Cate's Diary

I really like odds & sods. Here it's called odds and ends - I like your expression better.
I'm full of silly sayings. I'm using them more & more these days on purpose. I love language. Both of our sons love our expressions & use them frequently. The world would become bland if we let them go. I used to say crikey until it became too much of a Steve Irwin thing.
Playing alone, without pressure, once a week sounds lovely. My absolute most hated part of my job is when we have interns who are new enough that they're just supposed to tag along and watch. Instantly convinces me that I'm a fraud who doesn't know what they're doing.
I get so nervous being watched, Llama!
Your weekend plans sound great; have fun!
Thanks, Llama. I will try, that's for sure.

I just gave my car a good scrub & G vacuumed it. I have been active again today.
I love quirky sayings and I'll just translate them literally whenever applicable.
Yay for another active day!
e are going away tomorrow for a couple of nights. Arch will be going to the kennels. G is playing golf on Sunday but I am going with M (A's wife) to Port Arthur. I haven't been there for a long, long time so decided to go there rather than play golf. It should be a fun couple of days. There is going to be live music at the place we're staying on Saturday night. Yes!
Oh lovely--live music!! Have a lovely couple of days!

I also like the idea of getting out onto the golf course on your own--that does sound very relaxing and meditative.
Cate, nothing can convince me that you are not a really good golfer. Nothing! You are so hard on yourself lady!

Also, best of luck with the new plan and enjoy your weekend with live music tonight. xxx
Thanks, Llama, Liza & Em.
I have run out of time again so I haven't got around to all of the diaries & had better get on the move. It has turned cold again. I must, must, must be much lighter by next winter as I don't have many warm clothes that still fit me. I have lost a kilo this week. That's a start at least. I really want to be at least 7 kg lighter by next April. At least!
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I’m on the way home now & probably won’t touch my laptop until tomorrow. I’ll also weigh in the morning. We had a great time. I’ll tell you about it tomorrow xo
I weighed this morning & maintained that 1 kg loss over the weekend :)
We had a fun weekend & I mostly made good choices but had a day without any salad or veggies, which is unusual for me. Next time we go there we will stay in an apartment in the same complex but with a kitchen & will take our breakfast & fruit & salad items. I can't go without them. I ate way less than I usually do & walked a lot more so the weekend balanced out.
I didn't play golf on Sunday as I knew that M wanted company for the day & I really enjoyed the day I spent with her & loved walking around Port Arthur. It's a magnificent place. Next time we go G & I will go down there a day earlier & do the tour but include the 2-hour boat cruise & I will play golf on Sunday. We have a dinner on Saturday night & it's fun to catch up with everyone properly. We are cementing friendships within the playing group & have another female member, which is great. She's lovely. We have arranged to play together in December. She lives with her husband down where we were at the weekend & has only just started playing golf.
We were both so tired after the drive home. It's over 3.5 hours of driving without stops after a full weekend without much sleep. We were in a double bed in a smallish room within the actual hotel & on Saturday night it was booked out & noisy. It was so good to be back in our bed last night.
Port Arthur is a wonderful site & I will spend more time there next time to take it all in.
I managed to have a deficit on both days but I don't feel it was in a healthy way. Today I had overnight soaked oats & fruit with unsweetened almond milk. Lunch will be some salad items plus Ryvita crackers, cottage cheese, and hommus maybe.... Dinner will be chicken & salad. I will have an orange after lunch & a small fruit platter after dinner & no wine.
Thanks, Vic. I will definitely make sure I have a room with a kitchen next time. It wasn't clear what was available in the room, but next time I'll know. There were no salad items available in the small shop down that way either so I'll take healthy choices with me.
Port Arthur looks so beautiful and serene. So nice you could spend the day there walking with a friend. I commiserate about travel and finding healthy things to eat. We brought a big cooler full of food on our recent trip and went to the grocery store every few days for fresh fruit and veggies. I hope you get lots of well earned sleep and wake up to a lovely breakfast waiting for you!
Keeping a deficit going while away for the weekend and deprived of healthy choices is so hard but it shows how determined you are. All that walking around probably helped, too. How lovely to be cementing existing friendships and making new ones! I can imagine you'd be exhausted though, especially with that long drive and disturbed sleep on top of everything else.
Sounds like a really lovely weekend! Good job on maintaining the loss despite the challenges and your plans to take some healthy foods along for next time sounds great.
Thanks, Marsia, Llama & Liza xo
It felt good to maintain with a weekend away. I did walk a lot & that felt good too. My knee is complaining a fair bit, because of all the stairs.
I have managed to get back on track this time & that feels good.
I have caught up with my sleep now.
I’m off to golf today. It should be fun hearing what the women thought of the sponsor day last week.
I had a deficit again yesterday & went for 2 walks.
Glad you have your nice golf cart and can give your knees a rest if needed. It's great you are getting to make the club more your own little by little, and that you have your happy group to go talk over things with!
I hope your knee calms down (with Marsia I cheer for your wonderful cart!) and hope you have a lovely day. I will say I'm still a little apprehensive about the club but it sounds SO much better than it used to.
Glad you have your nice golf cart and can give your knees a rest if needed. It's great you are getting to make the club more your own little by little, and that you have your happy group to go talk over things with!
Thanks, M. My cart has made all of the difference. I am chipping away at the golf club & am starting to feel more a part of it. I make more effort, without sucking up & it's paying off. I cracked a hard one today. There is one woman who came back to the club this year after a long time away who ignores me completely & I have been thinking of asking her why. Today she came outside & I was the only one there. I said hi & asked her how her recent trip was & she replied enthusiastically & we had a nice conversation about it. She was friendly to me later in the day. It felt like a breakthrough. I have no idea why she has been like she has, but it felt good not to have to ask her & to feel like I seemed to connect favourably with her. I think it may have something to do with G's Mum as she used to spend a lot of time with her.
I hope your knee calms down (with Marsia I cheer for your wonderful cart!) and hope you have a lovely day. I will say I'm still a little apprehensive about the club but it sounds SO much better than it used to.
My knee did calm down, thanks, Llama & I love, love, love my cart. All of the walking helped me to get around easier today, I think. It was a really good day. I don't blame you for being apprehensive about the club, after what happened with us in the past. I have also changed my attitude towards the women as well & make much more of an effort. The committee of the actual club has changed for the better as well & G & I are treated well. One person made such a difference. He is a toxic person.
I played with the woman whose husband had died not long ago & who came for a lift in my cart. She has since bought a cart of her own. She is off a much longer handicap than me & I suggested we played together. We played in a two & it was fun. She's harder on herself than me & I encouraged her all day. She beat me on a countback in division 2, which made me very happy. I feel I talked her into coming back to golf & it was fun to encourage her to play well. It was a good day! She & I got thanked for the kitchen cleaning & one of the women earlier had mentioned to me how good the kitchen looked & was wondering who had done it. It does look good.
I resisted home-made carrot cake, made for an 80th birthday. I love carrot cake. Yay!
That's wonderful you are able to have all these do-overs and make the club a more welcoming place for you and G each time! You're really brave in being kind and friendly toward people who have been distant to you (and even challenging to you with some of the members). That's such a wonderful thing - it's like you are giving them a heart, but verbally! That's really good news that the committee has changed for the better, and I agree - one bad apple gone can change everything for the better. And I love hearing how you got the woman who is recently widowed back into golf and are encouraging her!!

Oh, I forgot to ask you, we were driving past a golf course after sunset and we saw a golf ball flying through the air with a green light on it. Does that mean that night golfing is a thing? Have you ever done that? The course wasn't lit up or anything, so it was really surprising seeing a lit up golf ball flying in a lovely arc toward us!

Well done on dodging the carrot cake!!