Cate's Diary

That drive does sound terrible--glad you made it back safe and sound.
Nice to hear you having a lovely talk/connecting time together and that she says she aspires to a relationship like yours and G ❤️
How old is she again, 15? Somewhere around there, if I remember correctly. Definitely an age where some extra sleep and one on one attention from a caring adult are welcome.
She's 17 now. She has not had an easy life & has had a lot of responsibility & stress. She is a sweetie & seems to have come through the worst of it.
That rainy ride home sounds miserable: I got caught in a deluge like that once and I had to stop in the middle of the road at some point because the tires lost contact with the road surface even at walking speed, I literally couldn't see the road, and there were guard rails on both sides so I couldn't get off to the side. Which was a good thing, I guess, because when the weather cleared enouch to continue there were cars in ditches everywhere. Terrifying stuff and I'm glad you got home safely.
That would have been terrifying. I was very scared on the drive home & was so relieved to get home. I'll avoid night driving again if I can but I didn't have much option the other night.
That drive does sound terrible--glad you made it back safe and sound.
Nice to hear you having a lovely talk/connecting time together and that she says she aspires to a relationship like yours and G ❤️
Thanks, Liza. It was terrible. It was good to have some "proper" chats. You find out so much when you get a chance to have a one-on-one, without having to ask any questions.
I had the urge to make tuna patties yesterday & mixed them up while E was still asleep. I weighed everything out so I could work out calories. I cooked them up later in the afternoon & had 2 for my early dinner at 5.30 pm. To a can of tuna in olive oil I added a cup of grated carrot & a little grated fresh parmesan, finely chopped mint, parsley & spinach, some mixed seeds & nuts, lime juice, capers, garlic, a little sambal oelek, 2 eggs & some GF breadcrumbs & I fried them in olive oil. They were delicious! It made 12 & they're about 100 cals each.
After my last blood test showed slightly elevated cholesterol I'm cutting down on butter & using olive oil more. Also, my skin is very dry & eating more olive oil & avocado might help.
I weighed this morning & am down another kilo so I won't drop my calories.
Congrats on another kilo gone!! That recipe sounds so good. Glad you stayed safe on that harrowing drive. I know what you mean about headlights making the rain look more pronounced and in the way of seeing the road. You have such a lovely family, it's so heartwarming hearing you describe your chats with your granddaughter, how sweet G is, and how much you miss him when he's gone. I hope you get to have some nice you-time in!
She's 17 now. She has not had an easy life & has had a lot of responsibility & stress. She is a sweetie & seems to have come through the worst of it.
Time passes so quickly :eek: It's rough to grow up with too much responsibility but having a loving, trusted adult to talk to makes a big difference.

Your tuna patties sound delicious! Also: yay for another kilo gone :party:
Thanks, Marsia, Llama & Vic.
Losing another kilo made me feel so good this morning. It's disheartening to eat super healthily & cut down on everything, especially wine & not see any change on the scales. I know I won't lose a kilo a week for long, but I feel good being back on track. My tuna patties are absolutely delicious. I must make them again. I wrote everything down on a piece of paper to check the calories & nutrition & I must take the time to input them into MFP. I eat when I'm hungry while G is away.
I am grateful that I have the relationships that I do with our sons & GK's. I wish that our older son spent more time with his kids. Hopefully, they will when he & his wife move into their new home, which is out of town. They made an offer on a place & it was accepted last week.
I have been in this forum since E was only 6 months old!
I surprised G when he rang me yesterday when I told him I had made a batch of tuna patties. I should try cooking more often just to surprise him.
I stayed at home today & took Arch for a walk. I found a sunscreen in the cupboard & used it today. It was a mistake as it felt horrible & I have had a headache. I'll give it away. It was in the cupboard for a reason. I'm going to wear sunscreen every day from now on & moisturise at night. My face looks all scabby :( I might stay home again tomorrow but I'll see how I feel in the morning.
Ouch on the evil sunscreen. You probably already know but sunscreen "decays" once it's been opened so unless you know when you put it away it's generally best not to use found sunscreen.
I didn’t know that, thanks Llama. I’ll throw it out.
I am fighting the urge to eat chocolate!
I can do it.
I can do it!
Edit: I very slowly ate 4 small squares of dark chocolate & put it into MFP. My calories were exactly 1500 cals! A small deficit today with my exercise.
Would your skin be ok with almond oil or a vitamin E oil? I didn't know that about sunscreen either. Some of ours is older than K! That's so wonderful how dedicated you've been to your health being on the forum this long. I get discouraged with not being ideal weight at times, but also think about what things might be like if I weren't trying so hard! Is E's new house closer to yours so maybe you'll get to see everyone more often? Can you share recipes on MFP? I'd love the tuna recipe link! I think you're doing so, so well getting back into the routine of seriously tracking and slowly losing. You absolutely can do it!!!
Aw your new picture is so great! Did one of your grandkids do that? Loving the heart on the sweater!!

So great about another kilo down! So glad your efforts are paying off--as you say it can be super discouraging if one is making all the efforts and not seeing the scales go down...Your kilo down gives me some hope and encouragement to keep on track.

Lovely about your tuna patties and surprising G with your cooking skills!
I didn't know that about sunscreen either. Some of ours is older than K!
I don't know if it's the same outside the EU but here cosmetics (including sunscreen) have a little drawing of a half-open pot of lotion or something with a number below it. 3M for usable 3 months after opening and so on.
Screenshot_20231023-191854_Samsung Internet.jpg
If they keep for less than 30 months even without opening they carry a best before date, often explained only with the symbol of an egg timer.
Screenshot_20231023-191926_Samsung Internet.jpg
They needn't be unhealthy for you if used after that (although they can be) but especially with sunscreen it's important to know that you aren't getting anywhere near the protection it says on the label anymore.
Our granddaughter told me last night that she aspires to a relationship like ours. She is so sweet.
Preach! I love that you snuck a heart into his bag. Too cute!!

Well done on losing the kilo Cate and I hope you start feeling better about your skin. Steaming the face over a basin can work really well.
If you can stop at a little bit, chocolate isn't evil. I hope the rest of the day was easier.
I know, Llama, but I had imposed a rule that I couldn't have any chocolate except for Sunday night & I had already had some chocolate with E at the weekend. It was a valuable lesson as I really felt like an orange afterwards, but the chocolate put me on exactly 1500 cals for the day so I didn't have that orange to teach myself a lesson. I just don't want to go backwards again. It's a slippery slope.
I threw that sunscreen out as it was horrible anyway. It was only a small tube.
Would your skin be ok with almond oil or a vitamin E oil?
I have an excellent moisturiser & a new sunscreen, which I will put on tomorrow for golf. I also have been dabbing on vitamin E oil. My skin is healing quickly.
That's so wonderful how dedicated you've been to your health being on the forum this long. I get discouraged with not being ideal weight at times, but also think about what things might be like if I weren't trying so hard!
Thanks, M. I think I would be back at my old weight if I weren't here. It's so easy to give up but we deserve better.
Is E's new house closer to yours so maybe you'll get to see everyone more often? Can you share recipes on MFP? I'd love the tuna recipe link! I think you're doing so, so well getting back into the routine of seriously tracking and slowly losing. You absolutely can do it!!!
E lives with her Mum & doesn't stay with her Dad (our older son) & his wife at all. I'm hoping that will change when D & T move into their new place. E has come through a very rough patch where she was a bad influence on T's youngest daughter. I don't think E realises the impact she had & it's not up to me to talk to her about that as I'm not really meant to know about it. I don't want her to know that I know the extent of the things that she did & said. I could feel her hurt though & felt for her.
Edit: I have just been sent some lovely photos of D, by T. She only rarely contacts me & I see her only once a year at Christmas so this is good that she's communicating with me.
I'll share that tuna recipe with you when I input it into MFP for sure :)
Aw your new picture is so great! Did one of your grandkids do that? Loving the heart on the sweater!!
I love this drawing too. Our GD did that on our whiteboard when she was 10. I'm so glad I took a photo of it!
So great about another kilo down! So glad your efforts are paying off--as you say it can be super discouraging if one is making all the efforts and not seeing the scales go down...Your kilo down gives me some hope and encouragement to keep on track.
Thanks, Liza. I think I'm making more of an effort this time around & am being super strict with logging. I have to maintain this enthusiasm if I have a week without any loss, especially with not having wine as my wine is the equivalent of everyone else's chocolate or cake. I have "allowed" myself a wine during the week, only if I play golf & at weekends if I feel like it. I'm not having any while G is away.
Lovely about your tuna patties and surprising G with your cooking skills!
He is such a good cook & he knows I don't like cooking at all. I may freeze a couple of them as they'll be handy for golf days & I don't want to get sick of them.
Preach! I love that you snuck a heart into his bag. Too cute!!
I love that man so much! He rang me this morning & Sunday night. He's halfway through the trip, but who's counting ;)
Well done on losing the kilo Cate and I hope you start feeling better about your skin. Steaming the face over a basin can work really well.
Thanks, Em. I might try the steam bath thing at the end of the day after wearing sunscreen. Getting the stuff off to let moisturiser in isn't easy with my skin the way it is right now. Dabbing with a wet face cloth just doesn't do the trick.

I had a bat experience during the night. I woke to hear a strange fluttering noise in the bedroom. I turned on the light & saw a bat flying around near our high window. I got out of bed, opened up the curtains & big sliding doors, turned on the outside light, picked Arch up & walked out of the room & went out to the living room. I went to the loo, and let him outside & when I went back to the bedroom I saw the bat fly outside. I quickly closed everything up again, went back to bed & back to sleep fairly quickly. Living in the bush is interesting. Wildlife adventures are the norm. I'm glad we don't have bears or crocodiles though.
They are & we don't, thank goodness. I wouldn't try catching one though, Llama as they do carry other viruses & a scratch can get nasty.
I wish G was coming home tomorrow. The weather is wild & windy, I have read all of the library books & I miss him!
I'm about to look up some recipes for protein bars, which would be handy to take to golf.....
Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering why E flew to see you. That must be so hard watching a grandkid get into trouble and you have to remain quiet and supportive in the background. I'm so glad she has you for support!! The new avatar is very spiffy and super-heroine looking. I love it, too! I love that you can open a door, go do some things, and casually let a bat out of your house. I would have every net-like thing and pole out and would have been wide awake for hours afterward from all the strategizing and exertion! Making your own protein bars sounds like a great project, and thank you for sharing the tuna recipe, too! By the time G gets back, you may have taken over the kitchen as your realm!!
Oh boy I'm impressed with your bat skills!
Too bad about running out of you have any around the house that are good for a re-read?
Thanks for the explanation. I was wondering why E flew to see you. That must be so hard watching a grandkid get into trouble and you have to remain quiet and supportive in the background. I'm so glad she has you for support!! The new avatar is very spiffy and super-heroine looking. I love it, too! I love that you can open a door, go do some things, and casually let a bat out of your house. I would have every net-like thing and pole out and would have been wide awake for hours afterward from all the strategizing and exertion! Making your own protein bars sounds like a great project, and thank you for sharing the tuna recipe, too! By the time G gets back, you may have taken over the kitchen as your realm!!
I didn't really explain properly. E lives with her Mum 40 km from where I live. She has a BF who lives in Melbourne (interstate) & they get together once a month & alternate. They go halves in the costs. The airport is 60 km from where I live in the opposite direction. Her Dad also lives in the same city but he's away. Her brother lives nearer the airport, but he's also away & her Mum just said she couldn't pick her up.
I love that drawing & love that is how E sees me.
I was once that person who would have freaked out about bats & spiders but somehow overcame it. They usually are scared & just want peace & quiet. It was good to see it fly out. It will probably find its way back in again one night. They love living in our eaves.
I decided against making the protein bars as they seemed too much like sweets. I think I would rather have a "proper" meal. I will input that tuna patty recipe today & share it with you. I will definitely not be taking over the kitchen. G is welcome to it. I'm glad I did get the urge to cook though.
Oh boy I'm impressed with your bat skills!
Too bad about running out of you have any around the house that are good for a re-read?
My sister stayed with us years ago & we had a little bat in our snooker room & we tried getting it out. It landed on my shoulder & I calmly walked outside & stood there until it flew off into the night. My sister was amazed as when we were little she used to escort me to the outside toilet as I was afraid of anything & everything. She's four years younger than me & scared of very little.
I do have some books that I could re-read, but I think I'll start cleaning some windows instead.
Only two more days until G gets home. Whenever he goes on these golfing trips I get a taste of what it would be like if he's not around permanently & I know that I would turn into a hermit. I would need to move into town for sure.
I felt like having a wine yesterday but didn't.
I felt like having chocolate but didn't.
I had a deficit of 216. I had the hungries in between meals & 2x 3 crackers with blue cheese, which bumped up my calories.