make it lower than standard. Except when reading I think it works better. My prescription sunglasses have a very small close up area. If you are not happy take them back and get what you are happy with, the whole try them and bring them back thing always seems to me to be a way to get you out of the place and hope you don't bring them back. Happy or not!
I’m pretty sure I’ll be taking them back, Rob. I tried them this afternoon taking Archie for a walk & they’re horrible!
Sorry to hear about the tooth, that is irritating.
It is, Rob. I need to have a crown. My poor dentist seemed as upset & disappointed as me.

Better than all those little things, I think. You are a lucky lady.
I know, Rob. I am very lucky!

Life seems to go in runs. You have a good trot & everything goes right & life is good & then it can go the other way.
R rang me before I left & he was distraught. At 1 am this morning he woke to a horrible screaming sound & he thought it was possums fighting. I won’t tell you all the details but his dog was having a fit- foaming at the mouth & worse. He’s currently at the emergency vet hospital in Hobart & I don’t know the outcome. It’s 2 months since his last dog was run over. I really feel they should not have rehomed this dog. I believe in euthanasia.
Happy Anniversary! Wow, 52 years!! Do you reminisce about your years together on anniversaries? I bet you have so many lovely stories to tell.
We do. We have experienced so much together & we pinch ourselves sometimes.
That stinks about your glasses and your tooth. I do not like the bifocals I got either. Mine have a tiny strip for reading which makes it so you have to look down to read, and it makes the ground look like it's swaying. I hope the dentist trip goes well and isn't painful to reattach the tooth.
I have 2 appointments to have the next thing done & am going to miss our ladies championships, which I was looking forward to.
Can you dish up your own portions of food instead of having G do it? I got myself another cup measure that is just for measuring out food, and that works well - I keep it washed and dried and ready at all times.
I’ll get through to him, M.
Thanks everyone for your constant support. My problems are small compared to most people’s.
I gave away two hearts today- one to the dental receptionist who I really like & I sensed was a bit stressed & one for the dentist who has been feeling unwell. I left his with her to give him later.