Cate's Diary

Yay to resisting all those cravings and still having a deficit on a snack-y day! Funny, I had a bat that flew onto my hood inside the house because it wanted me to protect it from the cats. So I went outside with it in my hood, and it didn't want to leave. I had to stand around quite a while before it decided it was done with our visit. Bats are so adorable!

I'm glad that G and you are taking good care of your health so you don't have to worry about either of you being alone for quite some time with any luck!!
I agree about protein bars often being like candy bars so even if they have a lot of protein they're very moreish and not satiating enough. Well done saying no to wine and chocolate!
Thanks, Marsia & Llama. I think my cravings are from really trying to cut right down on my meals while G is away. Probably a touch of boredom or wanting to fill the space. I'm not used to being alone much & have felt quite lonely.
I rang my friend, T, my favourite golfer & after talking to her I felt inspired to go into town, where I-
went to the library,
the chemist,
the wholefood place,
& then the supermarket. I gave Arch walks in between & came home utterly exhausted. I don't need to go anywhere again until next week.
I'm currently on 790 cals at 4.30 pm. I might allow myself some ice cream & fruit after my dinner tonight I think. I have some nice low-fat, low-sugar, ice cream. I bought lots of yummy fruit- fresh mangoes, a pineapple, some canteloupe & some honeydew melon & I have some mixed berries in the fridge as well. I'm not sure what I'll have, but I will make a fruit salad tomorrow.
Dinner I think will be some venison & veggie soup as I took out a serve to take to golf, but didn't go to golf. I didn't want Archie to be stressed as he has been a bit weird this week, especially when I left him at home on Saturday night & there was a storm. G left, then I left & then I came home with E. I think his poor little brain has been confused. He has been on guard a lot.
Wildlife adventures are fun. Bats are so cute.
Edit: @Marsia
My tuna patty recipe is here-
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Oh good for you with that outing--sounds like a really good day even if it was a little exhausting...I hope your evening was restful and nourishing and filled with good reading :)
It sounds like one of those packed shopping days that are really satisfying, but that you hope not to have to repeat anytime soon. I forgot about low sugar low fat ice cream. I used to really like that as a treat. Thank you for the delicious looking tuna patty recipe. It looks so good, and I really want to try it soon. We have so much canned tuna. Poor little dog. I remember my kittens looking at me alarmed the first time it poured down rain outside when they were very small. They'd look at the rain in alarm and look back at me, and kept doing that. I didn't know how to explain that I can't turn off the rain for them. I wish we could turn down the thunder for dogs who hate that! I've been watching lots of snuggly animal videos like of fawn rescues and amazing puppy stories lately. It really makes me a lot calmer and happier quite quickly!

Hope you are having fun with a wonderful book and a good Archie snuggle!
Calling a friend when you're feeling kind of blue and alone is just the right thing and I'm glad you're taking good care of yourself with G away. Not long now!
Thank you, Liza, Marsia & Llama :grouphug:
Ringing T, who is like a ray of sunshine, lifted my spirits & got me going. She truly is inspirational. She giggles a lot & seems to find the humour in everything. We talk about anything & everything. She's a tonic. Her husband is sharing a room with G on this trip & it's their first time apart. Like G, he was worrying about having everything just right for her & fussing. She's not meant to be driving after her hand operation but is going to drive to work today (she works one day a week) today as she's bored at home. I told her how naughty that was.
Marsia, I love canned tuna. It feels funny for me to share a "recipe" of my own. Most people who know me know that I don't cook. I used to decades ago, but it's never been something I particularly enjoy & I'm very self-critical about my cooking "skills". About most things really.
Archie has settled down again & was back to his usual self yesterday. He loves an outing & just loves being by my side.
I decided against the ice cream last night & had yoghurt with fruit last night after dinner. I was hungry at about 9 p.m. & had 4 rice crackers with hommus. I had a deficit of 379 cals.
Only one more sleep, LLama. Only one more sleep! It really does feel like I am taking extra care of myself this time with G away. Usually, I would have had a glass or two of wine some nights and/or some chocolate or sweet biscuits.
Yesterday I did a quick list of what I would really want to take with me if I moved & it's not a big list. I'm not super attached to our furniture. Even the dining table which belonged to my great aunt & uncle & has an extension I'm not that attached to & can't imagine it fitting into a smaller house or unit. I did the list on my phone under my notes & I think it will be good to add and/or subtract to it. I find doing this is fun. I can imagine living in a cottage or a bungalow in town. Having an undercover outdoor area where most of my plants could live would have to be a high priority & a safe & secluded dog yard.
Maybe we should start looking again......
I think house hunting is like any kind of shopping: a lot more fun when you don't have the pressure of needing something soon. Just browsing a bit now and then mightn't be a bad thing.
I think house hunting is like any kind of shopping: a lot more fun when you don't have the pressure of needing something soon. Just browsing a bit now and then mightn't be a bad thing.
I think so too, Llama. It helps me to clarify what I would really like in the next house we live in. We don't need to downsize yet but it's good to know what's out there. A lot of people make an offer subject to finance and/or subject to selling your place. It's food for thought anyway.
I have had a good day today.
I did quite a bit of housework, polished off a Donna Leon book (A Sea of Troubles) took Archie for a good walk, and snaffled some lemons off a neighbour's tree as their gate was open (I do have permission).
I really felt like a wine rather than a pot of herbal tea & drank a whole bottle of non-alcoholic bubbly- chardonnay/pinot Noir/Muscat. It was delicious (not sweet) & satisfied the urge/habit & was only 98 cals for the whole bottle. :D A win!
At 4.45 I am at only 800 cals. I'm not sure what I'm having for dinner. I may eat the remaining 2 tuna patties, but I had one for breakfast(+ 1/2 an avocado & a kiwi fruit) & 2 for lunch (with veggies). I'm not sure what I feel like, but maybe it will be salad items & some crackers & cheese & maybe some fruit with yoghurt or ice cream. I didn't get that fruit salad made.
The house hunting with no pressure sounds perfect...i often look around to see what my options would be if I would ever have to leave my current place (not many at all anywhere so hopefully can live here forever!!)
I could really see you enjoying small town life where you can easily just walk over to the library, or to the shops, and walk Archie in a park and see people...You'll know when it's the right time for you to move...

Your day sounds lovely with a good read, a good walk and some housework and that non-alcoholic drink!
T sounds amazing. So happy you have her in your life! I'm going through a similar process of figuring out what I really want to take with us on the move, and looking at houses and dreaming about which ones would really make me happy, and which ones are really just eye candy or not practical. It really helps me to dream and rethink and dream some more! Your food sounds good, and that's wonderful you can have an entire bottle of non-alcoholic wine and still be fine for calories! It's so nice you can cook with G gone and not be self critical about it. The older I get the more I see how life is for enjoying, not perfecting!!
Well done on not overindulging while G is away. Your friendship with T is really lovely to read about. I’m glad she gave you a boost.
The house hunting with no pressure sounds perfect...i often look around to see what my options would be if I would ever have to leave my current place (not many at all anywhere so hopefully can live here forever!!)
I could really see you enjoying small town life where you can easily just walk over to the library, or to the shops, and walk Archie in a park and see people...You'll know when it's the right time for you to move...
I think I will. I don't think it's yet.
Your day sounds lovely with a good read, a good walk and some housework and that non-alcoholic drink!
It was nice.
T sounds amazing. So happy you have her in your life! I'm going through a similar process of figuring out what I really want to take with us on the move, and looking at houses and dreaming about which ones would really make me happy, and which ones are really just eye candy or not practical. It really helps me to dream and rethink and dream some more! Your food sounds good, and that's wonderful you can have an entire bottle of non-alcoholic wine and still be fine for calories! It's so nice you can cook with G gone and not be self critical about it.
Dreaming, thinking & dreaming some more. That's what I'm doing :)
I read the label 3 times I think, plus double-checked on MFP. I'll have to buy that one again!
The older I get the more I see how life is for enjoying, not perfecting!!
Oh, definitely!
Well done on not overindulging while G is away. Your friendship with T is really lovely to read about. I’m glad she gave you a boost.
Thanks, Em. T is an absolute gem
I went to bed at our usual time of 10.40 pm last night & didn't wake until 6 am. I can't remember when that happened last. I decided to get up & get showered & dressed as I was expecting G early & wasn't sure what time. He just rang to say they're on the road & will be here in about 20 minutes. I have also had breakfast & have the fire going nicely. I just had toast.
If you find really lovely houses that have open house days, you might want to consider going to see them in person occasionally. It might be a fun way of finding a real estate agent you click with. We used to do open houses for remodeling ideas, and it's like those house tours you pay to go to, except it's free. Glad you slept so well, too, and I hope you have a great time catching up with G!
I decided to get up & get showered & dressed as I was expecting G early & wasn't sure what time. He just rang to say they're on the road & will be here in about 20 minutes. I have also had breakfast & have the fire going nicely. I just had toast.
I love that--I can hear the love you have for G in your posts about him and it makes my heart happy :)
Thanks, Liza, Llama, Marsia & Tru :)
I am so happy to have G at home again. He hopes that A doesn't organise an interstate trip next year as he would prefer a few days away within Tasmania too.
I think I'll look online at houses for now as I don't want to feel pressured to look actively yet & real estate agents can be very "enthusiastic" (to put it nicely).
I love that--I can hear the love you have for G in your posts about him and it makes my heart happy :)
That is very sweet, Liza. He makes my heart happy,

I had a terrible night's sleep last night. I think you do sleep better on your own, but also I shared a bottle of red wine with him yesterday and, while I enjoyed it at the time. I didn't enjoy my restless, wide-awake night. I was so thirsty! Back to no wine today. It's our wedding anniversary on Monday & I'll have some bubbly then, rather than any over the weekend as "allowed".
I can't remember if we've discussed this before (and this is me talking from memory about something I looked into when things were bad 15 years ago so as always feel free to disregard if it doesn't ring true for you): with your allergies I wouldn't be surprised if your body had trouble dealing with extra histamine from food/drink and while not all red wines are high in histamines many are. Plus iirc alcohol triggers histamine production, which gave me many a sleepless night. But sometimes it's worth it and having G back is definitely something to celebrate!
Oh, I know it's the histamines in red wine, Llama, mainly because after a week without any wine at all & then having those two glasses I also had Asthma. I don't think it is worth it, even though I love red wine. I needed a break from drinking red wine at all (a few weeks) to know just what an effect it had on me. It was obvious last night. I would only have had about 4 hours of sleep for the night.
It will be hard for him to cope with as it's something that we love sharing but he'll have to get used to it. It won't hurt him to drink a bit less either. I'll have an occasional bottle of bubbly with him as it doesn't seem to affect me badly & I love it. When I don't drink wine I don't actually miss it. The non-alcoholic bubbly I enjoyed as much as I do the usual stuff.
I appreciate your advice, by the way, Llama. I just mentioned in Rob's diary that I think of the advice you gave him about looking further ahead when you walk, rather than down at your feet & I have been doing that on my walks with Archie. My neck & shoulders hurt a lot less & I think of you when I walk. Thank you xo
I had a good day at home, while G played golf (haha- for the 5th time this week). I have made a big start on sorting through stuff I might try selling again. Our sons want to check it out before I sell anything. I'll see. Our older son & his wife will be moving into their new house in mid-November. I would love to get the boys together & get them to start saying what they want & maybe we can distribute more & declutter some more. Even if we put stickers under some things. It just needs to be fair or they can buy some of our stuff.
Anyhow, sorting it out to maybe sell was rewarding. Some extra money would be handy. This year has been expensive, with my golf cart & little car, golf trips etc. It's time to try to bring some money in.